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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. They are doing backhaul and installing the cabinets. I talked to one of the guys doing work at the one off west fluorescent. I was there this last Saturday and more cabinets and some holes dug.
  2. Sensorly already has some Carl Junction plots. Nice.... The next running list update should have Missouri listed with a first LTE sites finally. One less thing that had to happen before it its St Peters.
  3. I'm pretty sure Robert would know a good fried chicken joint there...l.
  4. Thanks Robert but man 2 am, it could have waited till tomorrow. You must love doing this stuff, I don't think they could pay anyone enough to do it if they didn't.
  5. I drove by that site off West Florescent near 270 again. Lots like they have done a lot more digging. A couple more new cabinets but no new panels on the towers. The holes are still empty so I don't think the backhaul is in yet or they would be filled back in.
  6. Lets hope few get GMO and they get upgraded to full builds. It would suck to have the full NV not cover the 99%+ I have been bragging it will.
  7. I don't know, but I don''t think its gotten back to Robert if they have. He is pretty good about commenting about NV market firsts, but then again he is swamped right now too.
  8. Anyone, trying not to burden Robert when he is so busy, know why a panel has 6 antennas if each antenna can support several carriers?It sounds like you can mix and match CDMA and LTE on one antenna.
  9. this http://investors.sprint.com/ShowFile.aspx?Output=XML&KeyFile=16005554&Format=XML sure makes it look like he only lost out on 3,229 and 2,625 shares not anywhere near 200,000 shares.
  10. I should wait till I get back home to post but anyway... There was no new panels on the tower or boxes of waiting to be installed in the fenced in area around the tower. The guy said things should go a lot faster once the fiber is in.
  11. I just talked with a very polite guy who is one of three working today on the trench for the conduit for the fiber backhaul to the site off W. Florescent near I270 in St Louis. There are two new cabinets he said the cable fiber will go to and then he pointed over to where 2 more cabinets yet to be installed. The fiber will go to those 2 from the 2 in place now.
  12. Ok, each pin type means those items have been accepted by a Sprint contractor inspection crew to meet the standards in place for that part of the upgrade. Just because its 3G only doesn't mean its not getting more, it either failed a inspection on 4G or something is not ready yet. Often the hold up for 4G can be backhaul (the network connection either wire or microwave). Your in KC metro which has a lot of 4G done before the 3G which always confused me but I guess there was a shortage of some item for 3G. The thing Sprint is doing that keeps me here while the rollout reaches me is they are upgrading most everything at most every site. Of couse there are exceptions but 99%+ towers get NV upgrade. Most of those but in PR and near the border with Mexico will get an 800 Mhz upgrade too once the old Nextel IDEN network shuts down later this year. The 800 Mhz signal seems to cover a bit larger area inside buildings and some 1900 towers are very close to each other so not all will get 800 and some out in the boonies where its just not needed based on usage per tower won't either. I urge you to read the posts on the links below that are from people who really know and can explain it better than me. http://s4gru.com/ind...sked-questions/ http://s4gru.com/ind...sion-explained/
  13. 800 or 800 LTE? I think Ericsson is putting equipment for 800 but just the RRU for 800 won't handle LTE.
  14. Its anyone guess really and honestly if you read the forums here you probably know more than the salespeople . There is one accepted NV 3G site down town at the Lumiere Hotel and 2 other in the STL area that are said to be on a dispatch list, exactly what that means isn't real clear. I have looked at one of those sites a couple times and saw nothing NV looking there yet. I plan on going back this weekend again. My plan is going every payday weekend until I see LTE lite up on the note 2 finally. Also LTE in St Louis leaves a lot of ground when asking for a guess of a date. Is that the 1st site that test LTE, a live LTE site that you can go try yourself, minimal coverage, enough coverage for Sprint to announce you can try it, officially launched, or 100% complete. My birthday is the middle of may and I hope to have tried LTE by then, most likely by driving 20 minutes to go check it out somewhere. Joplin was the first town announce by Sprint as having LTE in coming months back in October and hasn't tested any thing yet but all signs are it will happen very soon. The equipment boxs are on the ground at one site confirmed and pictures posted to back it up.
  15. LONG ago (50 years?) my dad worked on putting in some big electric towers/power lines like those. He didn't talk much about those times, just if you a tool slips never try to catch it just climb down and get it.
  16. I've got another question, I hope you don't mind. I have seen reports where people get up in the middle of the night and have LTE for a few minutes then its gone. Do you guys work normal hours or staggered times? I imagine most of the tower work would be done in daylight for safety but maybe testing at night to lessen impact on customers? Anyway its great to have one working on the rollout in the forums. Welcome!
  17. A guy at work just got a ATT Iphone5 and his LTE is about 8-10 down where it uses it in St Charles County, MO. I think Sprint will be about as fast.
  18. Well back to checking Sensorly for Joplin a few times a day I guess.
  19. Things go live on Play pretty fast? I know in Apples app store it can take a while.
  20. This would be great and unexpected too. We (misc S4GRU groupies) have been keeping a close eye on sites we know about that are on dispatch lists and with the exception of some backhaul that may be in the process of being ran in Springfield we haven't been able to find any sites showing signs of work started. Any additional details would be greatly appreciated. I am assuming its going to be a site in Joplin as they were announce as "in coming months" first, but we have seen no new panels or RRU's there.
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