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Breaking Band: Tri-band LTE / eCSFB issues thread

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It appears as if there is an eCSFB issue in the Hetshey Hummelstown area of PA. My GF has a Samsung S4T device. Whenever she is using data and I call her, I get the ringing sound on my end but her phone doesn't fall back to 3G and ring. She only knows that I called after she receives a missed call notification.


If the phone isn't using data at the time of a call, it will fall back to 3G and receive the call. I'm going to have to gather towet information and contact Sprint about this.


The towers in this area are Shentel. You would think after 7 months of Tri Band being deployed by Sprint that they could get this right by now.

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The towers in this area are Shentel. You would think after 7 months of Tri Band being deployed by Sprint that they could get this right by now.

First, Shentel is doing their own deployment using Sprint's spectrum, so if there are eCSFB issues, it's Shentel's fault. 2nd, yes you should contact Sprint so they can relay the information to Shentel. Or you can contact Shentel directly and let them know. They have been really fast in deploying, so they should listen and fix the issue as fast as possible.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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No LTE- Only 3G


Sarasota, FL 34237;34239;34232

Port Charlotte, FL 33980


No modifications... Oddly enough friend has S4 and connects to 4G LTE


Which S4? The first launch was single-band only (L720 model). The device was refreshed as supply ran out though and was quietly replaced with a tri-band capable device (L720T).


If your friend has one of the original designs then it would not be affected by an eCSFB issue.


The model number is printer on the label under the battery, in About > Phone, and the Spark-capable model shows the Sprint Spark loading screen when it is turned on, and the Spark LTE icon instead of just LTE like the single-band model.

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I was wondering if it is eCSFB that causes my HTC One M8 to constantly switch networks.  My Bluetooth (Motorola H730) beeps every time a switch happens and driving around LA it switches quite a bit.  Makes we wonder if my connection is ever stable while my phone is on LTE/CDMA.  If I switch my phone to 3G only the connection is very stable.  

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I was wondering if it is eCSFB that causes my HTC One M8 to constantly switch networks.  My Bluetooth (Motorola H730) beeps every time a switch happens and driving around LA it switches quite a bit.  Makes we wonder if my connection is ever stable while my phone is on LTE/CDMA.  If I switch my phone to 3G only the connection is very stable.  


eCSFB is only used to drop you back to 3G from LTE when a call comes in. The only side effect it has is a refusal to connect to LTE on a tower without it installed, since you wouldn't be able to receive calls.


If you're in an area with a mix of towers that have/have not been upgraded and that have/have not had eCSFB installed, then as you switch towers you would also gain/lose LTE connectivity.


Otherwise it's more likely that there are simply more towers in LA (this is the most likely answer really). Some areas the towers are spaced about a mile apart, some areas they're only needed every two miles. New York City for example has towers nearly every block (and towers facing from lower rooftops upwards at tall buildings) due to the urban topology of the city itself, and the congestion on each site that the large number of people causes.


Every city and site is unique in regards to how they need to be setup and aimed, even if the hardware being used is similar.

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No LTE- Only 3G


Sarasota, FL 34237;34239;34232

Port Charlotte, FL 33980


No modifications... Oddly enough friend has S4 and connects to 4G LTE

The 4g in fort myers has been bad too. Used lg g2 and note 2

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I'm in the Memphis market - which according to the S4Gru running list has 99% NV complete, and 96% LTE complete.  However on my SPH-L720T, I frequently get dropped down to 3G and have to toggle airplane mode to get it back - and it doesn't always stick either.  My wife has the S3 and my daughter has the iphone 5 and they both get LTE ALL the time.  Does this mean that even though the are 99% done with Network Vision, eCSFB has not been fully implemented in this market?  I stupidly called sprint about this, and of course they say there are no issues in the area - which means they either don't know about eCSFB, or they have been instructed NOT to acknowledge any issues on the network (even though someone at sprint must be aware of these issues).  When I get LTE it's generally on Band 26 nowadays and I'm getting 800 Mhz voice as well.  I've even seen LTE on Band 41 sporadically.  And when I'm on LTE it's generally very fast.  Just wondered if some of you more knowlegeable people could shed some light on why I would be getting dropped back to 3G as much as I am.  Theoretically I should almost NEVER get dropped back to 3G based on 99% Network Vision completion and 96% LTE completion, right?

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I'm in the Memphis market - which according to the S4Gru running list has 99% NV complete, and 96% LTE complete. However on my SPH-L720T, I frequently get dropped down to 3G and have to toggle airplane mode to get it back - and it doesn't always stick either. My wife has the S3 and my daughter has the iphone 5 and they both get LTE ALL the time. Does this mean that even though the are 99% done with Network Vision, eCSFB has not been fully implemented in this market? I stupidly called sprint about this, and of course they say there are no issues in the area - which means they either don't know about eCSFB, or they have been instructed NOT to acknowledge any issues on the network (even though someone at sprint must be aware of these issues). When I get LTE it's generally on Band 26 nowadays and I'm getting 800 Mhz voice as well. I've even seen LTE on Band 41 sporadically. And when I'm on LTE it's generally very fast. Just wondered if some of you more knowlegeable people could shed some light on why I would be getting dropped back to 3G as much as I am. Theoretically I should almost NEVER get dropped back to 3G based on 99% Network Vision completion and 96% LTE completion, right?


