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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. I could never understand the rational of the GSM fanboys. They seem to forget that CDMA is in use in multiple countries also. Either way the point is moot. The future standard is VOLTE. To spend billions just to acquire a technology that you are going to sunset in a few years does not make sense.
  2. I think the concept is sound. However, one could make the argument that the execution is flawed. This is similar to Sprint TV ads. They seem to miss the mark because they don't understand their present or potential customers. Just my .02 cents.
  3. The biggest issue I have with the Framily plan is it seems like a return to the old ways were NEW customers were valued over loyal customers. This was a big complaint about Sprint around 2001-2006 ish. Sprint finally set up loyalty rewards with the tiered upgrade based on tears with Sprint which they got rid of. I understand not allowing everybody to combine their accounts but they should at least allow an existing customer to combine with one other existing customers account. Maybe they will change their mind on this.
  4. Really? You need to at least provide your reasoning.
  5. User results may vary depending on geography. My network experience has improved 100% in Raleigh since the NV rollout and they are not done yet.Justify Legeres remarks at your own peril.
  6. Here is the problem. Sprint was criticized, sometimes here, for over promising and under delivering. There is the distinct possibility that they are now under promising. Additionally, if Sprint covers the major metro areas with band 41 then I really don't think anybody is going to care if the network overly takes two years. In that comparison T-Mobile will not have a leg to stand on.
  7. I dont know how valuable Dishs spectrum is in practical terms.
  8. That would be interesting but I dont think it would happen. Verizon recently got into bed with the cable companies. I dont think they would try to compete with cable at this point.
  9. Grrrr. They are doing right now in Raleigh NC and it is driving the centrex systems nuts. Some numbers need a 1+ area code and some just need the area code. The problem is it is still all the 919. Throw that in with a centrex system that requires that you dial 9 for an outside line and BAM, you have a recipe for anarchy.
  10. In the 80's. IIRC even the news media did it. Especially weather forecasters after the city broke up into 212 and 718 area codes. So that would be right after we ditched the stone tablets, nails and hammers.
  11. HA! Must be generational because we used to always say in da 212!
  12. Not sure if it would make a difference but I would try to have the tech desk reprovision the phone.
  13. Its actually pretty simple. These days you can buy the motherboard complete with the processor. In the past you had to look it up to see what was compatible with what.
  14. Happens more often than you think. Verizon had some pretty significant outages early on on their LTE deployment. I can tell you that we had one just this past august in the triangle area(NC).
  15. I think this would have been a great idea if they had transitioned Nextel into this model. Rather they killed off the brand and in the process they damaged it. I dont know if this is such a great idea. On the other hand, consolidating the two pre paid brands into one makes sense.
  16. Around the first of the year Best buy opens up it $50 off program for cell phones. I will keep an eye open for it and post here when I see it.
  17. It has also been mentioned here that you cant goto a third party retailer as they only have access to the new plans. I don't know how true that is but I did try to add another line online and was unable to keep my data everything plan and add a new line. I went into a sprint corporate store and they were able to add it on for me.
  18. My specs are kind of pedestrian: Desktop HP Pavilion AMD Athlon II Quad Core 640 processor @ 3.00 ghz Motherboard M2N68-LA 4 gb ram 64 Bit OS 1 tb Seagate HD 320 gb Seagate HD Invidia GeForce 6150se integrated Laptop: Presario C700 Intel Pentium Dual Core 1.47 ghz 1.5 gb Ram 320 gb HD and of course the Acer Chromebook.
  19. You are going to need a larger ruler!
  20. Thats exactly my point. The average cell phone consumer would gravitate towards switching providers if not for the contracts.
  21. centermedic


    Now that would be friggin awesome!
  22. I understand what you are saying and I should preface my comments as being based totally on my own opinions. I will stand by my concern about the debt load and there being more negatives to this deal than positives. Short story, I believe this deal may very well HAMPER Sprints ability to compete with the big two rather then enhancing it. I will be more than happy to retract that opinion if the details of the alleged deal show otherwise.
  23. centermedic


    I agree to a certain extent. Mostly because we have no idea how many more phones HTC would have sold if there was no delay and how many of those sales would have been stolen from Samsung. What we do know is that releasing your flagship phone so close to Samsungs flagship is not a good idea for anybody save Apple.
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