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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. Well, I dont think Sprints Network would have won any awards pre 2010 either. Solid but not spectacular is probably an appropriate description. I also dont think that the wireless arena is quite like any other. Given a chance wireless customers would be more transient than any other customer base(possibly). Either way we will find out over the next couple of years.
  2. Until proven otherwise his points are conjecture. I have provided the basis for my statements.
  3. A quick google search produced these sites. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/03/21/t-mobile-sale-may-close-tough-chapter-for-deutsche-telekom/?_r=0 http://www.phonearena.com/news/Deutsche-Telekom-in-talks-to-sell-T-Mobile-USA-to-Sprint-and-keep-a-stake-in-the-resulting-carrier_id17281 http://qz.com/73497/t-mobile/
  4. The short answer is no. However, thats how these things usually get done in the business world. To many different reliable sources reported that DT was shopping T-Mo for it not to have at least a basis in reality. I am more than willing to change that assessment if you can provide a citation.
  5. So the question is were the employees incorrect in stating that you needed a voice plan or would a t-mo customer have to scam the system to get the same result that you did?
  6. Citation please. Prior to AT&T trying to buy out T-Mo there were more than ample statements with in the industry that DT was actively looking for a buyer for T-Mo.
  7. I think folk tend to over blow the importance of the fanboys on the tech sites. If you build a competitive network at a competitive price the customers will come. It may take a few years but that has to be balanced against the cost of re-branding.
  8. The problem is you need a peg leg to complete the ensemble.
  9. Its all fun and games until somebody losses an eye!
  10. I think a name change is a waste of time and money. Just build the damn network and they will come.
  11. High priced data artificially limits the amount of data being used. I personally believe that all the models showing that the average data usage is x amount are all flawed.. As long as consumers embrace the Verizon and AT&T models then they get what they deserve.
  12. One word. Competition. As long as date rates stay artificially inflated, unlimited will remain an attractive option.
  13. Just to clarify. Sprint started true unlimited data with Wimax. This was before the network went to hell in a hand basket. Whatever their motivations may be for keeping it it is clear that even then they were trying to differentiate themselves from the other carriers.
  14. Correction, they were scared of being out of business.
  15. There is no easy way to say this but that is pretty narrow minded. The AT&T situation was totally different as it would have created a behemoth of approximately 140 million customers. A combined Sprint/T-mo would be approx 90 million customers. Totally different. Also, to compare the economic performance of Sprint vs T-mo is again apples and oranges. Sprint is building for the long term. T-Mo is looking for a suitor. You cant criticize a Sprint T-mo merger and then turn a blind eye to this. Just to clarify, I am against the merger.
  16. And this is the problem Sprint faces. When it does take the lead on something and it does not quite work out they get criticized fore ever and a day(remember wimax?). When they take the safe route they get criticized. And when they maintain the one thing that makes them distinctive(unlimited data) they get criticized. It is also disheartening that a member here would criticize Sprint for its comparatively slow LTE roll out. This has been explained ad naseum.
  17. Spark is just marketing hoopla. The use of the 2500 frequency has been part of the Netwrok Vision strategy from the start. The only change is that they now intend on doing a full overlay. On paper the money has been spent. The only additional outlay has been the transition from targeted 2500 mhz deployments to the full overlay.
  18. Everything goes in cycles. AT&T was a tarnished cell brand circa 2000. Sprint is in a prime position to manage data growth over the next few years.
  19. Thats what she said! Sorry, but if you pitch it over the plate I'm gonna swing for the fences
  20. If you get bloated at the buffet then you are not doing it right!
  21. Not disagreeing with the cost issue. Its just that Sprint TV always seemed like a half hearted effort to me.
  22. Sprint TV always had a lot of potential. They just dropped the ball.
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