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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. Why flip from CDMA/LTE mode? I see no difference in battery life at all nor ever have.
  2. Just call someone and have them put their phone up to the radio... perfect streaming over 1X.
  3. If you look towards the bottom of the page there is a similar thread. 2 phones on my account are iPhone 5's and both are excellent RF performers. I agree with the battery life comment, that is my only gripe. Check out the iPhone5 antenna thread below.
  4. I agree, you know they were valid delays if the CEO lost over 1 mil because of it!
  5. I think you need to give this number to the other user in the Network forum.
  6. Point is, only Sprint can help you at this point. Obviousy this is a provisioning or unit issue.
  7. You bring up valid points but also there is no guarantee that the Softbank deal will close. I think it's very unlikely that it wouldn't but the possibility still exists. IF that were to fall through, I think the stock price would tank.
  8. Claim more rapdi deployment of NV due to Softbank infusion. Acceleration of 800mhz LTE rollout.
  9. 2 billion in capex last quarter. Have almost 10 billion in the bank.
  10. You have a broadband connection which can support it and are placing the GPS sensor near a window?
  11. The Allentown area makes me sad! The population density there kills the network so horribly. Even once I get to Bethlehem things are much better.
  12. Makes you wonder what looked so great on paper about merging Sprint and Nextel. Not only did they use disparate technologies, it also broke contracts they had with their affiliates. Now out of curiosity, how is it that a few affiliates still remain? Did Shentel and the few others not have non-compete clauses?
  13. It's that time again! Q4 earnings get released tomorrow before the bell! I'm actually kind of scared to see the results given the huge amount of CAPEX going on.
  14. I have noticed in all the rootmetrics scores T-Mobile has a much lower rate of dropped calls than Sprint.
  15. And now for a history lesson, Sprint had to buy out these affiliates due to purchasing Nextel, correct? Because they were competing with there own affiliates in essence?
  16. Careful with the 3G comment or AJ will correct you! 1X IS a 3G technology, just not one that is very good at moving large amounts of data! But yea, not used to being in non-EVDO coverage when traveling.
  17. AJ, I agree with you that this wasn't always a Sprint corporate market but the fact remains that they gained this network in 2009 and it is still 1X only. Sprint clearly didn't see much advantage to updating this area to EVDO for the past 4 years. I'm glad to see it's being updated now but it is still a relatively large amount of footprint which is 1X only. Regardless, I understand it is very low population density and I'm sure very few subs reside there.
  18. To be honest, what you've posted doesn't look like any of the Sprint sites I've seen. The 3 panels on the right look like Nextel at first glance. Regardless, that's not NV hardware.
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