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Iphone 6+ bend test



Note 3 bend test



Instead of antennagate it is bendgate.  Does Apple issue titanium bumpers, instead of rubber ones for antennagate, to add extra strength ;) ?  This is definitely a design flaw and not found on all phones (i.e. note 3 video).  I think it's time to stop going thin with Al body.  Anyone?



Keep in mind the video I posted a page back showing the bending of an Iphone 6+ was in the open air.  If a phone has been in your pocket (front or back), it will be much warmer that the video conditions because your pocket acts as an insulator for all the heat the phone is generating.  Most materials, especially Al, become weaker at higher temperatures.  After a bit of research, the creep strength (related to malleability) will decrease almost 20% over 50 C for Aluminum.  Here in lies the problem.  Did Apple test bending?  If they did (I hope they did), did they qualify the structural response under higher temperatures?  This really makes me want to do a finite element analysis for the structural response of the iphone case to thermal and structural loading.  If I only I had time while at work.


The way he bent the iPhone 6 would be easier to bend then in the pocket overall - Once you crumble one or two small focused areas with your thumbs the rest will fold much easier.. just as any metal will once it crumples. 


Although it would be "nice" to know something is more indestructible then what most people need - proving that something is "easier to break when stressed beyond what might be usual circumstances" is like proving a floor-trim nail will bend easier then a roofing nail.  Both have intended purposes - the question would be, "Does a stress test that involves a scenario Iam very not likely to administor to my phone mean anything ? "

They proved the iPhone 5 to bend soon after its release as well.. but my wife never bent hers. Nor I mine..


But just to appease the haters and those whom are genuinely not very careful - maybe Apple should use an alloy which withstands being bent at all.. Of course then someone would say, "its just too rigid ! Shame on Apple!"

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There have been Android phones that bend.  There have been Android OTA's that have borked functionality.  Apple is no better or worse than everyone else.  Much ado about nothing.  


Knowledge is power.  That's why a website like ours is invaluable.  You know not to accept the update without checking, and you know to be careful of your iPhone 6+ from bending.


And now all is right with the world!

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When asked about the new iphone bendability issues, Steve Jobs was posthumously quoted today stating "You are putting it in your pocket wrong!"

Edited by dedub
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There have been Android phones that bend.  There have been Android OTA's that have borked functionality.  Apple is no better or worse than everyone else.  Much ado about nothing.  


Knowledge is power.  That's why a website like ours is invaluable.  You know not to accept the update without checking, and you know to be careful of your iPhone 6+ from bending.


And now all is right with the world!

I agree that Apple is not better or worse than everyone else, but that is not how they advertise.  If normal use (still to be fully determined) causes bending of your $1000 iDevice wouldn't you be a little more upset than say if you bent your $350 N5, which doesn't seem to bend?  I am not trying to argue with everyone it just kind of amuses me to see people defending the "best phone yet".  I also take offense to people responding to the bending with "put a case on it".  If Apple designs a product that has to have a case, then why do they offer different color bodies?  I really wish someone could leak an internal CAD drawing on this puppy, and other phones for that matter. As an engineer, I am sick of seeing phones get super thin while compromising structural integrity.  I understand that structural integrity usually means more weight, but honestly, what is a few grams for a sturdier phone?

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When asked about the new iphone bendability issues, Steve Jobs was posthumously quoted today stating "You are putting it in your pocket wrong!"


That is not even funny in the slightest bit. For all we know, this is an issue with a bad batch of aluminum and when enough of them have the problem, Apple will need to address it.

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"I am not trying to argue..." == "No offense, but..."



It amuses me that people that don't own iPhones care enough to come into this thread.

My wife owns an iPhone.  It is relevant to me. Besides that fact, I think most of us are really into mobile technology in general, so excuse me for not just sticking in the "Android" threads.


Also, I am not blaming people for buying the device.  It seems like a great device and what a lot of people have been demanding from Apple for a while.  I am merely seeking discussion with others and bringing some knowledge to the conversation I have because of my background.

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That is not even funny in the slightest bit. For all we know, this is an issue with a bad batch of aluminum and when enough of them have the problem, Apple will need to address it.


Ehhh, I thought it was funny.  But I would laugh at you if you fell in the Sani-Hut.  So maybe I'm just a jackass.