Ecsfb issues are a common thing with band 26 activations apparently. Also no one other than engineers or Ericsson guys have access to ecsfb information on specific sites so don't bother sprint support as they can't do much other than escalate the issue up.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Ecsfb issues are a common thing with band 26 activations apparently. Also no one other than engineers or Ericsson guys have access to ecsfb information on specific sites so don't bother sprint support as they can't do much other than escalate the issue up.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


That's my frustration with talking to sprint - when they say there's no issue, then there's nothing for them to escalate.  But I've seen a flood of complaints on the sprint community forums about this issue - specifically with the S5 and the new HTC One.  I can only hope that between people calling and complaining, people complaining in the sprint forums, and of course the engineers on the ground - who surely are aware of these issues, that they will eventually be addressed.  Like I said, when I called sprint, they basically said there were no issues, therefore there was nothing for them to escalate.  And I generally don't bother to call sprint for that very reason.  But I have actually gotten lucky once or twice and gotten someone on the phone who knew what was going on.  So I give them a call from time to time in hopes of getting lucky again...

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That's my frustration with talking to sprint - when they say there's no issue, then there's nothing for them to escalate.  But I've seen a flood of complaints on the sprint community forums about this issue - specifically with the S5 and the new HTC One.  I can only hope that between people calling and complaining, people complaining in the sprint forums, and of course the engineers on the ground - who surely are aware of these issues, that they will eventually be addressed.  Like I said, when I called sprint, they basically said there were no issues, therefore there was nothing for them to escalate.  And I generally don't bother to call sprint for that very reason.  But I have actually gotten lucky once or twice and gotten someone on the phone who knew what was going on.  So I give them a call from time to time in hopes of getting lucky again...


Yeah, one thing Sprint really needs to do is train the frontline CSRs better in regards to issues like this.


Simply using the Network Pinpoint tool and marking a location as having issues making and receiving calls will flag it for the network engineers. It takes literally 30 seconds to do so. This does not "open a ticket" though, it just flags the location. If there are multiple flags in an area it gets tagged by a backend script for further investigation.


My suggestion is to have the CSR pinpoint the location and flag it for all of your lines that are having issues. I specify only the ones having issues because if it gets flagged for a single band device in addition to tri-band devices the script may tag it for a potentially different issue than eCSFB for example.


The system works if CSRs use it. And it works with faster results compared to the old "ticket" system in my experience before I was laid off.

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Yeah, one thing Sprint really needs to do is train the frontline CSRs better in regards to issues like this.


Simply using the Network Pinpoint tool and marking a location as having issues making and receiving calls will flag it for the network engineers. It takes literally 30 seconds to do so. This does not "open a ticket" though, it just flags the location. If there are multiple flags in an area it gets tagged by a backend script for further investigation.


My suggestion is to have the CSR pinpoint the location and flag it for all of your lines that are having issues. I specify only the ones having issues because if it gets flagged for a single band device in addition to tri-band devices the script may tag it for a potentially different issue than eCSFB for example.


The system works if CSRs use it. And it works with faster results compared to the old "ticket" system in my experience before I was laid off.


Do the chat CSRs have access to the Network Pinpoint tool?

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I've been a voyeur of this site for a few months and decided to join.  Yay me!


I'm seeing B26 show up in the Western Kentucky market (why wife's iPhone 5S shows it in the field test screen). However I'm experiencing the CSFB issue on my LG G2 ever since B26 started showing up, but B25 has been deployed for quite a while with no CSFB issue.  Why is it that the same CSFB fix for B25 on a tower wouldn't apply to the B26 equipment on that same tower?


And yes I'm an Apple Fan Boy as my username implies and yet I have an LG G2...because it has a bigger screen.

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I've been a voyeur of this site for a few months and decided to join. Yay me!


I'm seeing B26 show up in the Western Kentucky market (why wife's iPhone 5S shows it in the field test screen). However I'm experiencing the CSFB issue on my LG G2 ever since B26 started showing up, but B25 has been deployed for quite a while with no CSFB issue. Why is it that the same CSFB fix for B25 on a tower wouldn't apply to the B26 equipment on that same tower?


And yes I'm an Apple Fan Boy as my username implies and yet I have an LG G2...because it has a bigger screen.

Because Ericson can't get it together with eCSFB on band 26.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Ecsfb issues are a common thing with band 26 activations apparently. Also no one other than engineers or Ericsson guys have access to ecsfb information on specific sites so don't bother sprint support as they can't do much other than escalate the issue up.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


Bother Sprint advanced techs instead. Here's a direct line to a person in Oklahoma:




Have them open a network ticket for improper testing/launch of 800 LTE without eCSFB enabled. The more people who do this, the better. Tell them that you don't care if 800 LTE is in testing or not (they'll try to tell you they can't open a ticket on something that isn't officially launched) -- tell them that this improper testing is affecting your ability to use the LAUNCHED 1900 LTE.


