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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. There are a few more in the greater Ardmore metropolis.
  2. I just took a look at the Michigan NV sites map in the sponsor area and there are a lot more than 3 for Ann Harbor. Sorry I can't give more detail. Its may be worth chipping in a few bucks to become a sponsor, you get access to all the good stuff for 6 months. I know I spend way too much time looking over all the maps etc.
  3. I think Robert has said something like 20% more range but also that there are so many variables you can't really give any straight answer. Sprint has over 38,000 sites and all but maybe 100 are getting a NV upgrade. Odd yours aren't. Are you sure those 3 are not just ones that are getting "bandaid" fixes to help out till the NV upgrade hits the whole area? I don't think the Sprint site shows NV upgrades just bandaid upgrades. Robert will likely improve on/correct my mistakes in a minute or two. That guy is everywhere.
  4. Thanks Robert. I wasn't sure how many LTE sites were up. It may have been int he FAQ I didn't look I thought Wimax was much more limited. I was lucky enough to be in the St Louis area and its why I jumped off AT&T shortly after the EVO 4G Wimax shipped. I had to drive 60 miles to pick one up at radio shack in Illinois.
  5. When will/did we pass the number of WiMax sites/coverage area with LTE? Getting close?
  6. I think I saw one with the otter cover off once in Kansas. Aren't these put in some places where the locals don't want an "ugly cell tower" in their neighborhood but grip about poor service. What I wonder about is the normal looking ones with tons of stuff on them. What makes them strong enough to handle all the wind load. Filled with concrete maybe?
  7. I have also had a number replaced, all HTC EVO 4G's only had to pay a fee once after i was off contract. The all had S-Off. But on that phone it was easy to root S-Off when I did it.
  8. The more people who buy the better support it will get in mods and custom roms etc. Cool.
  9. Anyone hear how the Note 2 sales are going? I hope they are selling a tone of them.
  10. I have not seen LTE here but everything I have read about areas starting up that is normal. They are still testing and getting approvals.
  11. Odd stuff I got the update this morning and now its back to normal. I hope it sticks.
  12. I haven't changed anything and it is back to normal.
  13. How many phones will you be up to? I don't understand having so many. Not that is a bad thing, many of my friends are multi phone addicts .
  14. After the over the air 2 program thing I may pull the trigger on rooting. Maybe wait for 4.2 dunno.
  15. Next question Superuser or SuperSU?
  16. @ lordsutch: Thank you for actually answering my question! I was not aware that cleremont had LTE already, the only reason I knew gainesville had it was when I was ordering my phone they mentioned it. I rarely head that direction. ... They have a really nice sponsor area here. Donate gives you 6 months of access and you can see interactive maps with individual cell cites. Once would be all you would likely need to do as your area will likely be done by then. It includes what there status is in the NV upgrade cycle 3g, 4g LTE, and 800 Mhz accepted by Sprint. I didn't give much when I joined, I thought it was for a month not 6. I will likely fix that soon. I think they may loose money somehow on really small donations. I think I read that, but its up to each person to choose if and how much. The really good stuff is in the sponsor area. Robert has put tons of money and untold hours of work with him and the staff. Poke around the forums awhile there is good stuff here even in the free area including info on debug screens and tools to find out more about your Sprint connection than i ever thought possible.
  17. Yeah if you do use it sparingly and only if your in a real bind. Never fileshare on it or you will get a call.
  18. Try putting it in a sealed bowl of rice for a while (try a week). If it had a removable battery a quick water bath could be fixed if you yank the battery quick and use the rice to dry it out inside. You usually can get electronics wet and dry them out if you can get the power off fast enough by pulling the battery. With the batter in it even if its off stuff will tend to corrode.
  19. So who has rooted already? (not me) Will root someday soon? (most likely me) Will never root it. Also anyone use PDANet on a Note 2 and its WiFi tether? That require root?
  20. I don't see it but I can use Chrome I guess.
  21. A couple days ag S4GRU stated coming up in a mobile version on my note 2. I liked it beter when it looked like the destop v8ew on my pc. What's changed?
  22. Sprint has about 38,000 sites so we get 6 each.
  23. eHRPD handles the data handoff seamlessly. I imagine the voice hand off would be seamless too. I know Sprint has been rated best for call quality and fewest drop off so they know how to handle handoffs.
  24. I know the number of sites updated per week is starting to get rolling finally but seven months in does it feel like they are meeting these estimates on started sites? The time per site trend improving?
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