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He posted a new video with the iPhone 6 4.7in, htc one m8, moto x, Nokia 1020 and and a iPhone 5s thrown in for good measure. It makes me sad that we aren't getting the moto x cuz he tried to bend it and the moto x was a solid device. No flex! The iPhone 6 appears to be stronger. I read an article stating that most manufacturers use a magnesium alloy for the frame that helps with structural integrity. The 6+ seems to be lacking this extra support. iPhone 6 Bend Test + HTC One M8, Moto X, Others:

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I agree that Apple is not better or worse than everyone else, but that is not how they advertise.  If normal use (still to be fully determined) causes bending of your $1000 iDevice wouldn't you be a little more upset than say if you bent your $350 N5, which doesn't seem to bend?  I am not trying to argue with everyone it just kind of amuses me to see people defending the "best phone yet".  I also take offense to people responding to the bending with "put a case on it".  If Apple designs a product that has to have a case, then why do they offer different color bodies?  I really wish someone could leak an internal CAD drawing on this puppy, and other phones for that matter. As an engineer, I am sick of seeing phones get super thin while compromising structural integrity.  I understand that structural integrity usually means more weight, but honestly, what is a few grams for a sturdier phone?



Ehhh, you're almost trolling these poor folks.  Let them have their day.  ¡Viva la iPhone!  ¡Viva la revolución!

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"I am not trying to argue..." == "No offense, but..."



It amuses me that people that don't own iPhones care enough to come into this thread.


Yes, the haters of Apple are much more passionate then the Ford versus Honda, Ali versus Frazier, Jordan versus the NBA talks.  They make fun of "fanatics" without realizing that they show even more fanatical behavior with the constant defensive post of but but but and why why.  To me they prove the success of something much like anyone who argues Xbox versus Sony.  Losers in this capitalisitc society are ignored - not adored versus hated.  Everytime anyone hates on any consumer product just a bit too much I think there is really something wrong.  I've never once considered going to any forum of a product I don't use and posting pros and cons.. or the constant BS you see..  Best selling Android phone Galaxy S5 - 10 million in 4 weeks versus 10 million iPhone 6's in 3 days. Enuff said

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I treat you Apple fans right.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, after all.  But I draw the line where Apple fans claim to be one sided victims of Android fans.  It's tit for tat, quid pro quo.  Apple fans were the first to start talking down and mocking Android users in all the circles I have been a part of over the years, whether online or in person.  I was the victim of it just today at a business lunch where I was the only one not with an iPhone.  And then I pulled my work iPhone 4s out of my pocket and put it next to my N5.  Then they mocked me for having an old iPhone and that I was a poseur!!!


It is Android vs. Apple and/or Apple vs. Android.  Not just Apple haters.  None of you are victims of the Android fans.  You have made a choice.  And that's fine.  But perspective is important.

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I treat you Apple fans right. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, after all. But I draw the line where Apple fans claim to be one sided victims of Android fans. It's tit for tat, quid pro quo. Apple fans were the first to start talking down and mocking Android users in all the circles I have been a part of over the years, whether online or in person. I was the victim of it just today at a business lunch where I was the only one not with an iPhone. And then I pulled my work iPhone 4s out of my pocket and put it next to my N5. Then they mocked me for having an old iPhone and that I was a poseur!!!


It is Android vs. Apple and/or Apple vs. Android. Not just Apple haters. None of you are victims of the Android fans. You have made a choice. And that's fine. But perspective is important.

I think it's just dumb. You like what you like and at the end of the day these are just phones that carry out the same primary thing and that is to stay connected. Sadly some ppl feel like what phone they have is part of the make up of who they are.

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I treat you Apple fans right.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, after all.  But I draw the line where Apple fans claim to be one sided victims of Android fans.  It's tit for tat, quid pro quo.  Apple fans were the first to start talking down and mocking Android users in all the circles I have been a part of over the years, whether online or in person.  I was the victim of it just today at a business lunch where I was the only one not with an iPhone.  And then I pulled my work iPhone 4s out of my pocket and put it next to my N5.  Then they mocked me for having an old iPhone and that I was a poseur!!!


