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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. I don't know why I keep reading this topic. Its just the same thing over and over. People try to explain they are doing the fastest way they know how to completely replace everything everywhere. They even go into why some places are easier to get done quicker and how working on them doesn't pull resources from other areas. Other people then say something about their market should have been first. Don't you think Sprint would have looked at if and figured out the best and fastest way to get it all done before spending billions of dollars? Maybe have a meeting or two look at some printout, that sort of thing.
  2. Im going to do what I did in the last apartment I had my own WiFI router in, turn it down as low as possible, set it to not broadcast the SSID and be as stealth with it as I can then lock it down as much as I can so I won't get hacked and they won't use my cable to download stuff. I wonder sometimes if they used my WiFi to pick my apartment to break into. They took all the computer gear back in March of 08.
  3. Cool up 2 million since the 1st.
  4. Sure is quiet out there, too quiet.... LTE must be coming.
  5. Sprint Corporate owned store last two times. I only buy where I can take it to get worked on.
  6. As I understand it they just don't pick a town here and there. They pick one of the 98(?) zones that make up the whole network to work on. Lets say you decide all of X market, say 300 sites total and decide that's the next area your going to work on. 100 of those may be in the big urban area and 100 in mid size towns and 100 out in the boonies. You start work to get all 300 done ASAP. Its a lot easier to plan, get permits, and a ton of other stuff in the rural areas than in a lot of urban areas. Engineering will likely be easier if its the only site covering a spot than if you have to worry about 4 or 5 real close. I think those are a lot of the reason why it looks like the small towns are getting done before the big. They are trying to do them all as fast as possible, Its more of heck ya get to it we wan't it here in the boonies verse you don't have your J-138/108T form cosigned by the department of sanitation verifying there is no plumbing at this place of business. Then you get that done and they say you need a waver for having a place of business with out plumbing from some other code enforcement department. Ok bad made up example but it makes a point. This keeps coming up. It may be time for someone to write the definitive response and just post a link to it Only Sprint knows all the details of why market A gets done before market B and town A before town B. One thing I do know is they are doing the whole network as fast as they can mainly because its in their best interest to get it done ASAP.
  7. I think he is just saying they can't condone using your phone as your ISP for your computer, tethering with out a tethering contract. Debate about while your setting at home doing whatever on your just phone debate about if you should use your WiFi connecton or Sprints bandwidth should be fair game IMHO . I watch Youtube my phone right now because its 2x faster than my WiFi. Almost everyone has faster WiFi right now than Sprint 3G so most should use WiFi when its available. I will in a week, but if your stuck in the position I was I don't see using the faster service a evil as long as its within reason. Its the I don't give a dam I will download all I wan't people that will get a phone call from Sprint and maybe kicked off anyway.
  8. DaQue


    Their page says it will. Only 500Mg a month free but free is free and could come in handy. I was looking to see if I could use it on my old Wimax EVO but only saw options for using with a hotspot the needed a refundable deposit.
  9. Where Im until the first of the month (and for the last year) the Wifi (capped at 0.5Mbps max) was half the speed of 3G and a tiny fraction of what I got on the WiMax EVO I used to have so I didn't use it. Latency was awful until recently going from 300ms to a few seconds at random. It figures that when I finally move things start getting better internet wise. The problem is they ended a long term logging plan and the rent is going up about 25%. Next Saturday the home WIfi in the new place will be my router hooked to 30Mbit cable and the Note 2 tops out at 1Mbit on a good day. So its pretty safe I bet I will off load then. People will do what ever gives the best results. I'm kiind of excited about the move. I have to get everything for the apartment but with all the utilities I will still save a couple hundred over a month over what I pay now before the increase. I also go from 18 channels and SD TV to 56 cable channels included in the rent. I found a 32" 1080P LED Samsung TV on sale at Best Buy that I love the picture on and have a bed located but thats it. I guess I need to get a card table to put the TV and router on LOL.
  10. I use IOS, OSX, Windows XP, Windows 7, and Jellybean. I like things about all of them. What I like about Apple is stuff just works, until its something they didn't think you would want to do or they don't want you to do. Then your up a creek. They are starting to lock down OSX more. Im not sure I like that.
  11. Part of the disbelief comes from the WiMax mess with Clearwire. I can understand it but this is all in house Sprint work this time. Sprint bet on WiMax and Clearwire and lost. This arguably could be the best thing that could have happened because they sre replacing the whole network.
  12. Anyone herd of these guys? They offer free data and on their about page it says: FreedomPop's high speed wireless internet service runs on Clearwire's 4G WiMax network. The service will expand to include Sprint's 4G LTE network in 2013.
  13. A little off topic but Springfield Mo has some telephone pole cell sites. Could RRUs be mounted on them or would they have to ground mount it?
  14. Does Sprint already hold licenses for much of the country that do not now have service? I mean are some of the PCS and 800 Mhz licenses nation wide? If they don't have licenses for the great white wastelands it would be a lot harder and expensive to ever build out in those areas. Also sorry for asking on a topic that's months old.<shrug>
  15. One easy way is to get https://play.google.....maruse.cellinf (CDMA field test) from the play store and look at the data type on the 3rd line on the right. Another easy way is netmontor https://play.google....zene.netmonitor. (0n the left tab) Both are free. eHRPD isn't a good indicator of LTE about to pop in your area. St Louis isn't even on the in coming months list yet and I have had it since I got the Note 2 on launch day. I did have a wohooo! moment when I saw we had it though.
  16. The sponsor area maps in the NV Sites Complete topic are color coded. Blue and Green tags, like it says at the bottom of the maps, have 800 Mhz accepted by Sprint but a few may not yet be accepting connections at 800 Mhz. The latest data right now has been delayed a bit due to the holiday, juniper smoke, etc so the next update may be a big one. Right now most 800Mhz sites are near Waco Tx (where they did the FIT test) and Chicago.
  17. Mine is wifi only. I didn't want to pay for a data plan. I thought I would have wifi at home and most places I go but as it turns out most of the stuff I wanted to do they block at the free wifi hotspots I use. I can't stream audio or watch video's. Where I have been staying the wifi turned out to be too slow for even Youtube. I move the fist of the month and the new place will have 30Mbps cable and my own wifi router so the Ipad will be a lot more useful. I just couldn't see paying for cell service for it and that limited its use.
  18. Thanks for all the suggestions. After all the misc money spent getting ready to move I may have to wait a while. A friend also suggested I take my old 2008 Macbook Pro and use XMBC on it. Then again the Moxi box the cable company wants to sell me would give me a DVR function, but its $20 a month.
  19. That must be the site in area 51.
  20. Things sure have changed with TVs. Im moving next Friday and the TV for it doesn't have WiFi etc. I am going to have 30Mbps internet so I am thinking of a set top box for it to stream video. Any suggestions? If it matters most of the stuff I stream will be either from a internet source like Vudu or an Apple Timecapsule share.
  21. Happy Thanks giving all! They gave me the Senior Buffet at Golden Corral with out me saying anything, that sucks... But I saved a dollar.
  22. Your probably right if the service is good. If its slow (cough 3G now lots of places cough) you may run it a lot too. I do. If it was good I probably wouldn't.
  23. If you got a new S3 recently did it come with Jellybean? A friend is thinking of getting one tomorrow and asked me if the come with it.
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