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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. I agree 100% that 800 MHz in these areas would be a godsend. All I know, however, is that many low pop density, rural sites aren't getting upgraded antennas initially which can broadcast 800mhz. Many are GMO initially with just new cabinets and RRUs at the base.
  2. I've seen quite a few long lines set ups being used for cell antennas. The ones I've seen have left the old microwave antennas intact though.
  3. Incorrect. That IS corporate Sprint. Luckily, this will be converted to at least GMO 3G by the completion of NV. It appears Sprint never saw it as cost effective to upgrade these areas to 3G. It's a PITA for me as I travel all over PA for my job.
  4. Ah, got ya. I'm patiently waiting to see when it gets enabled in Shentel territories as they're quite far along in their build-out.
  5. What's crazy is considering this needs to be done at ~38,000 locations!
  6. I honestly think LA has been given a pretty high priority. Week by week it is one of the top markets by sites completed.
  7. Or so they say? Go look at Sensorly... LTE sites are already live in Norfolk. EDIT - just looked again, there is quite a bit of LTE in Norfolk... how can you even say this?
  8. Not sure, have you tried walking around outside and seeing if it updates? I generally haven't had issues with sensorly.
  9. I'd be curious to see if you unplugged your Airrave what kind of signal you're getting now that 800 is deployed in your area.
  10. I believe it will only update new "points" when new GPS coordinates are hit. Which is why you wouldn't have many when you're relatively still.
  11. I feel similar. My wife has a GS3 and I feel the screen is oversaturated and I prefer the EVO's metal construction. Hurts that the connectivity suffers though. It's a toss up!
  12. It's hard to make direct comparisons between devices. I do agree the EVO 4G radios aren't the greatest but I haven't noticed that on 3G. You may have connected to a different sector accounting for the speed difference. Glad they gave you a GS3 though!
  13. Hopefully once Sprint gets their finances in order, they can expand to some of these areas.
  14. I suppose they may have upped the rescan a bit since I hear some complaints about battery life. I haven't noticed a drop off in "connect-ability" though.
  15. I think some agreement between DISH/S/CLWR will come out of this. This could even help alleviate any issues regarding how much spectrum S is allowed to hold. The wildcard for me is what Son thinks of that? But, if CLWR's spectrum were to be split amongst DISH/S, and added to what both parties already have, you'd be looking at a viable wireline competitor I would think.
  16. Mine has been connecting to LTE just fine.
  17. That is based on current rate of completion which has been ramping. It seems humans can only think linearly.
  18. As much as you may disagree with it, to utilize their spectrum and reduce costs, Sprint needs to overhaul it's whole network. This means they're not going to single out certain cities and focus all of their attention there. Complaining about it isn't going to help. They're hitting their stride with updates. If it works you up that much about their strategy then by all means pick a provider who does things you can live with.
  19. Got ya, the no roaming fees are nice. I think Sprint will always have an advantage as long as they can roam on VZ.
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