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Softbank - New Sprint - Discussion


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Come on, you cant kick dad.


Beckham was the best player in his time to execute free kick. The dad will be honored by this chance. Just joke.. I don't want him to get hurt.


BTW, Beckham is not popular enough in US as he is in the rest of the world. I remembered he doubled the commercial tour income in the first year he joined Real Madrid while the team already had Ronaldo and Zidane. If Sprint is expanding to South America or Asia, bring Beckham on and he will be popular there in next 5 years at least.

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Beckham was the best player in his time to execute free kick. The dad will be honored by this chance. Just joke.. I don't want him to get hurt.


BTW, Beckham is not popular enough in US as he is in the rest of the world. I remembered he doubled the commercial tour income in the first year he joined Real Madrid while the team already had Ronaldo and Zidane. If Sprint is expanding to South America or Asia, bring Beckham on and he will be popular there in next 5 years at least.


Beckham is pretty much the most recognizable football player in the U.S. besides a few of the Brazilian stars.

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Remember when the Galaxy S3 came out and Sprint sold more than any other carrier in the U.S.? It seems like he's trying to be the one to do that this time around with the iPhone. I can't wait to hear what he has to say next week. He doesn't seem to be faltered by T-Mobile's tactics.


One thing he is accomplishing from the get-go is getting rid of that loser mindset that's always stuck with Sprint. He seems very optimistic and way more proactive than Dan Hesse.



Exactly! With the limit of network, Sprint did it too late and too little.

I think the time is coming and all facts are lined up for a fierce battle to gain subscribers.


Hesse is not hard a..s enough to keep the high management nervous there. And I felt it's badly needed to add pressure on the management at Sprint in every single working day! They need to be pushed hard and start the momentum from inside of the company. They should act like an army to execute plans and understand if they fail in the battle their jobs will go away.


$1 billion is enough to buy 1 million new subscribers at least. So if Softbank did commit to Marcelo they will back him up for an aggressive marking plan, little John will feel the heat for first time from Sprint.


And I appreciate they pull that off this quick. Yes we need the new prices right away and can't wait to Sep even Oct. Yes we need it next week and start the battle from August.

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Beckham is pretty much the most recognizable football player in the U.S. besides a few of the Brazilian stars.

Funny, I would've thought that Peyton Manning or Tom Brady was the most recognizable football player in the United States... :P



Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

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Beckham is pretty much the most recognizable football player in the U.S. besides a few of the Brazilian stars.



Yes I almost forgot he spend several years in LA.


Once he came to Japan and shot a commercial of chocolate with his wife, then almost all women there decided to give a try to that brand. Man, it's hard to find any stars can give a bang to your dollars like this. It's sad to watch the England national team became this crap in this year's world cup because they don't have any one can execute free kick and long pass like Beckham did for them.

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Funny, I would've thought that Peyton Manning or Tom Brady was the most recognizable football player in the United States... :P



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That's why I always use the term "soccer" in any conversation with Americans.

But in the rest of the world we can use "football" without confusing each other.

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Exactly! With the limit of network, Sprint did it too late and too little.

I think the time is coming and all facts are lined up for a fierce battle to gain subscribers.


Hesse is not hard a..s enough to keep the high management nervous there. And I felt it's badly needed to add pressure on the management at Sprint in every single working day! They need to be pushed hard and start the momentum from inside of the company. They should act like an army to execute plans and understand if they fail in the battle their jobs will go away.


$1 billion is enough to buy 1 million new subscribers at least. So if Softbank did commit to Marcelo they will back him up for an aggressive marking plan, little John will feel the heat for first time from Sprint.


And I appreciate they pull that off this quick. Yes we need the new prices right away and can't wait to Sep even Oct. Yes we need it next week and start the battle from August.

On mark!


Remember, what's worse than a set of steak knifes [emoji12]


it should be a given, but just in case — NSFW 


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The comments about legere are the funniest thing. Please, some more.



He is just telling all Tmobile fans that Sprint will bring some very good price and you guys may want to check it out.

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He is just telling all Tmobile fans that Sprint will bring some very good price and you guys may want to check it out.


That and I suspect some Yellow fear in him ;-) 


yeah Sprint’s Network is “crap” BUT it is better than the 2g in more places of TMO…  And if this Beast of a CEO get motivate the engineers to bring NV2.0 up faster then it will be much closer to AT&T - and that must scare John!


since I’m into stupid movie quotes I thought this was fitting… from an amazing movie!  Skip to 1m15s….


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I really like the part where he said NV took to long. The failure to exicute is something that will be dogging Sprint's turn around effort for a while.



I felt more managers at Sprint who are responsible for moving slow acting slow and complete their tasks slow will be kicked out one after another in next few months.


They badly need some new blood to bring the energy into the organization. 

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Interesting tweet from Walt Piecyk: https://twitter.com/WaltBTIG/status/500020835516940288


I believe someone on here suggested a similar tactic.


Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk




Wouldn’t that make 4 main LTE bands then?  


i’m not saying its a bad idea…

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I felt more managers at Sprint who are responsible for moving slow acting slow and complete their tasks slow will be kicked out one after another in next few months.


They badly need some new blood to bring the energy into the organization.

That's already been happening since March if you haven't noticed the layoffs and the firing of many executives.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Interesting tweet from Walt Piecyk: https://twitter.com/WaltBTIG/status/500020835516940288


I believe someone on here suggested a similar tactic.


Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

The article appears behind a paywall/subscriber log-in... Anyone have access and feeling generous? ;)
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Wouldn’t that make 4 main LTE bands then?


i’m not saying its a bad idea…

They're planning on adding bands 12 & 4 to handsets anyway though.


If SoftBank is in it to win it while DT still wants out and doesn't want to invest a lot then the natural extension to this tactic is to buy all of the reserved 600MHz spectrum. If there's 30 MHz available, buy all of it and deploy 15x15. If there's 40 MHz, then buy all of that and deploy 20x20. That would have the benefit of allowing Sprint to strengthen their low band position while simultaneously depriving a competitor of a badly needed resource.


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That's already been happening since March if you haven't noticed the layoffs and the firing of many executives.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



I know those shake up. But I felt more is coming. Those folks who feel comfortable about the status quo should find the door and walk away. Sprint doesn't need those who can't feel the urgency at work in their corporate office.

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They're planning on adding bands 12 & 4 to handsets anyway though.


If SoftBank is in it to win it while DT still wants out and doesn't want to invest a lot then the natural extension to this tactic is to buy all of the reserved 600MHz spectrum. If there's 30 MHz available, buy all of it and deploy 15x15. If there's 40 MHz, then buy all of that and deploy 20x20. That would have the benefit of allowing Sprint to strengthen their low band position while simultaneously depriving a competitor of a badly needed resource.


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That's right. Their aim should be the 600mhz. Leave the 700a to TMO as they already got a big chunk of it.

And even 10x10 600mhz can make a huge difference for Sprint. It will put Sprint back to compete head to head with Verizon in metros.


But Son really needs ALIBABA to be listed so he can finance the money more than what the ALIBABA shares worth. $20 or more billion is a must to take over all reserved 600mhz maybe more in those everyone can bid.

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Anyone know if they will be dropping the Sprint brand for SoftBank USA? I thought I heard rumblings about that last month. I think it would be a smart move since a not so good reputation is hard to shake.

That was a rumor for the merged company for tmobile and dish. I honestly don't seem them changing name.

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I suspect the real root of Legere's anger is that his golden parachute now suddenly has a lot less gold. Remember he was slated to get a $41 million payday for a DT sale to SoftBank in addition to a bump in salary with a merged Sprint.





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