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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. First of all Aloha, welcome to the forum (since this is your first post out in the open). Although you state you have been watching this thread for a long time, please feel free to look over the rest of the forums as well as the FAQ for many of your answers. As well as to the general conduct we expect of members participating in the forums, which basically means no rants, do take time to search (since majority of the questions probably have been answered) and catch up on the ins and outs of Network Vision. beyond that, over here in NYC (as elsewhere) when sites were being upgraded, I too did experienced poor reception, dropped calls, etc etc but only for a short while. I would assume the same is currently happening over in the Aloha state. But once you get a taste of LTE you will like it. FAQ TS
  2. Not saying they are due either. I'm just respondig to the point made of "Att could afford such a fee, sprint not so much" TS
  3. Who says that Sprint can't afford a break up fee. Replace Sprint with Softbank (as it should be) and I do see Masa willing to do a break up fee if needed. Shoot, he is going to get a swift $58 Billion alone from the Alibaba IPO. Not that he is going to use that for Sprint or a Sprint/T-Mobile merger deal/breakup fee, but the point is the man can if he wanted to. Like the article states, "his first priority, no matter what, is to settle the U.S. situation" before embarking on his 300 year plan of world domination. Hail Hydra
  4. Wasn't me (this time around). But it makes sense being in this one. TS
  5. damnnn, if he is saying that then most likely he sees Softbank putting in John Rumelstiltskin Legere as the CEO. Although in all fairness, John wouldn't be where he is at if he wasn't as ruthless and cunning as a CEO, it just that he comes across as a clown doing events. cue AJ video of "Send in the Clowns" TS
  6. I have to remind myself to put that in the FAQ. Hopefully when I get some free time today. TS
  7. Don't know, why not go ask them over in the Sprint forums.
  8. The only articles I've seen are this one back in Feb stating the following.. and also the one about Dish being the vendor recently last month and the one a month before that about Dish and Sprint doing trials on the same spectrum in Texas. But I don't see anything specifically stating Sprint is involved with pCell. I would like to see (an) article that does as per your statement. TS
  9. Really interesting. From the interviews I've seen, it seems that he has NDAs with all the major carriers.
  10. Because when you call the domestic line you get someone from overseas, and if you call the international service line you get someone here in the USA. Go figure. I kid i kid. TS
  11. Unless I am mistaken or things have changed recently, go here and enter your zip code and if it just says "Sprint store" then its a corporate store. According to what I've been told, a corporate store is one that just has "Sprint Store" in its name in the results of that page as oppose to "Sprint Dealer - xTel Wireless" (or whatever other name after the dash) TS
  12. What is the FCC ID Number for the wireless module? It is in the Device thread in the FCC Doc column.
  13. We may be a bit tougher but damn these folks cant drive in the rain. Went to see a play and driving back was rough. Actually took the side streets and got home faster. Im begining to think that both the Van Wyke/GCP are trying to take over the title from the LIE as the worlds longest parking lot. But I got great LTE in Times Square this evening. Sent from my SPH-L600 using Tapatalk
  14. Just notice they in the article it states... " SoftBank and Deutsche Telekom AG (DTE), which owns about 67 percent of T-Mobile, are still speaking with each other to determine who would run the company, the people said. T-Mobile CEO John Legere is the leading candidate, one of the people said. " Sent from my SPH-L600 using Tapatalk
  15. Totally agree. Both the Hotspots plan and the selection of tablets are totally small compared to other carriers. Except for a slightly stronger signal from the Hotspot device, I really do not see the need to get one (or continue to use one) and instead just enable the hotspot feature on my phone. If they were to give customers an incentive (more data at a lower price) on hotspots then it may be worth getting one. After my current contract expires at the end of the month, I'll just enable the feature on my phone. As for tablets, I don't see why they can't offer more LTE/sparks enabled tablets. Shoot, I remember when they use to sell laptops (i still have mine, although it is Wimax).
  16. I'm disappointed that GrooVeIP is next on the chopping block but eh, can't do anything about it. I do like Google Voice but sometimes when folks leave messages and I try to hear it on the pc (transcript, it just doesn't make sense). TS
  17. Interesting. I'm sure AJ has one.
  18. So I guess that means the iPhone 7, Galaxy S7, Note 5, Mega 3, LG 4 or is it 5.
  19. lol Its actually south of Ozone Park. And depending on how you look at it with the Mafia there in Ozone Park, it can be good or bad. lol TS out (going into the witness protection program)
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