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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. So I guess that would be "Function over Function"?
  2. Depends if his mom would like to... This is the most frustrating thread to read and ironically he is complaining he would like to move to T-Mo and if you read the TMOnews boards, the exact same complaints are being leveled against T-Mo for not launching New York initially.
  3. I'd assume testing, was caputure briefly where you see the dot and is now blocked.
  4. Hope it's nothing like the EVO LTE!
  5. As a prime example for a Samsung market, Pittsburgh has yet to be announced by Sprint as having work ongoing but if you look at the Sponsors map or Sensorly, LTE is available in parts.
  6. They're in charge of the legacy equipment in that they perform the maintenance required on the infrastructure. Also, you're correct that from everything I've seen work has begun but no sites have been inspected/accepted heretofore.
  7. And I couldn't imagine it would be any other way. Also, this was a major selling point of the whole multi-mode base station approach.
  8. Samsung is who is hiring contractors/performing the builds in this area. Sprint's whole network is maintained by Ericsson who is also contracted to do inspections of sites to be accepted.
  9. Ericsson is involved in the maintenance and inspections in your market, yes.
  10. In this area I've seen ALU deployments with 2 large panels per sector (very rare however) and obviously quite a few cases of one regular large panel with the a stubbier narrow beam width panel per sector.
  11. I'd agree these numbers were much better than I was expecting. They continue to pick up subs, very positive to see. Given where they are at in NV, they've maintained enough revenue to "weather the storm" so to speak. In the very near future they will be dumping a ton of legacy costs and their cash flow will improve significantly.
  12. Just from a logical point of view it would make no sense for Sprint to reduce an ETF on someone they're already losing as a customer.
  13. Wouldn't speed and capacity be one and the same? Capacity is just speed spread out over multiple users.
  14. Because Shentel, an affiliate of Sprint, not Sprint themselves owns the Altoona/Harrisburg region.
  15. I've seen this in the Philly market as well. It will show LTE for an instant then drop back to 3G. Blocked for the time being.
  16. I've found mapping with my EVO LTE to be pointless. My wife's S3 holds a signal so much better.
  17. I don't think the unpaired 700mhz spectrum is THAT valuable.
  18. Yea, I can definitely understand wanting to make beach areas a priority with the summer rapidly approaching.
  19. LA is the middle of nowhere?! ERMAGERD! Move on troll.
  20. There is no correlation between WiMAX and LTE. They each use completely seperate infrastructure.
  21. You still doubted that it was anything but accurate?
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