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Everything posted by lilotimz

  1. No. 3g upgrades will be launched when a cluster is ready regardless of LTE being turned on. A cluster can be anywhere from a few towers to several dozen. The majority must be upgraded in a cluster before they can turn the upgraded 3g on or it'll cause a lot of headache that Sprint does not want to have.
  2. Best way to tell is to see if you're in an area with NV progress by being a sponsor. To my knowledge, all sites being worked on in the UCV market is currently GMO's pending the beginning of full builds in the coming weeks (?). To have CDMA 1xA 800 will require new panels to be put up along with the assorted NV goodies which GMO's do not completely have (read here http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-340-sprint-deploys-special-ground-mount-option-network-vision-sites-in-some-low-capacity-and-high-engineering-locations/ ). All in all, SMR 800 should increase everyones coverage when it gets deployed, especially for those in the lower signal areas.
  3. Nope. Google CFO already announced that Moto has 18 months of product in the pipeline when they acquired them back in August of 2012. You need at least 12-18 months to develop, test, and manufacture a new phone. The initial months were Google trimming the unneeded fat from Moto and streamlining operations. At best, they begun designing this "X" phone 2-3 months after the acquisition which puts it highly unlikely that it'll be announced at Google IO in May as that means they finished the design, tested it, and can manufacture it in approx 7-8 months. Not really possible. Best possible case is that this mythical X phone will be out somewhere in the late summer and fall of next year.
  4. Vegas is ALU to my knowledge. Samsung does Northern California & Lower central valley. Alu does SoCal and the east from there (cough vegas cough)
  5. highly unlikely the Moto X will be announced anytime soon. They acquired Moto last summer and the already 18 months of product profile. Even if they start doing the designs the day they were acquired by google, it's highly unlikely they'll go from the design board to the production lines in barely under a year. Most likely the "X" phone will be a fall / holidays phone.
  6. Most fascinating! Though I kinda doubt 6 months. I'd say 3 months at the earliest as Samsung tends to make everything go "zoom zoom zoom"...
  7. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2902-how-to-spot-sprint-panels-and-rrus-ericsson-style/
  8. Hmm... i was under the impression it was only GMO's and not full builds... I guess yay?!!!
  9. I learned my hard lesson about life when I got mugged at 15. You don't know sh*t in life and you're just another unintelligent idiot spewing BS and acting like you know everything but then you get the wakeup calls. Your loved ones that you grew up with start passing away. Your friends that you thought will stay with you forever are drifting apart due to diverging interests. Then you do the one of the biggest thing in life and apply for college and get rejected from your dream school while all your friends leave town for UC Berkely, UCLA, UC Davis, UC Riverside, CSU's, NYU, etc... Trust me. Be humble. Appreciate the input of others and especially your peers. You only have 15 in this world and grew up around electronics and easy access to everything. Older folks like Wiwiwiwiwiwiwaaaaa experienced a lot more in his 30+ years and learned plenty from his mistakes and past actions and regrets.... Anyways back on topic. I'm getting some hyper jealrous of your 3g tests....
  10. Don't be so easy to trust Sprint representatives. They are more often than not less informed than us here and will just say anything to make the customer feel better. Vacaville / SF I don't doubt about NV upgrades but Sacramento is a bit more iffy. I haven't seen anything go through the permits yet (trust me.. i check weekly) but GMO's are being worked on so he might not be completely wrong either. Anyways, we'll have it popping up soon enough.
  11. LTE 800 is not set to begin until Nextels iDen shutdown in the Summer of 2013 ala around June time frame. Until then, LTE 800 will not be launched anywhere. Only CDMA 800 1xA voice and LTE 1900. The hardest part of NV is rebuilding the towers from the ground up with new hardware and panels and that is when LTE 1900 is actually turned on. LTE 800 is mainly about slapping a carrier card in and possibly hooking up a few additional items but will not need to do extensive modifications on a NV site as the panels already support 800 (which is not turned on). Anyways. CW 20mhz can probably easily reach 100mbps if the backhaul supports it but 60mbps is probably just a good feeling number so people don't get disappointed if speeds decreased or is not up to par with better backhauled sites.
