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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. If you are desperate for a launch day console there are a TON of them on e-bay. A significant amount are in the 4 and 5 hundred dollar range with free shipping.
  2. Try some Kimchi...aka Korean Rotor Rooter.....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimchi
  3. Would it be possible for Sprint and T-Mobile to make a joint bid and then if they win they could split the spectrum?
  4. Great idea. I had no idea that the SSD prices had come down so much. I have a second installed drive that is 250 gb and the 1 tb external drive. I should be ok with a 128 gb SSD.
  5. I checked. The info was not listed. All i got was standard disk drive.
  6. Excellent. Thanks for the help guys. I was considering either a WD Black or a Seagate Barracuda.
  7. Boot disk is made and everything is backed up on an external drive. Chkdisk ran for 12 hours and it was self initiated. Probably had a brown out and computer restarted. Its about three years old. It is an HP p6714y My hard drives are listed as generic...go figure. Can I connect a sata three hd to a sata interface?
  8. I was hoping to avoid that. Computer is still in use and i will likely order a drive so my down time is minimal.
  9. Apparently my hard drive is about to crash. Disk check hangs up. Anyhow, does anybody know how I can look up my interface ie: sata, sata2 etc etc? Thanks.
  10. Doing something along those lines can also win Sprint some friends at the FCC.
  11. Dude, its got to be your phone. Lets face it, if I can pick up a strong LTE signal on my EVOLTE and you cant...well I guess I dont have to say much more.
  12. Thats why I buy most of my games used. Depending on the game the amount spent and awarded on trade in is reasonable. About the only thing I buy new is Skylanders and Call of Duty.
  13. centermedic


    More than likely you are using a lot of memory through videos pictures text messages etc etc. I was having the same problem. I cleared my phone of the videos and photos that were already backup or not needed and cleared my text messages and that solved the issue.
  14. Just to give folk a frame of reference. The state fair is huge! There were probably 100,000 people at the fair yesterday. This in an area that usually supports a few thousand residents. I was working very close to the fair and I can echo thewezgrays LTE result but the 3g was useless.
  15. Hmmm. I have to go back and check. I know it was in effect when I bought my Evo last year. My wife got the one on release day and I honestly don't remember seeing it now.
  16. My receipt stated a early termination fee payable to best buy. So unless they are collecting for sprint it would be a second etf.
  17. Best Buy has a much better protection plan. The downside to best buy(and most other retailers) is the additional early termination fee on top of what sprint charges.
  18. centermedic


    My wife has the One and other than the usual misbehaving app after android upgrade, it has been flawless.
  19. Now you are just splitting hairs. Question asked and answered. But I will still bite. LTE is not the beginning or the end in wireless. Plenty of sprint customers are still on wimax and even more have a speedy 3G connection. I rarely have issues with streaming Netflix or you tube on a 3g connection where I live. Unlimited is still a potential game changer. The difference is once Sprint finishes network vision then unlimited data may put some pressure on Big RED and Big Blue.
  20. Historically Sprint has had a lot of technological first. More recently they have maintained unlimited data. That has forced T-mobile to keep some type of limited data. While I think its great that T-Mobile is trying to change the landscape I dont think that is a very important metric when deciding who you are going to give your money to. Sometimes being first does not mean you are the best.
  21. Ran several speed test today. First I ran a couple of speed test on my evo and got 5-7 mbps d/l and 3-54u/l. I then hoocked the phone up to the MiFi and I consistently got 17 mbps d/l and 3 u/l. I had my wife run a speedtest on her One to validate and she got a consistent 12 d/l and 4 u/l. MiFi was also showing a steady -103 dbm.
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