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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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I hope they keep framily but as an option. I like the idea of group savings and separate billing.


However leading with Framily was a bad idea.


Excited to see what the new plans are and I'm sure they will be announced at the Take EDGE off event

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I hope they keep framily but as an option. I like the idea of group savings and separate billing.


However leading with Framily was a bad idea.


Excited to see what the new plans are and I'm sure they will be announced at the Take EDGE off event

I have a feeling, sooner maybe monday. And then Tuesday's event im thinking is a vendor partner show.
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I hope they keep framily but as an option. I like the idea of group savings and separate billing.


However leading with Framily was a bad idea.


Excited to see what the new plans are and I'm sure they will be announced at the Take EDGE off event

Im hoping i can get some details tomorrow about the plans and not have to wait until monday.
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Good points, but I could have swore I read something similar from Robert previously.


Very good advice, I hope that Sprint takes it!

I read that Claure is giving out his email to employees so they can contact him. I eventually see this leaking into the general population. Maybe Robert can send is ideas to Claure directly.   :idea2:


Along with new plans, we still have the "Take the Edge Off" event on Tuesday.

I thought that as well at first with the training on Monday, but most likely it won't be. I do wonder if Claure will show up though to that event.


i wouldn't be surprised if they just drop the recruiting stuff and everybody goes to $25 a month with the options for $10 for 3 GB and $20 for unlimited. 

I have a feeling of that as well. $25 across the board. But is that sustainable in the long run? Either way, it will probably be geared to bringing in new customers and as usual the old timers that have stuck with the network through thick and thin are out of most new deals. Regardless it will be a very interesting week coming.


Go Sprint.

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Good points, but I could have swore I read something similar from Robert previously.


I read that Claure is giving out his email to employees so they can contact him. I eventually see this leaking into the general population. Maybe Robert can send is ideas to Claure directly. :idea2:


I thought that as well at first with the training on Monday, but most likely it won't be. I do wonder if Claure will show up though to that event.


I have a feeling of that as well. $25 across the board. But is that sustainable in the long run? Either way, it will probably be geared to bringing in new customers and as usual the old timers that have stuck with the network through thick and thin are out of most new deals. Regardless it will be a very interesting week coming.


Go Sprint.

If you market it as a LA carte..


Text/talk/1gb- $25 and customize it how you want.


$10: 3gb or 1gb hotspot etc

$20: unlimited data or 5gb hotspot

$25: 3gb +1 GB hotspot

$35: unl +1 GB hotspot

Etc etc

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No info yet on plans. But it should be big. Besides holidays this is the first time i remeber them closing stores early since the night before the iphone 4s launch. All sprint stores are closing at 6 Monday (at least in indiana) and meeting for training. Several stores and preferred retailers in my area are coming together for it

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If you market it as a LA carte..


Text/talk/1gb- $25 and customize it how you want.


$10: 3gb or 1gb hotspot etc

$20: unlimited data or 5gb hotspot

$25: 3gb +1 GB hotspot

$35: unl +1 GB hotspot

Etc etc


$35 for talk/text/3GB? That sounds nice but the big question is can the network handle it if there was an influx of new subs? I can tell you here in my market it could get them in a lot of trouble. Take a look at the not complete maps and you'll see how much work is left to do here. Plus most people in NJ are on VZW or AT&T. I doubt they would be content with current coverage and performance. They are far superior to Sprint here at this point. 

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No info yet on plans. But it should be big. Besides holidays this is the first time i remeber them closing stores early since the night before the iphone 4s launch. All sprint stores are closing at 6 Monday (at least in indiana) and meeting for training. Several stores and preferred retailers in my area are coming together for it

Wow the new plans must be that serious.

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$35 for talk/text/3GB? That sounds nice but the big question is can the network handle it if there was an influx of new subs? I can tell you here in my market it could get them in a lot of trouble. Take a look at the not complete maps and you'll see how much work is left to do here. Plus most people in NJ are on VZW or AT&T. I doubt they would be content with current coverage and performance. They are far superior to Sprint here at this point.

At this point, gaining a bunch of subs is not really going to be an issue. Stopping the loss of postpaid subs and maybe gaining some back they lost is the order of the day. It would take quite a bit of growth just to equal the subscribers of just 5 quarters ago.


