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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. You're going to see the coverage map evolve week by week. I've seen the map updated on either Monday or Friday on Sprint's site.
  2. Current... Not all towers are completed.
  3. These cities are now included on Sprint's coverage map as LTE covered!
  4. I see it now on the very zoomed out layers. Still hasn't been updated on the more zoomed in ones. You'll notice this is how Sensorly functions alot of times. It seems at points they have way too much data to process and fall behind and it takes between 24-48 hours to update all the way through.
  5. Sensory can take a while to update all layers.
  6. A Metro acquisition would give him a very small amount of infrastructure if he is serious about having a national wireless competitor.
  7. With the turnover rate of devices, it wouldn't take that long to migrate the customer base to 800mhz capable handsets.
  8. Your basement is very near fringe signal.
  9. I just turn on GPS and go to "Map Trip" and let it collect data points!
  10. Great find! Someone has spent quite a bit of time in the FCC database!
  11. A big fan of colleges in Central PA! Glad to see it!
  12. How the times have changed since I was in school. Picking a college based on LTE coverage.... and I'm still in my 20s!
  13. I thought the PRL only dictated 1X/EVDO connection scans...? And the SIM controlled LTE connections?
  14. Completely agree that there are strong positives to such a culture but as with anything, negatives come as well.
  15. EDIT - I take that back, the Schaumburg area still has alot of legacy towers left now that I looked closer. Makes sense then that you're seeing this.
  16. The strange thing is that it APPEARS all of the towers in your area are at the very least 3G upgraded. I suppose maybe they could be accepted as 3G complete but still broadcasting through legacy hardware,thus causing the problem?
  17. This has to be some remnant of the issue between legacy Moto hardware and Samsung equipment.
  18. Sounds very similar to the Chicago thread and issues between legacy Motorola hardware with new NV Samsung equipment. At least we can be sure upgrades are under way.
  19. Verizon clearly has sufficient backhaul/carriers in place while Sprint does not, yet.
  20. EVDO maintians speed well into fringe signal. The issue is capacity, not the spectrum band.
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