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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. Was this pole there when you where on the 27th? It doesn't look like its been there long.
  2. I remember s laptop at work years ago that was 4.7 mhz with 8mhz turbo mode. Needed it to upload at 9600 bsud to a stepper motor control.
  3. It's at the Luminair Casino. In probably spelled it wrong. ..
  4. Dumb question time..... Antenna panels have 6 RF connectors, 3 bands +/- 45 degree phase each. How do you hook up more than 3 RRUs? they daisy chain or something?
  5. Note 2 if you can live with the size of it. Its a love hate thing about the size. You will love the size of the display but its a bit too big to reach all the corners with out work one handed. The pen is better than I thought it would be, never thought I would use it. Note 2 its really about the size.
  6. All I know is the Oct. 12 front page article here http://s4gru.com/ind...d-adds-20-more/ just before it quotes the press release Robert did an update saying it was in the Missouri Market as far as the rollout mattered. If you read the comment's to the article WiWavelength (AJ) explained it. Somehow I think its Kansas for somethings but for the roll out its Missouri.... I tried to get the guys to fight it out to settle the matter once and for all but Robert wouldn't go for it....
  7. Are they starting LTE 800 in June or CDMA 800 with LTE to come later? I thought they were just doing the 3G and voice first and 800 LTE sometime down the line. I'll go look it up again and edit this if I am wrong. ... Looks like I did remember it wrong. They have room for some CDMA 800 now in some markets and the LTE is after the full shut down. From the FAQ in the General Topics Forum: (I don't think its obvious where its at for new people ...) ... When will CDMA over 800 SMR be rolled out? Once there is sufficient spectrum cleared from iDEN use, CDMA 1xA will be rolled out with the Network Vision upgrades. There already is some CDMA deployment in Chicago, and expected in Dallas/Ft.Worth soon. ... What about 800 SMR LTE? That will be turned on later, with the death of iDEN sometime after June 2013. Field testing will begin late 2012. Anyone know if the LTE 800 field testing got stated yet?
  8. Nevada is fairly new but Pittsburg has had what looks like one tower running for a long time. Really surprised me but both are Kanas market. I have a bookmarks bar entry for Sensorly Joplin because I thought it would be the first to show LTE and hit it nightly and zoom out until I see the LTE in Pitssburg so I can tell the LTE info actually loaded...
  9. What I woke up wondering about today is what Sprint plans to do about being a little behind schedule. Only a couple months behind on a project this big isn't bad really but there is 3 ways they can handle it going forward 1) We're doing what we can. It could slip more. 2) We're not going to let it slip more and will finish up a couple months behind schedule. 3) We're going to kick it up a notch and make up those 2 months and finish as planed. Anyone have and ideas on if they will kick it up and make up the 2 months?
  10. 2 casinos pretty close to each other there can see where it would be needed. Lots of attractions that pack people in around there including baseball and football too.
  11. Road trip results to ST98xc963 aka Lumiere Casino down town St. Louis: I don't think its taking connections yet. I sat across the street and went to airplane mode for a minute and no LTE and after that 3G was still slow with a poor ping.
  12. Robert gave a troll what he needed. LTE is coming
  13. And the giant cross ones are in the "holy molly" category. ..
  14. I hesitated being a subscriber but gave a small amount and got access. Now I speend most of my time in subscriber topics and sent in some more cash. Its about what I would have paid for a movie channel for a month is all I have paid si far, I'm cheap ... its pennies per hour I spend here. Well worth it imho. Anything you choose to give is good for 6 months. They don't renew you for tiny ($1) donations but by then you should see the value or pass.
  15. October 12th I think Joplin and some other towns in coming months. ..
  16. It will be interesting to see which gets 4G first the announced Joplin sites or the new 3G site down town ST Louis. I guess it's NV gear, would be kinda dumb put it in just to rip it out.
  17. Thought I would go check out ST23XC284 the other St Louis area site on the dispatch report and looked for it first on google maps. That area has an excellent aerial view of the area and I can't find anything that looks like a cell site near by. Its bound to be on one of the buildings but I can't se the panels. May have found it/them.
  18. Why 4 RRU per panel? They can run 2 per band per panel? If so what's the max number of RRUser panel? Oh yeah thanks for the great guide it will help a lot.
  19. Thanks for taking some pictures, saves me a trip. Looks like you walked right up to the site. Mind telling me what the zoom was of your camera, 35mm equivalent if you know?
  20. So I can do my best when I go take some pictures by panels do you mean the antennas up on the tower or the cabinets on the ground? The cabinets look like they may have been there a while. I guess the 4 things in the first photo are not RRU's mounted in a bunch a few feet off the ground.
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