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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. I concur, it is crap. I was recently down there (two days ago) and was amazed that I was in such a dead zone and when i did have signal it was 3G. At least other areas are getting better, but downtown (i was at Fulton and Nassau) was a lost cause. TS
  2. What is odd is that in the article I posted they liked the previous James Earl Jones commercials but I found nothing attractive about them nor anything that spoke Sprint, plans, phones etc. yet the even further back zombie commercial was funny and actually did talk about Sprint products. Go figure. I may have to look out for the AT&T commercial, i haven't seen one yet. So i can't comment on them. TS
  3. Ouch Ouch and Double Ouch, Ad Review: Sprint 'Framily' is, Frankly, Frightful. But to be honest, it is exactly what I and alot of folks in the street think of the commercials. Sometimes things do get lost in translation or at least in trying to copy something that works in another part of the world may not work over here. They should have gone with Bingo. Just saying. TS
  4. Unfortunately, both the Samsung ATIV Q and the Asus version (I believe the Trio) will not be produced due to pressure form Google, Microsoft or any of the countless rumored resons (like patent problems). Its a shame too because the Q would have been my dream machine. In the meantime I ended up with the Sony VAIO Flip which is awesome except that it is not dual OS and it has a loud fan problem. TS
  5. Speaking of other networks, according to the Verge article, it seems that Google was talking with both Verizon (in 2014) and Sprint (in early 2013 before being taken over by Softbank) about buying access to a network to run its own wireless service. It would probably be a whole different world if that ever happened. TS
  6. You know, its funny but about 2 months ago I was making more room in the attic (to add more crap) and came across two boxes of some of my old cell phones. Some of which I completely forgot I had. That's when I decided to start a list of old Sprint cell phones starting from the very first one (Sony CM-D600S) to the latest one. Currently I have about 22 out of 346 in the list that I am having issues finding links to both the FCC and older Sprint site showcasing the phones. Not even Phonearena/PhoneScoop have the phone listed gong back that far (to 1996). Anyway once its completed I'll post it. btw, I am merging this with the older thread. TS
  7. my stock LG G2 received the update message yesterday morning but didn't update till the evening and it went smoothly. TS
  8. Translation: Time to attack the Chicken Buffet.
  9. Finally. That was the only thing i was looking forward.
  10. touche, but umm I did say in my opinion. Besides, it doesn't have an sd card. Not everything can be in the cloud or have access to a signal to download. Plus in my opinion, the majority of folks that seek such a device that want the latest update or faster update are us geeks that most likely will root and Rom their device. The regular joe smoe out in the street wouldn't know or care so long as it works out the box. But that can be debated at length (and probably for another topic). I'm just agreeing with the comment of the nexus not getting an update yet for the issue at hand. TS
  11. ^ So true. That ability to get updates faster was basically the only thing going for the Nexus line in my opinion.
  12. Actually they do sort of... We just ordered this for his surprise, not so surprised, birthday party. Country Fried Chicken Sculpted 3D Cake TS out (getting candles)
  13. You know what that means,... CAKE Happy Birthday Rob, TS
  14. Holy cow, just realized this is 215 pages long. While I try to read all the threads in. he forum and this is one I've kept up with since the beginning, I didn't own the phone until recently. (The phone is actually for the spouse) still I feel the phone isn't getting as good signal as my Mega. Therefore I started to read the thread again and I passed out after page 22. Therefore, can someone kindly repost the order of the LTE bands. I read different set of orders such as B41, B26 , B25 and then B25, B26, B41 so i am not to sure what the order is supposed to be. I did ##DATA# , LTE, Edit and have my MSL and it shows.. LTE Enabled/Disabled is enabled Band26 Enabled/Disabled is Enabled Band41Enabled/Disabled is Enabled Band 25, 26, 41 Proirity is 1 BSRTimer is 3 Is this correct, or does one have to have a higher priority than another? TS
  15. ^ that is true. In any merger, people will leave or get fired. Its the nature of the game. Sort of like modern warfare, everyone does it, speaking of which... http://www.youtu.be/l7NgLArJidY
  16. Big Brother TS out (watching other people)
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