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Everything posted by lilotimz

  1. Good luck finding this one with just a half second glance and no this is not an Sprint site. It's an ATT site that was upgraded last week from HSPA+ to new Ericsson panels.
  2. Clearwire has already been upgrading their existing network for well over a year. Their december report stated that they have 1000 TDD-LTE capable sites ready to be hooked up to Sprints MSC's but not given the order by Sprint to do so yet. They're doing the slow and steady work because many of clearwires cell site locations may be in redundant locations and could be relocated to Sprints rack instead of their own for cost saving purposes. We'll probably see more info in the coming weeks.
  3. Parts of tuscon appear to be within that boundary especially the south and southeast part of the city along the highway. It's very close but cannot be verified since info is missing from that particular area.
  4. IBEZ - international boundary exclusion zone. Areas which are 100KM from the Mexican or Canadian borders where SMR 800 cannot be deployed pending negotiations for their usage in those areas. Robert explains it on several posts here.. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2445-network-visionlte-orange-county-market-anaheimsanta-anairvinehuntington-beach/page__st__360
  5. No problem. Keep tabs around here in the next month or so. We're expecting and seeing many new markets undergoing the earliest stages of deployment via applying for permits or having advanced backhaul delivered to cell sites. Should be a huge amount of action in the coming months with all of Samsung , Alcatel-Lucent, and Ericssons remaining markets being deployed.
  6. Network Vision in UCV has or will begin in the next 30-45 days. First LTE signals should pop up around june and mass deployment across the entire market should be underway by July. Stockton has a little less than two dozen cell sites to upgrade which means only about half of them needs to have upgrades to provide sufficient coverage.
  7. Had to add that in. 2g Edge is no better than legacy 3G in many cases and is what T-mobile falls back upon if the area don't have LTE. T-mob LTE is an overlay of their existing HSPA+ footprint. If you don't get T-mobile LTE then you probably won't get HSPA+ which mean you get Edge which is a huge shocker in comparison to Network Vision 3g or unburdened legacy 3g sites in the rural.
  8. Nope. Dish, Charlie Ergen, is just flapping their arms QQ'ing because they haven't gotten their way. The reason is Sprint and Hesse isn't too keen on working with Charlie because of : 1) Dish approached Sprint earlier last year about a possible deal with Sprint deploying Dish's spectrum in return for capacity [abandoned once Softbank came through], Dish then went after Clearwire when it became obvious that Sprint will be buying it, and 3) going after Sprint itself after their efforts at Clearwire got rebuffed. So nothing really will happen until more info is to come. Sprint has already begun deployment all along the west coast. Samsung has begun NV deployment across oregon and washington with LTE popping up here and there now. SF Bay area has been well underway for more than half a year and has seen steady progress (go to Vacaville..4G LTE, NV 3G , &CDMA 800) while Alcatel-Lucent is humming along in socal and has seen slow but steady progress. The only markets that have not yet begun in CA is the LCV which is slated to begin during the summer. The upper central valley is probably underway and the first permit for tower work might have been applied earlier this month (still trying to confirm). I'll need to wait till the end of this month to see another building application summary to see if it really is Samsung beginning or not but work has been confirmed and verified to begin all across the market by at at least June-July time frame with physical work hopefully beginning next month.
  9. Here's how to get around TWC's douchery regarding youtube... credit to folks over at reddit for bringing it to attention. http://mitchribar.com/2013/02/how-to-stop-youtube-sucking-windows-guide/
  10. Crappy 3g or crappy signal (105dbm + )? There's a big difference between the two.
  11. No. The current coverage by the 4g signal is the maximum that sprint is setting them at or the permanent setting. If you don't get a 4g signal in your location but you still get a decent 3g signal then your specific area is covered by an adjacent cell site that will provide a stronger signal. Trust me. You don't want to be on the edge of a 4g signal.
  12. Don't need to. The speedtest is wrong but you're no doubt getting very close to the maximum theoretical output of 37.5 mbps which is a good thing till you start getting a headache from standing in front of the panel
  13. Impossible speed. Definitely an error with the speedtest server. Sprints 5x5 configuration has a theoretical max of 37.5 mbps / 12.5 mbps UL-DL.
  14. You only need a small donation to become a sponsor which houses the interactive maps that show all known Sprint cell sites and their locations. Premier sponsor areas has more goodies but costs about $100 to get to that level. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/
  15. Got to get rid of their stock one way or another as it's incompatible with any other network so they just can't sell it to another telecom. Budget device like that iphone 4/4s i suppose.
  16. 1. There will absolutely be LTE in Sharon, PA & surrounding areas. No ifs or buts. There absolutely will be. 2. The "state college build" is a ground mounted site in the area (not necessarily inside the city) which means no SMR 800 service for sure and may or may not have LTE depending on the ease of getting backhaul to the site. There is no full build sites to my knowledge in progress in the area except those around Pittsburgh but they are just now beginning the market so progress should rapidly expand. 3. So the Sharon/Hermitage area has a pop of over 30,000? Big deal. The area that I live in, the Sacramento region (upper central valley), has over 2.5 million pops and we haven't even gotten anything done yet (infact they are in the earliest stages of anything being done... aka procuring equipment and manpower) so suck it up, there are many many huge metros and areas with no upgrades still and you're not the only one waiting anxiously for better service. 4. http://s4gru.com/ind...-aka-the-rulez/ Also about the last part of your post...
  17. And here I thought coding rays, switch's, while ifs, loops, running totals, etc was hard...
  18. Oh I'm clearly expecting Ericsson and Alu to have their own TDD-LTE setups as well just like how Samsung has their own TDD-LTE setup but as I said... another topic ... Back to the scheduled NYC NV discussion xD
  19. Click on "The Forums" tab on the top left to get to the forum directory then scroll all the way down to the S4GRU sponsor area.
  20. Scroll all the way down to the "The S4GRU Club" and you'll have access to the Interactive S4GRU maps and S4GRU Sponsors forum. I think you'll like what you find inside of there.
  21. I think you misunderstood what I'm trying to say. What I'm saying is that it's far more prudent to just stick with the equipment that's currently deployed as each vendor already has a standardized setup and most likely have replacement items and other misc. equipment stocked up in the case that something breaks. Adding another new panel just because it's a slight improvement in some aspect is just complicating things and needlessly expand how much more additional parts they must acquire in case the newer and different panels breaks. Much better to stick through with the current setups and not have a hodgepodge of different models strewn about. On the part about the TDD-LTE, I too would love to see an expansion of that service and filling in of the coverage holes but that's a whole other topic.
  22. Your market, my market, his market, their market, that market.... uh... which market are we talking about? ~~ I would venture and say more than 1/3-1/2 of Sprints markets have not begun yet or is in the very earliest stages.
  23. ATT is the one of the main backhaul suppliers of the market. ATT is part of a duopoly who is taking Americans from behind with lube and have vested interests in keeping Sprints network vision project delayed. There's a reason backhaul was one of the main reasons for the 3+ months average delays. /shrug
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