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Got a (Sprint) Nexus? Want a Free Battery? (8/19)


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When I ordered online, I logged into my Sprint account. There was a message in the info center about the free battery. I followed the link in the message, added the battery to the cart, entered the promo code and checked out. It worked fine.


I couldn't add it to my Sprint bill though either.

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I couldn't add it to my Sprint bill though either.


Pretty sure they stopped allowing that last year.


Its cool all you guys are getting free extended batteries though!

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Did it over the phone. They made me do the 2-5 day shipping even after I brought up it costing $6.50 online. Came out to $14.45, not bad for an extra battery.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2

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I cannot order off the website, I see no notifications in my info center, and I keep looping. They really want me to buy another Galaxy Nexus. When you order off the website is the total 6.50 with some tax or is it the same as ordering over the phone. Because they wanted 20 bucks on the phone.

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Online there's a ground shipping option (if you can get there) for $6.50, over the phone they made me do the standard overnight at $12.95.

I got the message in my info section and followed the link but still got stuck in the loop.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2

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Pretty sure they stopped allowing that last year.


Its cool all you guys are getting free extended batteries though!


Checkout gave me the option to add it to my Sprint bill (at least until I tried to select it) or the usual credit card options. I assume that means they will allow some accounts to bill it. Although I have been with Sprint a few years, our new phones are on a new account. I assume that I couldn't bill the account because this particular account is only a few months old.


Yes, it is cool. Thanks again. I don't login into my Sprint account much and I don't really follow the Gnex stuff online since it's my son's phone. I might have missed the offer if I didn't see the post here.


What browser are you using?


For this particular transaction I used Firefox.

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Checkout gave me the option to add it to my Sprint bill (at least until I tried to select it) or the usual credit card options. I assume that means they will allow some accounts to bill it. Although I have been with Sprint a few years' date=' our new phones are on a new account. I assume that I couldn't bill the account because this particular account is only a few months old.


Yes, it is cool. Thanks again. I don't login into my Sprint account much and I don't really follow the Gnex stuff online since it's my son's phone. I might have missed the offer if I didn't see the post here.


For this particular transaction I used Firefox.[/quote']


Bill to account is limited to business accounts and maybe some former premier accounts. All accounts use the same checkout so that's why it's presented as an option during checkout.


Sent from my LG Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner

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Got the denied - need to purchase a GNex in order to get the "free" battery. N.B. I just got off of the chat from Sprint.


And, second on MacinJosh on the choice of accounts to use for payment - I am a regular Joe cunstomer account, so payment via CC. BTW, this interface for payment's a bit latent, so give it a bit o patience.


If it works calling TeleSales, more power to ya...the chat's probably useless anyways, and its not really a bad deal phone+free-battery.

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I just checked my order status and it said shipped but I don't have a tracking number yet though. I ordered through telesales without any issues at all.

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I got an update saying mine shipped with a tracking number and arrives tomorrow. Too bad I have a 6AM flight to Hotlanta.

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I am not gonna lie, after using my nexus with the new battery since tuesday, my evo still owns my nexus when it comes to battery life. I mean its not even close, I am also running custom rom and kernel on the gnex.

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I've noticed that battery life is very dependent on what ROM/Kernel you are running. I've gone from 2 days of battery life to where it won't make it through the workday (when I rarely even turn on the phone at work) For the most part, AOSP has given me the best battery life, although CM9 was pretty good at sipping battery once it stabilized.

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