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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. HTC ONE HTC EVO4GLTE HTC EVO 3D PS3 Kurio Tablet Kindle Nintendo 3DS Roku 1 desktop 1 Laptop 1 Chromebook 1 Network Printer 12 Devices Total
  2. Got mine on Friday and just started putting it through its paces yesterday. So far the hotspot switches from 3g to LTE without any issues. The performance is pretty good so far. I have seen it hold an LTE signal up to -131 dbm. I also speed tested in downtown Raleigh with a LTE signal of -113 dbm and got 4.67 down, 1.52 up and a ping of 423 ms. Not bad. My only negative is there is no way that I can find to indentify which LTE frequency you are on. Otherwise I'm happy!
  3. There is no reason that Softbank cant enter new markets or expand others. While Sprint is an important acquisition it is not Softbanks only market..
  4. I think you are both right. Sprint has had significant subscriber gains with the release of popular phones like the OG EVO and the iPhone. I think the state of the network has not allowed Sprint to maintain those gains.
  5. I should have my device by tuesday. Reviews to follow!
  6. If you are in a market that has LTE AND WiMax then you are in a pretty good spot. Mostly because you have LTE on 1900 and you will have LTE on 2500 relatively soon. I'm not sure if there will be any rhyme or reason to the 800 rollout. I have seen some very rural areas get 800 voice while many urban areas have very little if any 800.
  7. How many folks here are looking at flipping and how many are looking at a long hold?
  8. I agree with the assessment. HTC does produce a very good product in the One. Marketing has failed that device miserably. Removable batteries and sd cards are a deal breaker for a small minority of buyers and adds complexity and cost to manufacturing. I think they are on the right track. They just need to spend some mega dollars on advertising while they still have some money left.
  9. IIRC you dont actually buy the device from Freedom pop but rather they allow you to use it after you pay a deposit.
  10. Just got an email stating that my device will ship in five days. We shall see.
  11. According to that thread CA would allow current devices to continue operating on a the G block and new devices to operate on both g and h blocks.
  12. 1900 is still Sprints bread and butter frequency. There is not enough 800 mhz spectrum and 2500 even after being fully deployed will still have its inherent propagation flaws. If Sprint can increase its 1900 holdings then i think they should go for it.
  13. I don't understand the issue here. It is far more questionable to count s small city as a market versus splitting up NYC into markets. The city offers a unique mix of geography, population density and large geographical size.
  14. Its exactly like a car lease. They are double dipping. $12 times 12 is 144 dollars vs the 199 dollars you would usually pay. The difference is they get the device back with no compensation and then they sell it off again as either a refurb, a boost/virgin phone or some other MVNO.
  15. They sent me an email about two weeks ago stating that they would reset my start date for my free data and that my device would ship "soon". About to prod them for another update.
  16. I think its bogus. I don't know if this is an HTC issue or a Sprint issue but if the One X is getting it then so should the EVO.
  17. You mean like a county commissioner? Those guys have it made.
  18. To me it does not matter what your feelings on 9/11 happens to be. People died. It deserves some reverence especially on the anniversary. It took me 10 years before I could get through an anniversary without drinking and crying for my lost friends and colleagues and I know I'm not the only one. Some people are just so insensitive.
  19. I want to know if you can play two seperate games at one time(one on the PS4 and one on the Vita) or if you can play a coop game between two players. That would make COD Black Ops awesome with two players.
  20. It goes in cycles. Atari ruled for years until Colecovision. Then Nintendo took out Coleco. Sega was strong for a number of years but failed to live up to the might of nintendo and Sony. Then Microsoft entered the fray and nintendo is being squeezed by Sony and MS. Its nintendos turn. Its a testament to them that they have lasted as long as they have. After Nintendo bows out I think the cycle will end. Sony and MS will rule unless somebody with money and influence introduces a product that changes the video game paradigm.
  21. They need to ink a deal with Google placing Sprint access on select chromebooks. I think google had a similar deal with Verizon.
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