  12. Read the article. Only some sites are getting GMO treatments due to low priority and high costs for limited gains. Most sites are full builds in this market and are set to begin in the coming months / weeks.
  13. Depending on how tall the cell site is and the topography of the landscape... 10 miles or so?
  14. GMO's are Ground mounted Options sprint deploys in areas where cell sites can't easily get stuff up and running without major work being done. More aptly explained here ; http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-340-sprint-deploys-special-ground-mount-option-network-vision-sites-in-some-low-capacity-and-high-engineering-locations/ In essence, these sites are low priority sites that are getting the treatment now. They get new NV cabinents, rrus, and maybe upgraded backhaul but not new Antennas. They will reuse the panels in place and if possible, activate LTE 1900 on it if backhaul is available. They'll completely redo the sites at the end of NV and upgrade everything to regular NV cell site status with LTE 800 / 1900 / 2500(?) and the rest of the goodies. Basically, these sites wouldn't get any NV work till at least 2014 but sprint is starting them now in order to get some pressure off the legacy network. Since these sites don't require much work, it should light up pretty quickly compared to full tower builds. You MIGHT get some LTE love if the nearest GMO's signal reaches the parking lot by i80 if the downtilt is set at the bare minimum because the two sites seemed to be aimed up and down the interstate. Anyways. Berkeley already has their problems. They haven't even pulled permits yet (to my knowledge) or begun any process down there! I've already betted it's going to be one of the last (if not the last) places to be upgraded (ala late summer to end of 2013) so I dont think you should want the same thing to happen to Davis By the way, UCV is a big market but by no means the largest. San Francisco / Vacaville , etc are part of the Bay Area market whose market line ends at Dixon which is unfortunately literally a 2 minute drive from Davis!
  15. Probably not. The other carriers are pretty hush hush about their deployment and Sprint would've been the same until we got amazing people like Robert starting this whole thing up.
  16. GMO' deployments have already begun. Full builds should begin in the coming months if what Robert said is correct. Think there is 3 GMO's around Davis. One up way north and two on i80 between Davis and Sac. As I said earlier, Davis should be relatively quickly to deploy if the cities along i80 to SF are any indication. That is unless people at U.C. Davis starts a ruckus about how cell sites are killing brain cells etc. p.s. if you really want to experience what Sprints network vision does for you... just drive a bit to Vallejo / nut tree / fairfield... those sweet sweet NV speeds and CDMA 800 1x coverage...
  17. Looks like you found the one of the first permits for Sprint in Mil. That address corresponds to a Sprint tower. Keep your eye on it and any other permits.
  18. Nothing at all. It belongs to clearwire which is a wholly independent corporation from sprint (for now). If Sprint buys out Clearwire then they might possibly tear our the wimax tower and locate it to a nearby Sprint tower and turn on TDD-LTE in later stage of NV.
  19. The one with >37 mbps seems to be a lil mess up with the speedtest server since the airlink itself can in no way transfer over 37 with the 5x5 configuration. But it seems you have an amazing connection to the tower anyways so it shouldn't matter. Looks like the panel is directly pointed at u ! lucky you...
  20. Sprint will never ever exceed speeds of ~37 mbps due to the nature of their LTE setup in a 5x5 configuration. ATT and VZ mainly deploys in a 10x10 configuration which maxes out at around 70mbps if given the correct backhaul and little users (haha... hi verizon LTE speeds!).In a fully deployed area, you'll highly unlikely go to an area over 110 dbm (reception where LTE speeds really start tanking under 10 mbps) beofre being swapped to a closer tower. Speeds will range from 10-30ish mbps most of the time. Only time it'll ever break the theoretical max will be if someone connects to a CW TDD-LTE site with their (20mhz) wide channels which can get up to ~100mbps given the backhaul.
  21. Most likely the flatter geography and filthy rich folks who demands cell towers to be out of sight because they decrease property values...
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