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HTC Pre-Order Thread


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Well this is something to wake up to. The Best Buy reservation route is looking better every day.


Robert, your original June release date may turn out to be right after all. It's weird how the guy with actual sources seems to get things right in the end, huh?



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If June 10th turns out to be right, then it's just coincidence. Unless Sprint always was counting on there being a delay on the device because of the ITC issue, but later thought they would skate through and moved up the launch to the 18th. Although, that doesn't seem plausible to me.


I published the docs where June 10th launch came from. And in the issues report, there is no mention of delays associated with customs or the ITC...only LTE Connectivity issues. However, my source in this instance is lab reports. I cant imagine lab reports ever mentioning something like Customs issues.


If it is accurate that these devices have been sitting in a warehouse being held for over a month...well, it just seems crazy. If this drags out more than 2-3 weeks, this could kill Sprint. OG EVO customers will start coming off contract and bailing without their new EVO LTE's. This is a disaster.


Steve Jobs must be laughing hysterically.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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As a launch day EVO buyer I will officially be off contract on June 3. I will not be bailing even if the EVO LTE is not available. My EVO is on it's last legs but I still will not be leaving as I am getting the best deal from Sprint. If the Samsung Galaxy S3 becomes available before the new EVO is released then I will probably go that route.


I do find it a bit odd that Sprint would put this much push behind a device that there was even a question about it clearing customs.

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I really don't think Sprint has put any effort into this launch other than their weak announcement party with HTC. The only buzz about this phone comes from the blogosphere and tech websites. Ask anyone who doesn't follow the tech industry about the EVO 4G LTE and they'll have no idea what you're talking about. Ask them about the Magenta Babe on the motorcycle and they'll tell you all about the One S. Two TV shows that Sprint heavily sponsors are Fringe and Survivor. The GN just showed up on Fringe in the form of a Google Wallet ad (no mention of the phone), and Probst was touting the EVO 3D last week. Sprint's advertising focus is on their unlimited data plans...not their phones. I'm no marketing genius but Sprint pushing their tired old network can only go so far. They need to push the sexy new phones and their impending LTE network to draw people in.

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At least you have an EVO currently. I had a Hero (which I dropped in a toilet) and ended up buying a Kyocera Echo off of Craigslist. I was so ready to get rid of this thing on Friday.

Nice! Two phones and a tablet in one!
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From ISN:

  • ‘Pick and Pack’ has now been completed on ALL pre-orders, therefore cancellation of orders is no longer possible.
  • HTC has a judicial hearing scheduled this week, and we should have clearance to ship shortly thereafter.
  • Unofficially, we should be shipping no later than the first of next week, likely sooner.

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I posted this on the article but wanted to share in the forums too. Looks like HTC fixed this in the One series as well as the Evo LTE. Now we just have to wait for customs to be convinced.



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All these leaks all of a sudden about the iPhone having a 4" screen are probably no accident. Seems likely Apple targeted these leaks. Trying to capitalize on this large captive audience waiting for their devices, hoping that possibly they will now consider waiting for the new iPhone. Or even more likely, since this is such big news, Apple is putting out positive information about their product while a competitor is languishing in bad press.


Although I never like to say never, I will say that my chances of ever buying an Apple product again are now so minute it would be hard to measure with a nano scale.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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All these leaks all of a sudden about the iPhone having a 4" screen are probably no accident. Seems likely Apple targeted these leaks. Trying to capitalize on this large captive audience waiting for their devices, hoping that possibly they will now consider waiting for the new iPhone. Or even more likely, since this is such big news, Apple is putting out positive information about their product while a competitor is languishing in bad press.


Although I never like to say never, I will say that my chances of ever buying an Apple product again are now so minute it would be hard to measure with a nano scale.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


Would that be an iPod Nano scale?



Too soon? icon_whistle.gif

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Would that be an iPod Nano scale?


Too soon?




I guess I set that one up. Too funny.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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ISN claims that a new delivery date of 5/23 is going to happen, but says its a preliminary date.




We already have a story up on that: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-204-looks-like-evo-lte-launch-back-onfor-may-23rd/



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Some morning news for everyone:




7AM Update – HTC EVO 4G LTE Launch Delay


18 05 2012



Morning, all! After some MUCH needed sleep, and catching up on some emails, I just wanted to give a quick update before I head into the office to see what the day will bring.

  • I CAN confirm that an email with out to the 3rd Party distro with the 5/23 date.
  • Since Best-Buy is saying ‘whoops’ for sending the email, I’m not sure if they got smacked for releasing the date first, or if someone just messed up.
  • I do believe I’ll be able to get a copy of the actual email today to post.
  • There is a 2PM Conference bridge today about the launch.. but we’ve had these daily at some point each day, so don’t get too excited. Yesterday’s was simply boring stuff we all already knew. Generally these are not the venue for breaking news.

