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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. I have access to a Fuji-film Finepix S4300 camera, I should be able to do better than the phone pictures. It's a cheap wide zoom with a max of 500mm 35 equivalent telephoto optical zoom. 14Mega pixels... Man they got cheap. This one cost my buddy like $150.
  2. The closest in progress is about 17 miles from home, I may go take a reference picture this weekend.
  3. My mind is trying to imagine how Robert gets a new source. I picture trench coats with up turned collars and skid row 24 hour cell phone stores... Exchanges of sealed envelopes.... I need to get out more.
  4. I think I read the CDMA HD will have better in building coverage and range advantage.
  5. It my be to late to move all the up and downlinks. Too much stuff in the field is my guess. If they could agree to do it it still might take years to allow for waiting a reasonable time before the old gear is obsolete. If we are talking about millions of cellphones if the up and down links are not in use yet maybe not.
  6. I wonder if the Decca plant is still running in my home town of Pinckneyville Illinois. Mom used to work there back when the made records. One day the press came down and cut off about half of the part of her finger past the last knuckle. The hospital sewed it back on at the hospital and she went back to work. She said the heat from the press made it feel better. They didn't get it quite straight, you could notice it. Years later they switched to CD etc. They went from a couple hundred people working there to less than a dozen to make trainloads of CDs. Very automated. Its not Decca anymore, can't remember the new name.
  7. Merry Christmas everyone. Robert and staff tanks again for all the work this last year.
  8. Yup, but the lone wacko salesman can't be ruled out. Could be one who had and iphone, got it wet and is pissed they wouldn't replace it etc... Still the article is bad in that it pushes the reader to believe its systematic when really they talking about one bad salesman who may be joining the ranks of the unemployed soon. For the record I had an Iphone once but in the end decided their app market and practices are just too locked down for me. Apple: "We created the perfect phone, use it the way we intended. Resistance is futile." Picture the borg in $200 black tee shirts...
  9. I couldn't fine an official thread for my neighbors to the east so I started one after asking nicely if I missed one. Things may start popping in the Central Illinois market soon and I wanted to follow the tread so I can check out any sites close to me In St Louis. Let the LTE games begin!
  10. Super bad typos on my part. When I read I post I made I sometime read what I thought I wrote. I don't know the rules for hacking/modding/programming a phone but it sure seems like messing with the PRL would be a big no no. Turning on a band Sprint has not yet on the phone even more so. I know people do it, even forcing roaming. I always thought that was something you could get into big trouble doing. I guess not. So PRL modding is ok with Sprint and the FCC?
  11. Writing a PRL to turn on a band on your phone Sprint hasn't is ok with them?
  12. It just means Greenwood was able to be started before the other 2. They work whole Sprint markets at a time. Likely some permitting or backhaul issue kept the the others from being done at the same time, but I feel your pain. I felt like doing the same type of post for Joplin/St Louis but didn't. Hang in there its coming.
  13. Thanks Robert, like I said you have more insight than I do. I am all set to plot it on Sensorly as soon as it starts here.
  14. I'm more thinking it will just be announced as "in the coming months" about the end of winter and a few more months before much if anything gets done. I hope your right, you have more insite than I do, that's just my gut feeling on the timing. I guess it depends a lot on if St Louis is the next Missouri market city announced or if they do Springfield or somewhere else first.
  15. I live in St Charles and my guess is May to August. St Louis isn't even announced yet, Joplin (same Sprint market) was annouced Oct 12th and no signs of LTE nor reports of activity at Joplin towers yet
  16. I'll try it when St Louis is announced.
  17. That's a lot like asking if one type of beer is better than another. There are some advantages to both. If one was clearly superior in every respect it would be the only one anyone uses. Without getting into technical TDE vrs FDE details Clearwires TDE has much more bandwidth (speed and number of connections without overloading) available due to all the rf spectrum they have access to. Its 2.5 Ghz however and won't penatrate buildings as well or travel as far as if it was on a lower frequency for the same power level. It seems ideal for what they want to use it for, adding capacity and speed to cell hot zones that are overloaded. They may even go so far as to put tiny cell sites inside high use buildings off loading all that congestion from the rest of the network.
  18. Lots of cell companies have sold all their towers to 3rd parties and lease space back with tower maintenance bundled in the payment. They get a cash payout from selling them then a ongoing fee. The lease company sells to other cell providers too lowering the cost per carrier over everyone owning their own towers.
  19. So Sprint acquires Clearwire. Does Clearwire continue to be a seperate wholly owned company like Virgin or does it and it get absorbed into Sprint proper getting rid of some of Clearwires staff? If Clearwire remains separate the will still have a split purpose, they will want to sell cell hot spot off loading to other cell companies. As far as the rollout is concerned absorbing them would seem the best option to me.
  20. Please don't take this wrong, I'm not criticizing, I'm missing something. Why not just run Sensorly? Does it discover LTE better? My plan was to just run Sensorly when LTE pops up in St Louis and let it plot where its at on their maps. Does toggling airplane mode help that much on a phone like the Note 2 that doesn't have the issues the LTE EVO users report?
  21. Sensorly has one LTE dot on Owatonna, I wonder if its real? It looks kind of lonesome out there all by itself.
  22. Lots of towers (the one 100 yards from me right now for example) have more than one cell phone company's equipment on it. Lots of towers are not owed by a cell company too. Some how it works out better for them to sell the tower to a 3rd party and lease it back with the other company handeling maintenance. I guess because they can lease to more than one cell phone company and split the costs. If its a tall tower it very well could be for public service radio (fire, police, etc). They really can use the added height more because they may have one transmitter to cover a whole county that may have dozens of cell sites. The locals here are trying to stop the county from putting in a 190 foot tower for public service radio. They say it will hurt property values.
  23. A good question. The answer is likely to be one of a hundred things that have to happen before 3G or LTE can go life is hanging it up. California seems to get 3G first. The midwest LTE. I'm not sure which is really better if your in a area where 1x and 3G are over loaded. The "3G" first upgrade would help with phone calls and fringe area data may be better too. I don't think its they want A done before B so much as they can get A done first. I should point out I don't really know what I;m talking about I'm just a reader here too. My theory that some idiot in the mail room sent all the 3G NV gear to California and all the LTE gear to Kansas City didn't pan out.
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