It is Android vs. Apple and/or Apple vs. Android.  Not just Apple haters.  None of you are victims of the Android fans.  You have made a choice.  And that's fine.  But perspective is important.


Personally, I beleive you've been fair. I hope you didn't feel you were being poked out. I was generalizing what I see.


On the s4gru forums though I personally have seen more bias against Apple then not by non Apple users. Just my opinion. I'm not seeing alot of Android hate talk here at s4gru, but I ( meant ) that I  see alot more Adroid users posting fanatical things on the "internet"  in general IMHO. 


1st, I feel  the conditions of the bend test rely on the fact you're stupid enough to not use any case on an aluminum phone that cost alot without a contract.  When I had an iPhone 5 I knew it was aluminum - so I bought a case. My iPhone 5c has no case because its plastic.


My cousin - like myself has both Apple and Android products - and has the otterbox I beleive for his Note 3.. Why ? He plans of reselling and of course again - it cost too much to buy without a plan.


I just personally have never spent so much energy trying to disprove the reason I don't buy any product on .  Seems like a waste of energy in itself.  I don't want to offend anyone.

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S4GRU responses in green, below



Personally, I beleive you've been fair. I hope you didn't feel you were being poked out. I was generalizing what I see.

I definitely don't feel poked at.  No worries.


On the s4gru forums though I personally have seen more bias against Apple then not by non Apple users. Just my opinion. I'm not seeing alot of Android hate talk here at s4gru, but I ( meant ) that I  see alot more Adroid users posting fanatical things on the "internet"  in general IMHO. 

Network enthusiasts have historically been more Android inclined.  And S4GRU is not an exception.  But it has changed a lot.  I like to think S4GRU has been responsible for a lot of iPhoniacs converting into network enthusiasts.  But please don't confuse S4GRU Moderation and Management from the personal opinions some of our staff share about themselves.


1st, I feel  the conditions of the bend test rely on the fact you're stupid enough to not use any case on an aluminum phone that cost alot without a contract.  When I had an iPhone 5 I knew it was aluminum - so I bought a case. My iPhone 5c has no case because its plastic.

I'm not overly concerned about "Bendgate" myself.  Much ado about nothing.


My cousin - like myself has both Apple and Android products - and has the otterbox I beleive for his Note 3.. Why ? He plans of reselling and of course again - it cost too much to buy without a plan.



I just perosnally have never spent so much energy trying to disprove the reason I don't buy any product.  Seems like a waste of energy in itself.  I don't want to offend anyone.

I agree that people shouldn't spend their energy that way.  But I don't think I saw much of that going on here in this thread.  Just some Android folks happy that Apple isn't perfect.  And maybe a little too happy.  But I intervened.

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The bending thing with the 6Plus may just be bad enough that Apple may have to address it, but if it truly is a non major issue unlike how it's being played out to be now then you probably won't see anything change. I definitely don't remember the 5/5S bending issue being this big a deal though...

My mother is thinking about a 6Plus and I may have to steer her towards a 6 because of this though. (She hasn't bent her 5 in two years but I've seen her put it in places where I'm amazed it hasn't yet)

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Well, I'm on board with the 6. Just picked mine up. What a homerun this phone is. It's a perfect size, and the way it switches between bands is phenomenal. Way better than the 5s. I'm so happy right now.



Sent from my iPhone 6

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The bending thing with the 6Plus may just be bad enough that Apple may have to address it, but if it truly is a non major issue unlike how it's being played out to be now then you probably won't see anything change. I definitely don't remember the 5/5S bending issue being this big a deal though...

My mother is thinking about a 6Plus and I may have to steer her towards a 6 because of this though. (She hasn't bent her 5 in two years but I've seen her put it in places where I'm amazed it hasn't yet)


Yes, but also realise most people will buy phone case.. I'm not sure how well the iPhone 6 plus would fit in my front pocket, but I tend to wear cargo pants often.. I honestly feel they make enough solid cases ( defender, otterbox ) that bending would be a non issue

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Well, I'm on board with the 6. Just picked mine up. What a homerun this phone is. It's a perfect size, and the way it switches between bands is phenomenal. Way better than the 5s. I'm so happy right now.



Sent from my iPhone 6


Yeah now that my wife has the 6 I really see im missing out on band 41..

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