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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. Call it paranoid all you want. The way I see it there was a security concern about Sprint using Huawei equipment since Sprint holds government contracts. Pretty significant with the accusation that China has stolen multiple plans for United States weapon systems.
  2. You are arguing perception of greater value driving sales regardless of the price. I'm arguing that there is a point of diminishing returns regardless of the perception of value. Time will tell who is right.
  3. We are just going to have to disagree. While the PS3 might have done "fine" at $599 it did not sell enough to justify the loss that Sony was taking on each one. Also remember that the PS3 was the multimedia platform of its day much like the One is doing now. Yes you got more for your money but where you willing to spend that much. I have no doubt that both will do fine. What i believe is that you will see a flip flop of the sales situation from 2006-07 simply because the two have exchanged market strategies.
  4. Not stateside. It took the PS3 almost seven years to catch up to the Xbox 360 sales in the US. Most people would argue that it only happened because of the price cut which brings me back to my original point. I think consumers in the United States are only willing to spend but so much for a console. 3-400 dollars may be the sweet spot.
  5. As stated earlier. This may be history repeating itself. The PS3 never really recovered from its slow stateside sales.
  6. Not that I am aware of. IIRC it wont even tell you which band you are on.
  7. PSN 1 year subscriptions are on sale tomorrow for 29.99. Not sure if you can get it on line but the major retailers will have them.
  8. Rewind to the original PS3 and Xbox 360 launches. The PS3 was a tour deforce with every option imaginable included. The price tag was also a tour deforce on your wallet. The xbox 360 by contrast was a much more moderately priced console. We may be seeing a reverse of 2005/6 where you may not have seen a whole lot of people crossing the lines but rather microsoft capturing a bunch of customers who could not afford sonys price tag. I still think Microsoft's strategy this time was smart due to the xbox's abysmal international sales when compared to United States sales. They just might have overestimated what a customer will pay for a console much like sony did with the PS3.
  9. I still have an account over there. Grrrrrr. Must......resist.....t e m p t a t i o n!
  10. I actually like Microsoft retail strategy better. Wait one week and have a more international launch. IIRC the Play station was strong internationally while the Xbox was not. Launching before Sony in some of these countries may be a smart move.
  11. Criticism is fine when it is fair, balanced and based on the facts. We have seen so many "articles" criticizing Sprint that were down right lies. For whatever reason some individuals have a need to go after Sprint. In the case of Consumer Reports I have serious issues with any of the consumer electronics ratings.
  12. Other than the fact that they are both FPS games they are so different. It really depends on your taste.
  13. Really? Wow. I won't argue the point. You have your opinion and I have mine.
  14. Thats revisionist history. This site was created before the LTE roll out started. Also in my experience Consumer Reports is clueless regarding automobiles and consumer electronics. I question the validity of their research and survey methods. They seem to be extremely narrow in their focus.
  15. Of course consumer reports always knows what it is talking about.
  16. On what parts of the line are you testing. Some parts are underground and other parts are in a trench. Unless you are at ground or above ground level I would not expect stellar service.
  17. Grrrr. Friggin HP. Evidently I cannot install a drive smaller than the one it is replacing. I tried installing a copy of windows seven that I downloaded but that did not work. Anybody have another work around? The original hard drive is still working for now.
  18. Considering adding a line through this promotion.
  19. LTE spotted on NC42 from the 70 bypass to us70 in Clayton. When I get a chance I will check to see what towers it is coming off of and I will do a speed test on both $G and #G. Also found some LTE on Pritchard road.
  20. Got mine. The salesperson said that PSN members get two free games in November. As soon as I get a chance I will check up on that.
  21. South east of raleigh on Smithfield Road LTE/EHRPD has been gone for atleast two days now. However LTE has intermittantly popped up. Hiopefully they are making both upgrades now.
  22. Thats a lot of moving parts. They would have to pull this off prior to the 600 mhz auction.
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