Sprint needs to stop the bleeding now and continue the build out as fast as possible. Letting people continue to leave is not an option. And besides, people who are willing to ride it out are probably due a nice discount like this.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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The least we can ask for is a thank you for your patience reward.. 6 months to a year of discount on our account? Or even an early upgrade opportunity for customers nearing the end of a 2 year contract.


If they do any new promos I hope that are not all geared at new subs. They have to throw a bone to the folks that have stuck things out.  I am thinking early upgrades and possible hardware discounts to get people to updated phones that can take advantage of the new network.  Maybe a buyback bonus or a new phone rebate.

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$35 for talk/text/3GB? That sounds nice but the big question is can the network handle it if there was an influx of new subs? I can tell you here in my market it could get them in a lot of trouble. Take a look at the not complete maps and you'll see how much work is left to do here. Plus most people in NJ are on VZW or AT&T. I doubt they would be content with current coverage and performance. They are far superior to Sprint here at this point.


that pricing is similar to the framily....

The CEO stated cheaper prices until the network is where it needs to be.

This will stop the bleeding... In markets that are in good standing people will flock, in places like what you stated.. Well in time it will get better.. Should happen within a year... I would pay sprint $35 a month with a so so network than pay vzw ~80 for 4gbs and their network.. But that's just me. If the prices were within $15 I would stay with vzw

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No info yet on plans. But it should be big. Besides holidays this is the first time i remeber them closing stores early since the night before the iphone 4s launch. All sprint stores are closing at 6 Monday (at least in indiana) and meeting for training. Several stores and preferred retailers in my area are coming together for it


Someone I know who works in a Sprint store in Florida, as well as another person who works in a store in Illinois is also closing early.

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Someone I know who works in a Sprint store in Florida, as well as another person who works in a store in Illinois is also closing early.

Based on my Sprint retail contacts, it seems to be nationwide.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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Point blank, all my lines would have stayed with Sprint if they had been willing to provide incentives or concessions where the network had become impossible to use. Glad we have a ceo that understands this!! If he can stimulate heavy positive growth AND shock people with acceptable network performance, the "framily" will grow beyond a plan


Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

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If they do any new promos I hope that are not all geared at new subs. They have to throw a bone to the folks that have stuck things out. I am thinking early upgrades and possible hardware discounts to get people to updated phones that can take advantage of the new network. Maybe a buyback bonus or a new phone rebate.

THIS +1. Need something.

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I just fell out of my chair.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


Well hes saying exactly what Ive been saying Sprint should be saying...



"We're going to change our plans to make sure they are simple and attractive and make sure every customer in America thinks twice about signing up to a competitor," he said, adding that "very disruptive" rate places are coming next week, and Sprint will react quickly to bring competitive offers to potential customers.


"When you have a great network, you don’t have to compete on price," the Brightstar Corp founder added. "When your network is behind, unfortunately you have to compete on value and price."




I always said that "pardon our dust" should have been followed with "heres $10 off for your understanding."

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The excitement is killing me. I want my dad to switch h from this Everything Data 1500 plan already. I'm ready for yearly upgrades. Sadly Framily wasn't saving him any money.


Yup, Im on that same plan because Framily would have been a price hike for us.


I'd love to see Sprint throw in some of the fun tmobile stuff like free international texting.


And maybe the new CEO, due to his personal background, will look at the rates Sprint charges for calls in/to Latin America and take a machete to them.

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I haven't been this excited since I ditched my iPhone 4 and at&t for Sprint and LTE. I sure hope these new plans are as exciting as we're all speculating! I'm VERY interested to see where Sprint goes from here... and hopefully it all just happens over night, as I've suspected Son has been plodding these moves carefully since at least last year. 


I wonder what the actual plans were if the TMO acquisition didn't get canned... 

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Sprint should seriously shake up the pricing... Sell with money off run a special where all the top tier phones are zero down $25 a month


Call it Sprints $25 celebration or something.... $25 per month for plan*** $25 for select phones


****includes ul talk/txt 3gb for first 12 months... 1gb after

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I honestly don't see prices dropping to much but rather changing the structure..

Framily pricing is good, I think the pricing will move towards framily pricing just without the framily..

45-50 bucks unlimited is pretty good..


But they should def change their prices for the hotspot devices.

Give me 10gs for $40 or 4for $20

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