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Network Vision/LTE - South Carolina Market (Columbia/Greenville/Spartanburg)


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I can't really test the lte for obvious phone related issues. Not like I could of ever tested wiimax either though. Getting an upgrade in December though. HTCOne or s4? Gimmicky air gestures and plastic build aside I'm leaning towards the s4 because of the non embedded battery and the SD card slot. Not to mention the larger screen is nice seeing as I'm coming from a Samsung nexus s. Also a fan of the Super Amoled display. Love true blacks and no need for a backlight. Love the HTC build quality though and I had to use an evo while this was being repaired. Anyway any recommendations?


I'm more fixated on having the 3g fixed currently as I have no way of connecting to 4g until December. How's everything going for you guys? Still painfully slow here (as far as 3g goes) but I'm usually stuck on CDMA 24/7. I may download speed test so I can see my speeds but idk if I will be able to have the download finish. Might take days ;p lol.


Anyway I'm new here (obviously) and figured I'd join in and share my opinion. On the matter.

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I can't really test the lte for obvious phone related issues. Not like I could of ever tested wiimax either though. Getting an upgrade in December though. HTCOne or s4? Gimmicky air gestures and plastic build aside I'm leaning towards the s4 because of the non embedded battery and the SD card slot. Not to mention the larger screen is nice seeing as I'm coming from a Samsung nexus s. Also a fan of the Super Amoled display. Love true blacks and no need for a backlight. Love the HTC build quality though and I had to use an evo while this was being repaired. Anyway any recommendations?


I'm more fixated on having the 3g fixed currently as I have no way of connecting to 4g until December. How's everything going for you guys? Still painfully slow here (as far as 3g goes) but I'm usually stuck on CDMA 24/7. I may download speed test so I can see my speeds but idk if I will be able to have the download finish. Might take days ;p lol.


Anyway I'm new here (obviously) and figured I'd join in and share my opinion. On the matter.

One for sure. Boomsound, build quality, better screen, images appear more life like. The Colors on Samsung phones have always seemed off to me, less bloatware out of box than the s4. Not sure if it matter to you, but root and s-off is ridiculously simple.


The S4 is just like the s3 with a few hardware upgrades and cheap gimmicks.


Support the company that is innovative as android should be and remains different from apple.


Stuck on the Poor Man's HTC for now.



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I keep hearing that HTC is becoming the Apple of Androids. That has me a bit put-off by them. My first android is the one I have now,and the little time I was with the evo I liked, but I was still partial to the amoled display. I don't really have the color issues. My phone doesn't use the dual green per pixel system like the s3. I don't believe the s4 does either though. I believe it's rbg. I'm not sure though, even though this phone doesn't have an SD slot either I really want my SD music lol. 2yrs without being able to play makes me sadface. Not to mention the embedded battery the One has. Idk I've had to battery pull this phone quite a bit (I come from blackberry curve 8530). So a worry about needing to do a pull and not being able to concerns me. I'd also like a removable battery so I can replace it if it wears out without having to replace the entire phone. I mean there's a lot about the One I love. Build quality, reminds me of my old Moto RAZR days xD. I liked my nexus s over the evo though display wise. The colors on LCD displays aren't as vibrant to me.


In the end though removable batteries and SD card slots are quite important to me. Plus I prefer a display that doesn't load the battery like LCD backlit displays do. I know it's like I'm a galaxy series fanboy, but aside from all of the bloat and air gimmicks it just kinda seems more practical for my needs. Nothing against HTC, my best friend has the One and loves it, but I'm a very heavy user as I don't carry a laptop with me and inevitably use my phone as a personal computer.


Oh!!! While I'm thinking about it. My friend dropped his One and his screen cracked. Gorilla glass 2 I believe, and I remember Aaron from phonedog dropped his on his volume rocker and bent the button where he can't use it. I've dropped my plastic nexus soooo many times and it's fine. Doesn't even have gorilla glass and it's screen is perfect just like the day I unboxed it. I kinda think the One is more susceptible to damage because of the aluminum build. That's just me though I suppose.


Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk



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I keep hearing that HTC is becoming the Apple of Androids. That has me a bit put-off by them. My first android is the one I have now,and the little time I was with the evo I liked, but I was still partial to the amoled display. I don't really have the color issues. My phone doesn't use the dual green per pixel system like the s3. I don't believe the s4 does either though. I believe it's rbg. I'm not sure though, even though this phone doesn't have an SD slot either I really want my SD music lol. 2yrs without being able to play makes me sadface. Not to mention the embedded battery the One has. Idk I've had to battery pull this phone quite a bit (I come from blackberry curve 8530). So a worry about needing to do a pull and not being able to concerns me. I'd also like a removable battery so I can replace it if it wears out without having to replace the entire phone. I mean there's a lot about the One I love. Build quality, reminds me of my old Moto RAZR days xD. I liked my nexus s over the evo though display wise. The colors on LCD displays aren't as vibrant to me.


In the end though removable batteries and SD card slots are quite important to me. Plus I prefer a display that doesn't load the battery like LCD backlit displays do. I know it's like I'm a galaxy series fanboy, but aside from all of the bloat and air gimmicks it just kinda seems more practical for my needs. Nothing against HTC, my best friend has the One and loves it, but I'm a very heavy user as I don't carry a laptop with me and inevitably use my phone as a personal computer.


Oh!!! While I'm thinking about it. My friend dropped his One and his screen cracked. Gorilla glass 2 I believe, and I remember Aaron from phonedog dropped his on his volume rocker and bent the button where he can't use it. I've dropped my plastic nexus soooo many times and it's fine. Doesn't even have gorilla glass and it's screen is perfect just like the day I unboxed it. I kinda think the One is more susceptible to damage because of the aluminum build. That's just me though I suppose.


Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk

There is a built in hard reset function that serves as a battery pull on the new HTC's. Hold the power button down for 10 seconds and it'll hard reboot.


As for SD card, use cloud storage for photos and such. delete from your phone as needed after uploading.




So as not to derail this thread further, you can go there for all your questions, a lot of the guys own the device so they can answer your questions better than I. I'm on the 4G LTE still.


Stuck on the Poor Man's HTC for now.



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Thanks for the link Jonboy.


I know what the subject is, but I figured I'd pass a little time waiting on a trickle of new info to come out.


Sorry to pull the thread off topic. It slipped into a phone discussion a few pages back and no one seemed to mind so I thought it would be okay. Apologies all around.


Has anyone else run into any 4G goodness? I was all bummed when I realized Haywood mall had some nearby and I didn't have an lte phone to play with while I was in Greenville :(.


Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk



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Well I went back to Greenville to do another Sprint LTE test and this time I brought a friend with me. This past week I got a T-Mobile iPhone 5 as well to test their LTE speeds out here as they just launched it about 2 weeks ago and so far I've been impressed with them but I wanted to see how the 2 did against each other so my friend filmed the speedtest on his EVO 4GLTE as I ran the tests. He also ran speedtests on his EVO and his speeds didn't reach as high as my iPhone 5, I think his best was around 16mbps. 




Also I stopped by the tower off 29 in the Lyman area, still no LTE and my 3G was horrible over there, best I got was .37 download and .21 upload. 

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Well I went back to Greenville to do another Sprint LTE test and this time I brought a friend with me. This past week I got a T-Mobile iPhone 5 as well to test their LTE speeds out here as they just launched it about 2 weeks ago and so far I've been impressed with them but I wanted to see how the 2 did against each other so my friend filmed the speedtest on his EVO 4GLTE as I ran the tests. He also ran speedtests on his EVO and his speeds didn't reach as high as my iPhone 5, I think his best was around 16mbps.  https://www.dropbox.com/s/83rwrvsep98r0gz/Greenville Speedtest.mp4 Also I stopped by the tower off 29 in the Lyman area, still no LTE and my 3G was horrible over there, best I got was .37 download and .21 upload.


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You can't really test a network against one seeing how one isn't even launched. T-Mobile will be faster at moment but it hasn't been released here for Sprint

I'm just getting some comparisons, not saying T-Mobile will be faster or Sprint will be faster but from the test Sprint won on download which could change once more people get on the network. So far I've been impressed with T-Mobile for the most part but that being said T-Mobile has major issues when you go inside a building as they typically drop to 4G or Edge network rather than LTE. Still waiting on Sprint's LTE to turn on in Spartanburg though. I agree though that it's not entirely fair to compare the two as Sprint hasn't fully launched, should've mentioned that in my video.