Also, thanks to everyone that’s been reading the blog over the past couple of days, I’ve been able to get in touch with someone who actually works for the warehouse in Louisville yesterday! It took me a while to figure out how to verify who they were, but finally I was able to do so. According to them, we have some stock there that is in the foreign trade zone (aka customs) and some that is not. Apparently some of the earlier shipments have been in the racks for a while(some are always held back for replacements, demos, store models, training phones,etc…). They have indeed picked and packed both sections for the ones that are being shipped out, and last night they were prepping for ‘rollout’. I don’t have any more information than that… but I’m determined to find some out today :)


Time for the morning commute. Hopefully I’ll be able to confirm something more soon. In the meantime, if you’re new to ISN, I’ve posted a TON of stuff over the past few years you might find interesting, so check it out – and let me know what else you’d like to see. From training docs, to processes, to launch decks…. I am generally so accustomed to seeing it all so much that I only post stuff that I think would be REALLY interesting to others.. but if there’s other stuff you’re curious about, please speak up!

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Some morning news for everyone:




7AM Update – HTC EVO 4G LTE Launch Delay


18 05 2012


Morning' date=' all! After some MUCH needed sleep, and catching up on some emails, I just wanted to give a quick update before I head into the office to see what the day will bring.

[*']I CAN confirm that an email with out to the 3rd Party distro with the 5/23 date.

[*]Since Best-Buy is saying ‘whoops’ for sending the email, I’m not sure if they got smacked for releasing the date first, or if someone just messed up.

[*]I do believe I’ll be able to get a copy of the actual email today to post.

[*]There is a 2PM Conference bridge today about the launch.. but we’ve had these daily at some point each day, so don’t get too excited. Yesterday’s was simply boring stuff we all already knew. Generally these are not the venue for breaking news.


Also, thanks to everyone that’s been reading the blog over the past couple of days, I’ve been able to get in touch with someone who actually works for the warehouse in Louisville yesterday! It took me a while to figure out how to verify who they were, but finally I was able to do so. According to them, we have some stock there that is in the foreign trade zone (aka customs) and some that is not. Apparently some of the earlier shipments have been in the racks for a while(some are always held back for replacements, demos, store models, training phones,etc…). They have indeed picked and packed both sections for the ones that are being shipped out, and last night they were prepping for ‘rollout’. I don’t have any more information than that… but I’m determined to find some out today :)


Time for the morning commute. Hopefully I’ll be able to confirm something more soon. In the meantime, if you’re new to ISN, I’ve posted a TON of stuff over the past few years you might find interesting, so check it out – and let me know what else you’d like to see. From training docs, to processes, to launch decks…. I am generally so accustomed to seeing it all so much that I only post stuff that I think would be REALLY interesting to others.. but if there’s other stuff you’re curious about, please speak up!


Thanks for the update. :tu:


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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That late night BB e-mail was disheartening. I went to bed almost ready give up and pick up the GNex today and end this mess. I might add that I had a bit to drink last night as well while attending a college baseball game at my alma mater (go Hatters!). Game time was 6:30 but rain delay pushed it back 3 hours, which was great because we were in a VIP booth that was fully stocked with food and beer.


Anyway, I woke up this morning in a much better state of mind, ready to wait this thing out, logged on here and it seems we are still on for 5/23!




Thanks for keeping us updated!

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I still haven't gotten as much a a peep from Sprint! No email or call! So as far a most people would know they should have already gotten their phones! I am so getting my $36 activation and $45 upgrade fee back for this BS! My account still shows we'll try to get it to you before the natinal launch and on the sprint site in my orders it says in progress. Also my account balanace still shows negative -211 dollar. Arg Sprint get your crap together! At least call, text or email me letting me know I'm being screwed!



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    • If so, I'm wanting to see if any others of you have been having intermittent internet issues.   The last week or two, internet just seems to intermittently stop/pause for various periods of time....when the halt/pause lets up throughput will seem normal/very snappy as you'd expect on a 1 Gig line, until its not again.  My desk with both personal PC and work laptop are in our basement with a Cat 6 run straight from the Verizon router.  I've mostly noted it when trying to go through and clean out mail from my hotmail account I've had a few decades now (to be clear off that mention, I don't have decades worth of mail pending ha - like 100-200 unreads max if that each time I go through them), but I know its not something relegated to only the outlook.live.com endpoint because I check other tabs/sites when the issues crop up and they're hanging/spinning too. I've not yet tried calling VZ tech support and wanted to check/poll for others here to see if anyone using the service might have been wrestling with similar issues.   Addendum:  Both the ONT box (in our living room, not outside) and the white standup VZ router have been cycled before a couple times.  Have also tried changing between ethernet ports on the back for the Cat 6 cable with no change over long term behavior.
    • Same here, haven't had a single issue with RCS
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    • Someone told me a couple years ago, that there were problems getting certain modems to aggregate overlapping spectrum even if the overlapping parts were actually blanked. So I think there might be firmware issues that need to be resolved first, which T-Mobile might not consider worth the effort for 4MHz at this time.
    • Tbh not that surprising. Every ISP seems to want to have an MVNO to pitch to their customers to make them stickier and maybe make some money in the process. And unlike USCC the MVNO should be able to cover TDS's entire wireline area, with infrastructure costs that are borne by someone else. Entertaining, yes. Surprising, not really...particularly when competing against Comcast or Spectrum, or even eventually T-Mobile fixed + mobile. This also strengthens my bet that they'll rebrand all their fixed wireless stuff as TDS, as that runs on spectrum they're keeping for now.
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