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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. Same here. No LTE anywhere close yet so I'm mostly just lurking t the moment.
  2. Sorry for above typos. Cant edit it for some reason on my phone.
  3. All signs are most sites will be done this year and all by the first part of next year. Its very non linear. Just go look back a few months 100 to 200 updates was a big week. When permits, backhaul, are in place it can go pretty quickly. Read some of the other markets people say nothing happening the all of a sudden the switch to fay its starting to finally get rolling with kits of updates.
  4. I think its been a good month since I asked the equivalent of "Is it much further papa smurf".
  5. I see what your saying. I just know one town said ham radio antennas cant be over 13 feet tall and the FCC said it was too restrictive and it was changed.
  6. re: Luuminator Like I said in my first reply. "I know this isn't ham radio but maybe they are going to expand their power for broadband in a similar way."
  7. Shhh a good knife fight would break up the boredom.
  8. With respect. A small clip from the ARRL.ORG web page. "Amateurs faced with local government zoning restrictions have some relief. PRB-1, the limited federal preemption of municipal land use regulations for Amateur Radio installations, is a useful tool when applying for a building permit for a tower. According to the Commission's rules, zoning authorities can not preclude Amateur Service communications, but must reasonably accommodate amateur communications and enact the "minimum practicable regulation to accomplish the state or local authority's legitimate purpose" [97.15(]. Local governments can zone for height, safety and aesthetics concerns, but their restrictions can not be so prohibitive that they are overly restrictive." Individual cases have reversed or repealed local rules agains hams.
  9. I hate to disagree Robert but the FCC can wield power and over ride some local codes and ordinaces when they need to. When your not so busy some time look up PRB-1 and how the FCC can over rule local restrictions on Ham Radio antenna's if they are overly burdensome. I think the rule is reasonable accommodations have to be made and I think its the FCC who decides what is reasonable. I know this isn't ham radio but maybe they are going to expand their power for broadband in a similar way.
  10. Uhoh one guy says there are RRU another no RRU in Joplin. I smell a Ozark knife fight coming on.
  11. It's the show me state so Sprint come on and show me some NV rollout all ready. The guys in Joplin must be very patient.
  12. Glad you did, I missed it or just forgot about it. Good luck with the big project or whatever it is.
  13. Not that anyone asked but I love my note 2 but it is about a half inch too big to be a perfect fit for me. Iys really a 2 hand phone I use one handed.
  14. I saw one of those monopole cell sites that had a couple panels mounted outside its skin about half way up this weekend. I don't think it was a Sprint site. Just mentioned it because its new to me to see one like that.
  15. Would love to see that here in the St Louis area. St Joseph is still Kansas market... Only rumor of LTE in Missouri I have herd so far is one of the Joplin sites for maybe 30 minutes, must have been a test. Or maybe a sadistic install crew just messing with us.
  16. It goes almost to 11. <go search youtube for it goes to 11, spinal tap>
  17. This made my day, even way over here in St Charles
  18. Anyone checked Joplin for signs of work in progress this last week? Three months since Sprint announced Joplin as in coming months... I'm hopping the get going so the rest of the state will follow soon.
  19. As I understand it the TDE 2600 mhz will be available to other carriers too. Clearwire always had planned to off service for high demand area via micro cells to who evete needs it and I think Sprint is ok with that too.
  20. I thought I major part of Softbank wanting Sprint is the economy of scale having Sprint 2.5 (2.6?) Ghz TDE in all their phones so they would also run on Softbanks network in Japan. They would also sell the same phones to their own customers. I really hope Charile doesn't get far with roadblocks.
  21. Never would have guessed it was cell.
  22. Pretty much I was really thinking more like this one. http://goo.gl/maps/BTYtL Seen a few like this too: http://goo.gl/maps/786jM One odd thing about the panels, they appear to be painted the same color as the pole that holds the billboards.
  23. I have noticed a few billboards lately that have 3 panels just above the sign a few feet. This a new trend? Anyone know who is putting them up? They are very low compared to most cell sites I see. I wonder if these are a new trend. Small low, limited coverage. Probably cheaper and easier to put in than a new big one.
  24. Maybe they are trying to make this a Springfield like site I also saw a couple of guys a few blocks from the site that were dressed like cable contractors. White hard hats and florescent green vests. They were pointing at a cell tower in the distance and then across the street as I drove past. Backhaul I'm hoping but probably just Charter working on a outage. They were in a vacant lot that had too steep of a grade to put much on however so maybe not.
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