Tell them to open a ticket, and not to just pinpoint the site. Make sure you get the ticket number before the end of the call.

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Because Ericson can't get it together with eCSFB on band 26.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



If this is the case, heads should be rolling.  On the Sprint forums you have tons of people who signed up with sprint and got the latest greatest phones (S5, HTC One M8) and they CAN'T get 4G???!!!  If it's a new customer, I wouldn't be surprised if Sprint is losing a lot of them after they find out their bad ass phone is getting dial-up internet speeds.  They're probably losing existing customers over this too.  And I'm also a long-time customer, and I'm very frustrated and upset that I have to fiddle with my phone to get it to work right because someone (either at sprint, or one of their vendors, or both) is not doing their job.  And it seems that nothing is being done to fix it either.  Maybe I'm oversimplifying it, but that's no way to run a business in my opinion.  Dan Hesse should be on the phone with the CEO of Ericson telling them "I'm losing customers because of your screw-ups.  You guys need to fix this ASAP!"  I know if I were in his position that's what I would be doing.  Am I missing something here?


It's so frustrating too because the network has so much potential to be completely awesome.  And to see sprint and their vendors fumbling around doing a half-ass job on it is maddening.  How can sprint offer sub-par service and expect me to keep paying my bill.  They sure as hell would cut my service off if I stopped paying my bill, how come I can't cut off my payments when they don't provide me with the service I'm paying for?!


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Bother Sprint advanced techs instead. Here's a direct line to a person in Oklahoma:




Have them open a network ticket for improper testing/launch of 800 LTE without eCSFB enabled. The more people who do this, the better. Tell them that you don't care if 800 LTE is in testing or not (they'll try to tell you they can't open a ticket on something that isn't officially launched) -- tell them that this improper testing is affecting your ability to use the LAUNCHED 1900 LTE.


Tell them to open a ticket, and not to just pinpoint the site. Make sure you get the ticket number before the end of the call.


Thanks!  I'm going to do just that.

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I've been a voyeur of this site for a few months and decided to join.  Yay me!


I'm seeing B26 show up in the Western Kentucky market (why wife's iPhone 5S shows it in the field test screen). However I'm experiencing the CSFB issue on my LG G2 ever since B26 started showing up, but B25 has been deployed for quite a while with no CSFB issue.  Why is it that the same CSFB fix for B25 on a tower wouldn't apply to the B26 equipment on that same tower?


And yes I'm an Apple Fan Boy as my username implies and yet I have an LG G2...because it has a bigger screen.




If this is the case, heads should be rolling.  On the Sprint forums you have tons of people who signed up with sprint and got the latest greatest phones ...........

Ericsson is deploying B26 without CSFB for a few days to a few weeks at the most (generally). It seems they are getting things fined tuned before allowing everyone to connect to it (iPhones the exception). Some areas are taking longer, there's no real good reason why. However, Band 26 problems generally aren't affecting most tri-band devices as they are able to look for a different band (usually Band 25) to connect to. The Nexus 5 is skipping right to 3G no matter which band is having the CSFB problem for whatever reason, but that can be fixed by disabling the problem band.

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Ericsson is deploying B26 without CSFB for a few days to a few weeks at the most (generally). It seems they are getting things fined tuned before allowing everyone to connect to it (iPhones the exception). Some areas are taking longer, there's no real good reason why. However, Band 26 problems generally aren't affecting most tri-band devices as they are able to look for a different band (usually Band 25) to connect to. The Nexus 5 is skipping right to 3G no matter which band is having the CSFB problem for whatever reason, but that can be fixed by disabling the problem band.


It's definitely been more than a few weeks that I've been regularly getting dropped back to 3G on my S4 tri-band.  That's why I'm annoyed.  I can understand, and tolerate, reasonable service disruptions due to the upgrades.  But to me, weeks and weeks of disruptions are not what I call reasonable. 


As of right now, today, I am still regularly getting dropped to 3G all over memphis.  I can usually get LTE back by toggling airplane mode, but sometimes that doesn't stick either.  I SHOULDN'T have to do ANYTHING to keep my LTE service that I pay dearly for every month. 


Again, week after week of this is getting old.  And doubly frustrating is trying to get help from sprint - who say there are no issues - while I'm looking at my 4G phone getting 3G service.  And they tell me there are no issues on the network. 


And oh yeah, my wife's S3 and my daughter's iphone 5 both are getting 4G, but I can't.  And there are no issues on the network, according to sprint.  VERY frustrating, and unacceptable to me as a customer.  This should NEVER happen.  And if and when it does, it should be fixed IMMEDIATELY.  It should NEVER take weeks or months to get people's service working properly.

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