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i wish you could surf the web and talk to people at the same time like on tmobile or at&t

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I got my girlfriend's family to switch from AT&T and T-Mobile over to Sprint, and the one comment her sister made was that she missed the sim-voice/data on her old iPhone. She got used to being on the phone and checking emails at the same time, or looking up something. I got her to switch on the WIFI whenever she came home, and all is well now :)

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I miss it coming from AT&T, but is not a big deal for me.


I miss that feature for talking on the phone and getting directions for someone at the same time.

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There are a couple of times I've felt it would be useful for giving someone directions or looking up info on restaurants when making arrangements for dinner with someone, or just for surfing while I'm on the phone with someone while they drone on and on and on. But it's not a killer feature IMO.

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I never download "large" files via 3G. I even have 1Mbps+ speeds. Its too slow for large files. I download large files on WiFi.


I usually don't either, but I have absolutely no wifi anywhere near me (trust me I'd be using it) so occasionally, I have to tether my laptop to my phone. This is where simultaneous data and voice capabilities would be very handy.

Edited by gopher_otis
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I prefer to surf the net and chat on the phone at the same time it's a wonderful feature. I hate it when i'm on video chat i get kicked off every time some on calls me ( sprint should of enable simultaneous voice and data a long time ago). I have to end the voice call then wait from my phone data connection to come back than i have to call the person.


I do love simultaneous voice and data over Wimax but it's to bad i don't have very good wimax connection in certain parts of the city

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Here in the next month or so when I get my EVO 4G LTE I'll be saying ---


"I don't always surf on the net and talk at the same time, but when I do it's on Sprint 4G LTE."


:) Most of the time if I've got something to look up while I'm on the phone I'm usually in a WiFi spot.... I don't live in a WiMax area so I've never been able to take advantage of that.

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Here in the next month or so when I get my EVO 4G LTE I'll be saying ---


"I don't always surf on the net and talk at the same time, but when I do it's on Sprint 4G LTE."




Don't mean to burst your bubble, but you won't have Sprint 4G LTE in some areas for a while-- Kansas City maybe by September, other areas maybe a year or more. Regardless, the LTE EVO does do SVDO, so you can talk and surf on 3G with it.

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Don't mean to burst your bubble, but you won't have Sprint 4G LTE in some areas for a while-- Kansas City maybe by September, other areas maybe a year or more. Regardless, the LTE EVO does do SVDO, so you can talk and surf on 3G with it.

Its all good. I figured it probably would take some time for other areas. I'm up and KC about once a week so I will have to do some testing then :)
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And simultaneous voice and LTE will be more than sufficient in the long term, because Sprint is taking LTE over its entire footprint. Once you have LTE coverage, you can talk and surf to hearts desire.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


So this means I'll be able to download truly unlimited data at super high speeds as well as talk in unprecedented HD Voice clarity?

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  • 3 weeks later...

will nv implement this into the 1xrtt technogly so that we can be able to do this in 3g or will we still have to use wifi or 4g in the future to do this because i want to do it on 3g because 4g is not as wide as 3g

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There are a couple of times I've felt it would be useful for giving someone directions or looking up info on restaurants when making arrangements for dinner with someone, or just for surfing while I'm on the phone with someone while they drone on and on and on. But it's not a killer feature IMO.


I agree with this! Plus, it sounds tacky/unprofessional (to a client) whenever I am on the phoneand cannot do my remote support (LMI Ignition App) at the same time then have to call the customer a bazzilion (yes I know!) times to ask what could have been done in minutes versus an hour because I had to remotely fix then call several times when I could just chat and fix at the same time! Also another pain the rear thing in a world without simul Voice & Data is when you are in the urban areas and surrounded by tall buildings and Google Maps goes bonkers or be in downtown KCMO and be faced with a ton of one-way streets and not on a grid system with six names for the same street and has to "reroute" but cannot because Miss GPS says "Data connection lost" lol. I am not complaining but merely saying they're oftentimes cases where SVDO/SVLTE will truly come in handy (at least for me anyways). Sorry for my rant on here but just trying to lay out some very plausible reasons as to why one would need both data & voice at the same time and I believe it is not just a marketing gimmick (I am looking at you AT&T! ha ha) but an actual useful feature both from a business and personal standpoint.

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People tend to call me when theyre lost so I have to look at a map it would help to have data.


You mind as well put a big sign on your head and call yourself 411 because that is what it sounds like.

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You mind as well put a big sign on your head and call yourself 411 because that is what it sounds like.


I'm sorry I have family that would rather ask me for directions than 411. Not my problem if you don't no need to be an ass.

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will nv implement this into the 1xrtt technogly so that we can be able to do this in 3g or will we still have to use wifi or 4g in the future to do this because i want to do it on 3g because 4g is not as wide as 3g


SVDO is dependent on the phone's hardware supporting it. So far only the LG Viper 4G LTE and the EVO 4G LTE support it on Sprint. There might be a few others down the road, but by the time Network Vision is complete SVDO won't be necessary in all of Sprint's coverage area.

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SVDO is dependent on the phone's hardware supporting it. So far only the LG Viper 4G LTE and the EVO 4G LTE support it on Sprint. There might be a few others down the road, but by the time Network Vision is complete SVDO won't be necessary in all of Sprint's coverage area.

Josh, can you please elaborate? I understand that the EVO LTE and the Viper support SVDO and SVLTE. However, what do you mean by "SVDO wont be necessary?"

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Josh' date=' can you please elaborate? I understand that the EVO LTE and the Viper support SVDO and SVLTE. However, what do you mean by "SVDO wont be necessary?"[/quote']


Once Network Vision is complete the whole Sprint network will be covered by LTE, and unless we are doing 3G roaming somewhere, we will only have to rely on SvLTE. And then when VoLTE is deployed, we won't need 1x anymore unless we roam on an inferior network. That is of course dependent on call quality with VoLTE.


Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

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i admit, i havent read thru this whole thread, but if i can add anything, i was able to make a call while connected via LTE Data.


Yeah, thats a given but since lte isn't available everywhere it would be nice to be able to the same thing while on 3g.

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I don't think we will be seeing many more devices that support SVDO, unless the device already naturally supports it before being tweaked for Sprint. I don't think Sprint will request any OEM's to include SVDO...because its relevant shelf life is limited at this point.


By the end of summer, 25% of Sprint customers will be covered with LTE. By December 31st, it will be close to 50%. And the end of 2013, it will be 90%+.


For the middle and long term, SVLTE is what matters in new devices. And Sprint is requiring all new LTE devices support SVLTE. If they can support SVDO, then that is just gravy, in Sprint's eyes.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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