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Softbank - New Sprint - Discussion


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That could very be how it unfolds.


Flip side, it will attract many many new customers. Than if the Sprint name survived.


I think that's the nail on the head: the sooner Son/Softbank can get out from underneath the stink of the "Sprint" name/branding and into something new(er)/adapt the T-Mobile name/branding, they'll really start piling up new customers. Sprint is toxic online... and that's where a lot of people end up doing their research on carriers/plans/etc.


It's almost like Son needs Legere to pimp his ride.

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I think that's the nail on the head: the sooner Son/Softbank can get out from underneath the stink of the "Sprint" name/branding and into something new(er)/adapt the T-Mobile name/branding, they'll really start piling up new customers. Sprint is toxic online... and that's where a lot of people end up doing their research on carriers/plans/etc.


It's almost like Son needs Legere to pimp his ride.

Not just online, but from either first hand or coworkers.


At the end of the day, I don't think anyone here has any blood in this game from build out point of view. It's either you are a shareholder or user of the network. Which either way it's a win! In my opinion anyways.


Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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Also, the Magenta fanboys don't think their 20x20 AWS blocks can ever congest.


It's The Carrier That Can Never Do Wrong, everyone. lol


How many markets does do they have with 20x20 aws lte?   I thought it was only a few markets (Dallas is the only one I know off the top of my head)

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How many markets does do they have with 20x20 aws lte? I thought it was only a few markets (Dallas is the only one I know off the top of my head)

Lots of the ones that will end up 20x20 are Metro PCS Markets.

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Itll go something like. "Sprint has a chance to be saved by Legere." Or "Legere is going to save the day." Meanwhile, sprint will be on its last round of acceptances and b26 will continue to gain nationwide coverage and magentans will think its alllllll thanks to Legere. Yup. Something like that LOL



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This is precisely why I am opposed to this merger.
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Concessions and divesting spectrum is a given. 


Im personally ready to see the current Sprint branding and reputation die.  Sprint carries a reputation worse than the actual state of its network and customer experience.  Don't want to become Tmo either though. 


I'm not in favor of the alleged merger, but playing along, since it's a new company then why not a new name? Ditch both old names and start fresh.

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My gut feeling is SoftBank Mobile US might be the name after the smoke clears. Whether that's a good name for a carrier is certainly up for debate, but in the end, it has less of a tainted name to it than Sprint has at this point.


My thinking is pretty much worst case scenario at this point, FWIW.

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I'm not in favor of the alleged merger, but playing along, since it's a new company then why not a new name? Ditch both old names and start fresh.

Plus one here. I would prefer them start a new name rather than take over the T-Mobile brand. Otherwise keep it Sprint.


Sent from my LG-LS980

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Just combine both names, then tack on the requisite "e" for high tech.




And keep the magenta color.  We can all prance around like girls.



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I think that's the nail on the head: the sooner Son/Softbank can get out from underneath the stink of the "Sprint" name/branding and into something new(er)/adapt the T-Mobile name/branding, they'll really start piling up new customers. Sprint is toxic online... and that's where a lot of people end up doing their research on carriers/plans/etc.


It's almost like Son needs Legere to pimp his ride.

I really think the negative connotation connected with the Sprint brand is overstated. If you make the rounds on the internet you will see that EVERYBODY gets bashed. While Sprint may take more than there fair share I don't think it has reached the point of the Sprint name being unusable.

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I really think the negative connotation connected with the Sprint brand is overstated. If you make the rounds on the internet you will see that EVERYBODY gets bashed. While Sprint may take more than there fair share I don't think it has reached the point of the Sprint name being unusable.

when was the last time you've been on a social network? It's crazy how much hate sprint gets.
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when was the last time you've been on a social network? It's crazy how much hate sprint gets.


You miss his point.  You have to compare that to the "hate" the other providers receive.  And they all get "hate." 


Another point to be made is that people do not go online to sing praises.  Anymore, they generally go online to bitch.  However, that does not necessarily represent the population as a whole -- just that subset who want to go online to complain.



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how about T-Spark


Sent from Nexus 5

How about Spragenta? Lol...


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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I don't understand the big push to hose the Sprint name. Other brands have done way worse and still keep their name...just look at BP. "We're sorry....Sorry!!"

I keep hearing the South Park voice in my head when I think of the "We're Sorry" campaign. And the CEO and his horses.

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I don't understand the big push to hose the Sprint name. Other brands have done way worse and still keep their name...just look at BP. "We're sorry....Sorry!!"

I keep hearing the South Park voice in my head when I think of the "We're Sorry" campaign. And the CEO and his horses.


Or like the oil refinery that blew up in PA....We're sorry...here's a pizza for your troubles....really?!

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He makes a solid point here. There's no chance that wireless is ready yet to replace any sort of landline connection. 

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He makes a solid point here. There's no chance that wireless is ready yet to replace any sort of landline connection. 


Kevin's absolutely right, but I don't think Masa cares. His speech isn't about facts in any way, it's only about branding the merger.


The FCC can't let T-Mobile go after putting up a fight to save them, and have it rewarded so successfully in the market. They need a way to frame this in the public interest, and at the moment, there isn't a real one. So Masa needs to invent one. Comcast is a good target, as they're almost universally hated.


Masa's never going to challenge Comcast, and he doesn't intend to. He just needs to pretend to challenge Comcast, so he convince the FCC that they too can pretend this counts as "competition" against Comcast. 


If the FCC pretends to believe him, they can use that as the excuse for allowing a merger they wouldn't have accepted just 12 months ago. (They've invented a frame where it's "in the public interest"). 


It doesn't matter that none of that is true. (And we know it isn't true, because Comcast isn't opposing it). It just has to look good. So even though this merger has nothing to do with Comcast, if they brand it as "anti-Comcast", it looks good.


The funny thing is, as slimy as it is, I suspect this play will probably work. As Kevin notes, "everybody seemed to eat it up".

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    • S23 and S24 (at least ultra versions) have 4xCA NR. I currently have n41+n41+n25+n71 most places I go.  I think select devices have 2xCA upload but I do not think it is in widespread use yet. CA is still mostly download focused.
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