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Finally got my OTA. I didn't even know it was downloading until I saw the notification saying I could install it (I didn't know what it was until I checked lol).


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


Looks like we were on the same schedule, mine just updated too! :) 

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Well I just got the OTA and my speeds took a big hit. In an area where I used to get 15-20 I'm now getting 2-4 Mbps. Not liking this radio so far.

Maybe there was just a heavier load on the sector today than there normally is. There are so many wireless quality of service variables out there that a lower speedtest, or 2-3dBm loss can hardly ever be blamed on an updated radio.
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Well I just got the OTA and my speeds took a big hit. In an area where I used to get 15-20 I'm now getting 2-4 Mbps. Not liking this radio so far.


The radio makes zero difference with speeds.


Likely it is a change in the network of some sort, either congestion, or you are on a different band. 

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What is 4.4.4?  


I just posted this in the Google I/O thread..


WHOA...while I was out for a long, sweltering job beneath the angry Georgia sun, my phone apparently downloaded Android 4.4.4??  WTF is that?  It's installing now.  Anyone else get this??  


Confused in Atlanta, 



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What is 4.4.4?  


I just posted this in the Google I/O thread..


WHOA...while I was out for a long, sweltering job beneath the angry Georgia sun, my phone apparently downloaded Android 4.4.4??  WTF is that?  It's installing now.  Anyone else get this??  


Confused in Atlanta, 



It's been rolling out for several days and there has been much discussion in this thread already.

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It's been rolling out for several days and there has been much discussion in this thread already.

Well then I obviously missed it or I wouldn't have asked.


 We all just got 4.4.3 (and me in the very final hours of the final day of the rollout) so I was very confused and a little excited.  Darn.  Oh well.  Bug fixes are definitely important, too.

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Well then I obviously missed it or I wouldn't have asked.


 We all just got 4.4.3 (and me in the very final hours of the final day of the rollout) so I was very confused and a little excited.  Darn.  Oh well.  Bug fixes are definitely important, too.


4.4.4 mainly had security updates. And a few more bug fixes. And an updated radio (2.x.x.x.16) that seems to hold onto fringe signals a little bit better than the 4.4.3 radio.

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4.4.4 mainly had security updates. And a few more bug fixes. And an updated radio (2.x.x.x.16) that seems to hold onto fringe signals a little bit better than the 4.4.3 radio.

Thanks for the informative reply and non judgment of my not being aware.  As closely as I follow these forums, I simply can't be everywhere, all the time (meaning it's very easy to miss seemingly obvious items at times).


That's all very good news.  My experience in Atlanta with Sprint was already approaching excellent and this will only make it that much better.  Such a turnaround from 2 and one-half short years ago when my galaxy S2 on wimax was just shy of being a paperweight.  Or an air to air missile, depending on my mood at the time.  


And, yes, I finally see why everyone praises the Nexus 5 so much.  Go Google, go LG and go Sprint!

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I just got the update and it has messed up the time on my phone. It is an hour ahead. Any suggestions?


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Have you tried resetting it? If it is due to the network there isn't much you can other than report it to Sprint. I've manually changed the time on my Nexus before but apps like Hangouts still pull the network time for the time stamp.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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I just got the update and it has messed up the time on my phone. It is an hour ahead. Any suggestions?


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

It's not the update, sometimes LTE towers will put you ahead or behind an hour. Toggle airplane mode and if that doesn't work then restart your phone.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Weird. That did not do the trick. Not sure what to try.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Go to a different area (where you'll connect to a different tower) and see if it fixes itself. If that doesn't do it I'd call support and annoy them until they open a ticket.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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4.4.4 mainly had security updates. And a few more bug fixes. And an updated radio (2.x.x.x.16) that seems to hold onto fringe signals a little bit better than the 4.4.3 radio.

It has only been a couple of days, but I am seeing much better results with the new 2.x.16 baseband. My biggest peeve with the newer radio versions was the tendency to hold onto 3G far longer than necessary. Now it seems to flip back to LTE much quicker once I return to a covered area. Only have B25 in my area at the moment.



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It has only been a couple of days, but I am seeing much better results with the new 2.x.16 baseband. My biggest peeve with the newer radio versions was the tendency to hold onto 3G far longer than necessary. Now it seems to flip back to LTE much quicker once I return to a covered area. Only have B25 in my area at the moment.



That's definitely been my experience with this new radio as well. I get barely any signal in our building at work, but I know that I have a usable -100 dBm RSRP LTE signal in the parking structure from past experience. The previous couple of radios have kept me on 3G, whereas the new radio switches me to LTE pretty much every time I get to my car.


I hope this doesn't mean that battery life is affected, though I personally haven't seen a difference yet.

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Android supports IMS... I wonder if Sprint can't just use that for wifi calling on the rest of the devices without requiring a firmware update.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Weird. That did not do the trick. Not sure what to try.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Try unchecking network time and then selecting it again. I've noticed making a test phone call worked for me in the past.

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I'm on 41. That's a pretty big drop from 20 yesterday to 2 today. 20 min ago on 41 I was at .67 Mbps


It happens. There may be an issue with the Clearwire core, or there was a sudden influx of users, any number of things can cause that, but it most likely is not device related. 

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