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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. I see the Note 4 being a hit especially with it being tri-band but something tells me that by mid year the Galaxy Note Edge will surface as a real product. (But more likely overseas in Korea first). TS
  2. Speaking of 10" screen tablet, Last year a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 with LTE was approved by the FCC for Sprint, but I do not recall ever seeing that tablet on the Sprint Website. In fact I went in search to see if there were any topics over in the Sprint site and there was one thread asking when Sprint is going to support the device. Although one poster stated that they bought it off of QVC with the Sprint logo on it. I find that hard to believe that any retailer would sell a device with a company/carrier logo before actually showing up on the company's website. Anyway, I wouldn't mind seeing any Note type tablet like the 8.0, 10.1 or 12.2 Note Pro though to be honest. TS
  3. I thought there was a thread or post outlining the backhaul providers (how many there are and which ones were used) but for the life of me I can't find it. TS
  4. So basically you are saying that they don't have any more tricks up their sleeves (aka Uncarrier moves). Something tells me they have quite a few more. Even if they didn't, they would pull a rabbit out of a hat and say its an uncarrier move that no one else has done before and market it as such that many would eat up. TS
  5. if you guys feel like discussing the ins, outs, why its better why it sucks in regard to phones and OSs please feel free to post in the appropriate device section. Lets try to keep this thread on topic. TS
  6. Actually Rocket87 mentioned it last Wed in this post..
  7. It still is Greek, but I like learning new languages. That would be awesome.
  8. The problem is that alot of customers see the marketing/advertising being fed to them by other carriers and media outlets as what is needed when in reality they don't need 23mb download speeds. I still don't know how to take that statement as many times as i read the original comments. Whats wrong with being a street fighter or a bandit for that matter. Anything is better than being a Legere. Off-topic what is it with Masa and big tall guys? Granted he is small so anyone would be tall but still, Hesse was over 6 feet and Marcelo is also. It's like talking to a belly button. lol TS
  9. Who Nikesh Arora? hmmm interesting. But his new title at Softbank is Vice-Chairman and CEO of Internet and Media. Now he could possible do double duty as CEO of Sprint, but if Masa highly admires John Legere (as mentioned him saying in numerous articles), then most likely he will pick someone that would be a gung ho and crazy like Legere. Either way, it won't be long (if the rumor is true) to find out who the next CEO is. TS
  10. Man I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in that meeting that led to that decision. Commence speculation posts in 3..2..1...
  11. Most important part highlighted in BOLD. TS
  12. I have to agree with this. They need more in terms of Windows phones/tablets and in Android tablets. The more selection the better. As for the earnings report, good to see some good news, but these media outlets, the bias shown is mindboggling. TS
  13. When I first saw this I thought that Masa had finally initiated his Rapid Fire B plan which basically attaches pico size smoke detectors on sites that have LTE to quell the complaints from members that an't tell if their site has LTE or not. But then I saw this... Read in latest Telco News and Site Reports... TS out Edit: off topic but I didn't realize that real life trenchcoat ex- Sprint spokesperson Brian Baker is married to Terry Farrell (of Star Trek DS9 fame)
  14. Quite pitiful that I am at 0.7854 then again I'm not much of a talker. basically Machete don't post, Machete just bans. Congrats on those that made the list. TS out
  15. Its almost 1 hour after your post, I figure I'll download the update, but I don't see it in the play store yet. It still shows version 3.6.1 TS
  16. I know its small due to the dimensions specified in the spec sheet, but actually seeing it on video still took me by surprise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRRRNLPxdGE
  17. I find it interesting that Hawaii is not on that map and yet on the CCA cell map it does show Hawaii. TS
  18. When it comes to this issue i have a love hate relationship. On one hand i hate when i am out and about here in NYC and try to get on wi-fi to only see either Time-Warner or Comcast available. Clicking on them and one has to have an account with them, Strange that Verizon Fios doesn't have that set up. Anyway, its times like that which I like the idea of shared universal wi-fi for all. But i also dislike the fact that someone would be using my home service to broadcast out to the neighborhood for anyone to use as a free wi-fi. But like AJ said, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Regardless, I do see this happening more and more regardless of what the consumer wants. usually the router is the property of the cable company and the user is basically renting it anyway (who actually bought their cable providers' router). TS
  19. Folks to avoid this thread getting further sidetracked, all Comcast sharing wi-fi posts have been placed in its own thread here. Lets try to keep this one just about the Sprint - T-Mobile offer. TS
  20. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, every other embedded table I done works , this one isn't displaying, anyway, I added the link in case. TS
  21. Lisa from MobileTechReviews said this afternoon that she will be reviewing it once it comes in and I am sure a few other places will review it as well, in the meantime I decided to compare the specs against a few of the top pico projectors as per the projectorcentral web site. In doing so I noticed that there is another Android OS pico projector out in the market made by AAXA Technologies. (For those not wanting to be tied down to the Sprint Network) Anyway here is a quick compare table... In case you can't see the table below click here
  22. That's not a bad idea, I'm out of contract on my Netgear hotspot and my work recently allowed me to access the buildings wi-fi/network with my laptop, So I really no longer need the hotspot. I can swap it for this device.
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