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Hoping to get more on topic, but living in the West Columbia/Lexington, SC area, or between the two, and seeing that now TMobile, ATT and Verizon are all offering 4G LTE, I'm really interested in any information, or possible time frame on when to expect our area switching on? Twice, I have seen 4G on my phone, but only temporarily. Does anyone know? 

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Hoping to get more on topic, but living in the West Columbia/Lexington, SC area, or between the two, and seeing that now TMobile, ATT and Verizon are all offering 4G LTE, I'm really interested in any information, or possible time frame on when to expect our area switching on? Twice, I have seen 4G on my phone, but only temporarily. Does anyone know?

Earlier in this thread I was told by someone who claimed to have an inside contact in the area that end of the year would be an optimistic goal for downtown Cola and nearby areas...


Stuck on the Poor Man's HTC for now.



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Looking at Sensorly, apparently the tower on 29 towards Greer has finally gone live, going over there tonight to check it out since it's only a couple of miles from where I live, I'll report back with some speed tests

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Mine have been stabilizing as of late as well, where I work still sucks for 3G though but it's not as bad as the 1.5kbps I was getting for a long time, now it's more like 35kbps. I've heard a few rumors of a late July LTE launch here in SC, hope that is true. Might be going to Charlotte here soon, gonna be testing that LTE extensively haha.

I guess what you heard about LTE starting to light up in late July have somewhat come to pass, given that we have seen those towers starting to light up in and around Greenville! If you hear anymore rumors keep us updated lol. I will be returning to Charlotte the weekend of the 30th to hog up some more if their LTE again! :-)



Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

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I haven't seen really anything new in the upstate or any of SC for that matter other than Myrtle Beach. I was hoping the LTE rollout of the upstate would take off really fast after we had the three towers turn on a few weeks back but no such luck. I did just read that Sprint has moved it's completion date of NV from the end of 2013 to mid 2014 now though, not really thrilled to hear that news.

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  • Posts

    • If they use n41 + n41 2CA, people that are somewhat distant from the cell site will have an OK download but the upload will be a disaster.  Upload capability on b-41 was always a disaster on the old Sprint Network.   Now, with n25 + n41 combination, even the more distant users have a more decent upload.  I see n41 + n41 + n25 now with my S22 and I understand that we will see 4xCA with newer phones in the future.     I also see n41 + n41 + n71 sometimes too. Also some other combinations of 25, 41, 71.  I would think that eventually we will see AWS paired with n41 too.  What I am not sure of is ----  when I see 3xCA on my S22, I can see the 3 channels involved in the download but I am never sure just what I have on the upload. I do not think I have 3xCA on the upload.
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    • Looks like another T-Mobile 5G bump happened over the past week and a half, maybe less: n41 carriers are now 90+100 MHz, up from 80+100 (which in turn is up from 40+100 back in early March). This is on top of the new n25 carrier recently. As part of this, it looks like T-Mobile is starting to prefer n25+n41 2CA even when pushing data, rather than having higher levels of CA that would hit higher peak speeds; at least indoors I need to force n41-only if I want to see the full 190 MHz there. To be fair the speeds are plenty quick with that amount of spectrum, and I'm sure they're load balancing, and my guess is this is a little better for battery life? With this expansion, they're now at 10x10+10x10 n25, 15x15 n71, 100+90 n41, for a total of 260 MHz (including FD uplink) of deployed NR here, up from 250 MHz a week ago, 230 MHz two weeks ago, and 190 MHz six months ago. VZW is at 140 MHz minus mmW, 170 if you count n2 DSS. AT&T is at 150 MHz (80+40 n77, 15x15 n5), 210 MHz I think if you count n2 and n66 DSS (guessing they're still running those). With this level of spectrum they should be able to continue offering home internet wherever. Guessing this is the last upgrade they can make before they need to throw new equipment on sites for C-Band. At this rate I figure that'll happen next year on a few dozen high-traffic sites.
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    • My wife has a Pixel 8 Pro and has no complaints. I have an S22U and I get slightly better signal than her but 99.9% of the time, its not noticeable. 
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