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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. That's right Zuzu, every time we hear someone complain about Sprint a troll gets is fangs.
  2. Offer them a free Wimax phone and I bet they jump for it in droves. :rofl: :rofl:
  3. I thought the big plus was the phones could be used walkie talkie like and not use the network if the needed. Oh like in a big disaster or something.
  4. Still moving in but theres this huge cell tower just about 100 yards from where I park there that I will be looking at every morning when I walk out to the car. Just checked and dang if it isn't Sprint! Site ST73XC758. Taking bets on if it will be the last upgraded in St Louis area ... Just a joke. I wish a had a 26x optical zoom camera like one of the guys has here that posted some nice pictures. I'm going to take some with the Note 2. I don't think there is any need for posting them until work starts. Expect for worring about the neighborhood crime rate everyting is looking pretty good there.
  5. Don't most trolls end up with a radio show on the EIB network?
  6. Time for a developer to make a rom... how about just OMG! for the icon?
  7. My home internet has gone from half as fast as Sprint 3g to 30 times faster. LTE must me coming. now that I don't need it as much HA!
  8. I thought AT&T throttled grand fathered unlimited plan people who used too much. A guy at work said he got a message and his speed went to hell when he used to much. http://www.engadget.com/2012/03/01/atandt-announces-throttling-changes-now-kicks-in-at-3gb-or-5gb-fo/
  9. I would prefer X bytes full speed per month, then throttle to maybe 5% speed over, but still unlimited. ie 30 mbps then 1.5 mbps or 3G speed. Maybe even break it down to per week. Go over your slapped for a few days then back to full speed a lot sooner than a month. Maybe let you do that one time in 30 days if your over twice its slow for 30.
  10. It could be they had EVO 4G WiMax phones. I really forgot the name...
  11. I think I read about one they sell out of some Kroger stores. I forgot the name. Wasn't Virgin on Sprint too?
  12. I've not herd anyting about them shutting down anything but the IDEN network, any posts about plans them "shutting down 2-3G technology so they can add more capacity for LTE" that you could point me to?
  13. Well you seem to excel at texting and data so it works out. I use less than 100 minutes of my 450 a month. This month I may hit 200 with 30 minute hold times for the dang cable company.
  14. Hehehehe... All those phones and you don't talk on them much.
  15. Back to the topic. Who thinks Sprint will try to catch up the quarter they are behind and who thinks they will stay a quarter behind or maybe slip some more and why?
  16. 5 Mhz should be enough for anyone. Nobody will need more than 640k ram :-)
  17. I had to look up KFC Yum Center, it was new to me. I thought maybe it was a big research facility working on the elusive 12th herb and spice.
  18. Anyone got any tidbit of Missouri/Joplin NV progress news? A permit? Anything? I could use something to keep hope alive that Joplin wasn't just a typo on the coming soon announcement.
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