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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. Nokia refuses to make an Android phone and Sony only makes GSM phones.
  2. It would take a lot for me to get a LG phone. There are only two manufacturers that could get me off of HTC. Thats Sony and Nokia but we all know the story with those two.
  3. For somebody like me ,who already has the sprint hotspot @ 20 dollars a month, this could be a deal. After buying the modem I will break even at about 8 months.
  4. I have had issues with the site in the past but today I breezed through and made my purchase in about two minutes.
  5. I think smart watches will be an interesting and profitable market but no where near the run away train that smart phones became. I think the market will turn on functionality and price point. I think most people will resist paying a $200 for a cell phone and then $150 for a smart watch. P.S.-You might want to ask this question in General Investing
  6. Thats a faulty analogy. Nobody here has defended the current state of Sprints network. What has been defended is the attempts to improve that network. So using your logic, if you bought a screwed up car are you going to yell at the mechanic because it is taking a long time to fix it, stick with the car and the mechanic, dump it and buy a new car or stomp your feet and complain about the manufacturer of the car?
  7. THIS! On top of faster charging and better battery maintenance, it is harder to lose or break.
  8. I have a feeling it was to appease the NIMBY crowd. They are currently rethinking the height restrictions.
  9. I agree on both points but only to a degree on the latter point. I think over the next several years we will see an evening out of size amongst the national carriers. In other words Sprint and T-Mo will grow at the expense of Verizon and AT&T.
  10. Everything checks out on the router. As i was trying to think about what else could be causing my data slowdown I remembered how many new ssid's I can pull up when I do a wifi search. Then it occurred to me, my router is 2.4 ghz only!
  11. I already did my time in retail. I got early release for good behavior.
  12. If this was even possible to do Sprint or any other wireless provider is not required to do it. Besides, it would probably just caused even more hurt feelings. Though Sprint has done a poor job in communicating Network Vision to its customers it has done much more than expected and much more than any other carrier to date. What did Sprint get in return for this new level of open communication? A whole bunch of complaining. So now you want the timetables to be totally transparent. What happens when there are delays? Most people are just going to say same ole Sprint just like they are doing now.
  13. Yup. The problem is sprint and embarq knew how to run a phone company. Apparently CenturyTel is still learning. I got it straight from a tech who stated that they had been arguing with the execs about buying cheap equipment and not allowing weekend repair visits. They were buying cheap dslams and then putting to many lines on each one. I do have to say, in the two years since my one month of no DSL service they have started weekend repais and the reliability has gotten much better.
  14. Hmm, I forgot about international travellers. That reasoning makes sense.
  15. Take a look at sensorly. The Bronx seems to have pretty good coverge. I have to believe that next to Manhattan, the Bronx is one of the most challenging places to build out. It is a dense urban environment with a lot of hills. You may be dropping LTE intermittantly for awhile.
  16. This is just my opinion but I really don't believe that every device that Sprint has will eventually be tri band. I expect to see it on the high level and perhaps some of the mid level devices. Additionally, you don't have to have a triband device to passivley benefit from 800 and 2500(offloading).
  17. I was thinking of a merger between sprint and centurylinks wireline units but then I thought about Centurylinks reliability issues and said nevermind.
  18. Eh. I am not particularly overjoyed with this development. I am not sure how deploying 2500 where it is not needed is enhancing the customer experience. It does however increase costs. I would rather see a targeted strategic use of 2500 similar to what was originally planned.
  19. I read an article concerning tower heights in Johnston County. The county has an ordinance limiting tower height to 120 feet. They are looking at raising the limit in order to improve cell service in the county. Any thoughts? http://www.claytonnewsstar.com/2013/07/26/3060029/johnston-planning-board-reconsiders.html
  20. I have a worksite on Six Forks road that would receive LTE outside of the building and a relatively weak 3G signal inside the building. As of yesterday the in building reception improved to the point of receiving a usable 4G signal!(2mbps download). I need to check if any towers in the area are newly upgraded.
  21. Whenever this has happened to me my phone needed to be reprovisioned. Call the Tech desk if the problem persists even after restarting the phone.
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