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What's your speed like RIGHT NOW?

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Wow, those are some great speeds are you in a network vision market?


just in same old Mcpherson -at my house lol * Have not seen any physical changes to our 2 towers for this town * however i now have full bars as before i only had 2.......


Nice, gr8nuguy!... I notice they're all at prime times, too. :)


I decided to test over a longer period of time as i was getting grief from other people (no one on this site) saying all the tests were within a few min, ect..

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can't wait for backhaul! :)


Neither could I... hence the move to big red after 10 years on Sprint... it's worth an extra few bucks a month to be able to use the phone away from wifi and not force roaming on verizon.

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Neither could I... hence the move to big red after 10 years on Sprint... it's worth an extra few bucks a month to be able to use the phone away from wifi and not force roaming on verizon.


As did I after 10 years


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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As did I after 10 years


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Neither could I... hence the move to big red after 10 years on Sprint... it's worth an extra few bucks a month to be able to use the phone away from wifi and not force roaming on verizon.


thats weak....lol


though less Sprint comes back with a Premier program of some kind in the future you possibly wont miss crap as you'd be able to transfer back over here once its all better and NV is rolled out fully...Wife gets a nice discount with VZ though I'm still holding onto my Sprint account given its tenure and "hope" that they come out with some kind of loyalty program again...

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thats weak....lol


though less Sprint comes back with a Premier program of some kind in the future you possibly wont miss crap as you'd be able to transfer back over here once its all better and NV is rolled out fully...Wife gets a nice discount with VZ though I'm still holding onto my Sprint account given its tenure and "hope" that they come out with some kind of loyalty program again...


I doubt I'll ever transfer back-- the price difference is negligible and VZW's coverage blows Sprint's away here (and especially in Mississippi...) Also, when I consider it took them 7.5 months to perform the first carrier upgrade here after approval and another 5 months to add backhaul for it to actually work, their neglect of this market makes me very skeptical of any future they have here. Maybe some markets they're a smart option, but not in Louisiana. Sprint sees nothing but a huge void between Houston and Atlanta and I doubt they'll ever change that perspective.

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thats weak....lol


though less Sprint comes back with a Premier program of some kind in the future you possibly wont miss crap as you'd be able to transfer back over here once its all better and NV is rolled out fully...Wife gets a nice discount with VZ though I'm still holding onto my Sprint account given its tenure and "hope" that they come out with some kind of loyalty program again...


What's weak is Sprint's data speeds here. They could be on the cover of a book called epic fail


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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One thing nice about absolutely no one having sprint in this area of town since coverage is so poor here...the tower is empty. If I go 2 miles up the road I go to roaming.


Nice Speeds for being one of a small few who use that tower.

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One thing nice about absolutely no one having sprint in this area of town since coverage is so poor here...the tower is empty. If I go 2 miles up the road I go to roaming.


Just think how well Sprint's network will perform here as more and more users leave! If they don't do something fast, the areas where they have poor data performance are going to resolve themselves-- and not to Sprint's advantage.

My Verizon friend told me that they're averaging almost 5000 ports PER DAY from Sprint (for the whole country). I don't know how accurate that is since he is a network performance engineer and not in the sales/transfers group, but it does make you think.

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Evdo A

6asu -101dBm

Ping 1161ms

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No 4g- Sad panda :(


Wow Cam...you up to 113k now?




Posted via Forum Runner

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Had to check out the famous Coursey and Sherwood tower. Nice speeds for 11pm...yes..PM


That's where my office is-- and that speed is 11x faster than what you get during the workday (for the past 2 years). That's why I'm on big red now-- my speeds are around 40 mbps... 600x faster!


You must've been on channel 100. Channel 75 & 175 are faster, but not by much. If they'd learn how to make the pilot redirect your channel assignment on EVDO like Verizon does, it would probably help tremendously.


Just think of how poorly it would perform if I hadn't opened more than a dozen trouble tickets on that tower in the past two years... and they have done 2 EV carrier and 2 "data speed upgrades" on the tower since March 2011.

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Evdo A

6asu -101dBm

Ping 1161ms

Download 113kbps

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No 4g- Sad panda :(


That's actually a decent speed for that horrible signal-- you're at the edge of reception there.

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The speed in my area is pretty good, but the signal strength leaves something to be desired. At work I can pull down 1.6Mb/s and .8Mb/s up, but where I live which is into the rural area, I get 3 bars max and usually 1 indoors... needless to say its not too fast usually in the .15Mb/s down range.


Personally I cannot wait until they release CDMA 1X Advanced and LTE on the 800Mhz spectrum, because until they do... its gonna suck for me at home.

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The speed in my area is pretty good, but the signal strength leaves something to be desired. At work I can pull down 1.6Mb/s and .8Mb/s up, but where I live which is into the rural area, I get 3 bars max and usually 1 indoors... needless to say its not too fast usually in the .15Mb/s down range.


Personally I cannot wait until they release CDMA 1X Advanced and LTE on the 800Mhz spectrum, because until they do... its gonna suck for me at home.


Im looking forward to the great improvements that the 800mhz frequency will bring too. Although, keep in mind, with the new tower setup/design Sprint is rolling out with Network Vision... the current signal/coverage will see a nice little boost right away.. even the 1900mhz. So I like to think that will tie me over till LTE on 800 gets here, down the road.

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