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Everything posted by lilotimz

  1. Apparently they begun applications a while ago in the UCV (I've only been checking Sacramento permits) as I've now found quite a few permit applications in other cities dating from mid to late march. Most excellent finding this is... most excellent... :evil:
  2. Actually it's NV 2.0... the mass deployment of SMR 800 services (LTE and CDMA 1xA) and utilization of TDD-LTE 2500-2600 as hotspots in major urban areas where capacity is needed.
  3. 1. It Will be excellent. I believe Houston is one of Sprints remaining markets which has a spectrum crunch on PCS (20mhz overall iirc) and the deployment of SMR 800 LTE & CDMA 1xA V will help out substantially. 2. Yep, SMR 800. 3. Oh.. that'll depends. Expect anywhere from up to 4-10 dB in improvement or even significantly better if you get connected to SMR 800. 4. Yep. It's being deploy sparsely on CDMA 1xA V in many markets and is slated to quickly come into service after Nextel iDen is shut down on june 30,2013. All currently deployed Sprint NV hardware is capable of immediately broadcasting SMR 800 with minor work being done. The problem is that the Nextel iDen network is still running and you can't utilize the SMR 800 frequency till you shut it down.
  4. Samsung Telecommunications=/= Samsung electronics Reception is all about your phones design and the SGS3 is an excellent RF performer.
  5. Best bet is to look around City of [insert name] website and then looking at building permits. Usually cities will have an archive of who applied for what and you can find it from there. If they don't then you'll need to find out which department handles building permits and check for their main office location - aka call to confirm. From what I recall... there was one city which was giving Sprint / Samsung headaches regarding permits but I do not recall if it was stockton.
  6. No timelines other than the excellent repository of knowledge that robert provides and my own combing through city websites for permit information. Some cities post them online (in case of most major cities in CA) while other smaller towns needs to be done in person. Given that LCV is also getting permit applications around this time, i'll venture to say that Samsung is starting both markets right now and will be in full swing by june / july. Just in time for iDen's shut down... :] Other than that, the standard turnaround from application date to issue date is approx 3 weeks from what I see of T-mobile modernization applications so work should begin around the end of May, give or take 2-3 weeks, if all goes well.
  7. Applications for building permits related to network vision has begun in sacramento, CA. It's begun!!!!! I think I'll head by shabu japanese fondue or shoki ramen II house in a few weeks... "cough cough"
  8. You'er a sponsor and have access to a wealth of information pertaining to NV. Use it as this question has been asked many a times before and answered. To people that haven't seen it.. basically the answer for improved coverage at the edges of cell service is the fact that the new antennas are much more efficient than the legacy panels in addition to the fact that RRU's are mounted extremely close to them. This allows the new setups to get as much as up to 20% better performance than the old ones which translates somwhere to the 5-10 dB range. This minor increase can mean the difference between usable service at the extreme edge of a cell site or no service / crappy service & can be sometimes viewed as increased coverage.
  9. No 800mhz in PR anytime soon as have been stated again and again.
  10. Yes. ~14 mhz across most of the nation except for certain areas in the southeast where Solinco is not sharing the spectrum with sprint. In that area, Sprint has to utilize a 3x3 setup for LTE in addition to a different channel for CDMA 1xA. Rest of the nation, except for the exclusion zones around the borders, will have just enough spectrum for one 5x5 LTE setup alongside a CDMA 1xA V setup in addition to the guard bands.
  11. This site is a non-profit group supplied by internal sprint, samsung, etc sources and are not affiliated with Sprint Nextel. We have massive databases of information up to and including all ~39,000 sites and their exact locations grouped into their little maps alongside the massive Network Vision completed/in progress maps which document any acceptances of NV sites. In addition, we have individuals that dedicate many man hours to organize and present the ideas / data / analyses in a manner that we non-industry people can understand. The data contained within the sponsor areas are immense and very informative. This site is the envy of all others that follow other carriers LTE or modernization programs and rightfully so for a reason. The information we have here both in terms of knowledgeable members and hard data is second to none and all are supported by members donations in case you didn't notice the lack of ad's around these parts. http://s4gru.com/ind...come-a-sponsor/
  12. Do not count out Verizon , ATT, and T-mobile on taking advantage of Sprint. ATT (and presumably Verizon) went extremely hard against Sprint when they begin their nextel decommissioning for iDen subs. Verizon and ATT already has LTE in the affected areas whereas sprint is still in the process of just deploying for many of the affected regions outside of Chicago and they will use it as a leverage against sprints still highly visible legacy 3g network. They'll make a go for the customers and they'll take a healthy chunk. Sprints reputation in these areas with USCC subs aren't the best anyhow no matter what NV brings.
  13. Very top rack is iDen panels. Should be decommissioned and removed within months as the June 30 iDen shutdown date is fast approaching.
  14. Legacy Sprint panels are by no means bad. It's just that the backhaul linking to these sites are not up to par which results in the low speeds we come to expect from overburdened legacy 3g sites. Give a site like the one pictured above a new base station, 6 RRU's, and upgraded backhaul and you got yourself a LTE GMO site.
  15. Top - Sprint Legacy 3G. Middle - ATT Ericsson modernized HSPA / LTE panels Bottom - T-mobile Ercisson AIR LTE / HSPA pannels Microwave antenna - Probably Clearwire Wimax that is behind the leaves on that tree.
  16. Typically about 40-50% range I'd assume. Enough to get some semblance of LTE over the a good part of an area and then filling them in over time.
  17. I'm seeing them starting to cap speeds at ~15 mbps and ~18-20 mbps depending on which APN you're using. DC-HSPA ofcourse. Hsupa on PCS 1900 is around 2-4 mbps from what I can tell with my cousins int'l HTC one.
  18. Aren't those like diplexers or something where they split the connection into whatever frequency? I vaguely recall AJ or someone talking about them on ATT panels.
  19. Sounds about right for Sacramento. They've been modernizing sites here since last october. Shame Sprint is last here but meh. At least I'll get service inside concrete / brick buildings....
  20. Nothing that we can detect although we did see a 3g site accepted a few days ago which turned out to be a replacement for an old one. Should start relatively soon though as every OEM (alcatel-lucent in HI's case) is now beginning the rest of their markets.
  21. Those of you who know anything about the government will know what this image represent. A government "free of influence from lobbyists and corporate shills..."... ya... right...
  22. Iphone 5 has PCS set as high priority while SMR 800 are lesser priority. If a person has an iphone 5 in a low signal area and drops to SMR, they will not stay there. Instead, the Iphone 5 will constantly search for a PCS signal and latch onto one no matter it's strength (this can kill a persons phone in a low PCS signal area). Whereas on Androids, PCS and SMR priority are set the same. If you are connected to SMR 800 because you dropped from PCS, the phone will stay there and won't bother scanning for a PCS signal as PCS and SMR are equals on the priority list.
  23. Not possible. Another entity holds the SMR 800 frequency in PR + there are numerous international boundary issues to work out even if possible (2+ years minimum as they'll be dealing with foreign governments.. look at the mexican & canadian borders). Edit: Been corrected
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