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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. Once they get most of an area upgraded before you notice more bars and better signal penetration. I read that they will increase the down tilt 10 degrees when an whole area is done and that will help make the signal stronger in the range the tower was ment to cover but cut the extended range to trying cover a non upgraded tower next door. Kind of like aiming a flash light closer to you on a path at night, it looks brighter but you can't see quite as far. The antenna panels have remote down tilt adjustment so they don't have to climb the tower again. Not sure if its a on the ground at the tower adjustment or if a signal can be sent over the backhaul to it from some "undisclosed secure location".
  2. I was hoping for a 2nd Missouri market start to prove to me Joplin wasn't a typo or just lumped in with the Kansas market due to proximity. I know, I have no patience. I guess I will wait some more. Maybe I am getting a little patience.
  3. Resistance is futile, they will be assimilated.
  4. I think I may use that as my catch phrase tomorrow.
  5. Thanks guys, somehow I got the impression Sprint had 2 panels per sector and these look like 3 per.
  6. Hmm the maps show that to be the location for my tower and one of the apps says I'm 50 yards from my tower. My tower is not going to be NV for a while yet, I want to make sure I'm watching the right one.
  7. Working on it... Will edit and repost. May take a couple tries. I keep forgetting to move them to the public dropbox folder... Updated Note to self... Put pictures in public Dropbox folder. Shorten name remove spaces etc. Do not use shorten url option.
  8. This is the view from where I park at home now. I think Sprint is on it based on some maps, but nothing looks like Sprint to me. The nearest tower where I used to live looked like what I was expecting. .
  9. All this talk about 20 MHz carriers etc... Unless your doing something outside the terms of service (ie heavy file sharing, tethering, etc) really what's the point of having that fast of a connection for a smart phone? Give everyone 6-8 MHz 99% of the time and your golden IMHO.
  10. DaQue

    How do I donate?

    Hmm when I click on the S4GRU icon or load www.S4GRU.COM I don't see the don't see the donate link but I do at s4gru.com/index.php?/index . I thought I used to see it when I loaded those 2.
  11. Nothing has 800 Mhz Sprint LTE yet. The first devices to support it will be next year sometime. I'm pretty sure the phone unless set to 3G only will use LTE if the signal is usable and revert to 3G if needed and 1x if 3G fails too. I am not sure how it decides to pick which band it use if there is more than one connection of the same speed class.. LTE does sound like it is much better handing off to other connections that Wimax was, and I think its a bit smarter picking what connection to use, but i have yet to connect to LTE myself.
  12. How you like the Otterbox? I have a cheap 2 piece snap together made in China EBay special on mine.
  13. It sure would be nice to see at least one pixel of Sensorly LTE goodness in Joplin ( the Missouri starter city I hope) by the end of the year. Even some sign of something being done would be nice. Does it seem slow to anyone else after all they announced Joplin back on October12th?
  14. If it ends the need for a contract or lowers the monthly fee so in the long run buying the phone outright and paying for service for 2 years is the same or cheaper than paying more per month but with a discounted phone i'm all for it too. When your off contract now your price per month stays the same but they have made their phone money back or should have.
  15. I look forward to it. All except facebook stuff.
  16. What's new in it? I have not read any thing about it.
  17. My home wifi went from 0.35 where I used to live to > 35mbps at the new place. I use smart wifi toggler now. Works out great. Sprint 3G is still about 0.6.
  18. Remote Radio Unit... A box behind the antenna with the transmitters and receivers. When they use a RRU it eliminates the losses from the long cable runs from the antenna to the ground mounted equipment which can be significant.
  19. A good place to start is the FAQ here: http://s4gru.com/ind...sked-questions/ I'm not the expert but I don't think there is not one simple answer to which is faster. A strong 3G on a lightly loaded tower may be faster than a weak signal on a overloaded tower. LTE does seem to be more efficient moving more data in less room than some of the others and it can scale to very fast. I will let someone else give a better answer. I hope this tides you over till then
  20. Only 27 Mbps over my WiFi to the Note 2, close enough to 30 not to gripe my other devices are over 34... This is nice! ,
  21. No signs in Joplin yet that worries me. I worry to much, That worries me too.
  22. Sprint has over 38,000 sites nation wide, all but about 100 (they have special site issues) are getting NV upgrades (LTE, 3G, and backhaul improvements). 80% of those the getting NV upgrades will also get the 800 mhz added and because it travels further it should cover the same areas getting main upgrades . So if you get Sprint service now its almost certain it will be a little beter on 3G signal level and speed wise and you will get LTE when its done. LTE is very signal level dependent and doesn't travel as quite as far as 3G/voice so if your in a very fringe service area that might be another issue. The weaker the LTE signal the slower your transfer too. Starting next year sometime devices with 800 mhz LTE will be ship ready for the 800mhz LTE to come after the current round of major upgrades are done. Sites to get 800 mhz will have most all the work done already, compatible antenna and remote radio units are going up now. Just repeating what I have read here several times. No LTE for me yet.
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