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Samsung Galaxy Note 2


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But let me tell you, the flygrip is a bear to remove if you ever have too. I will never again in life attach one directly to my phone. Firstly, you need something like a knife to pry it off the phone, while holding your breath and praying you don't damage your phone with the knife.


Once I finally got that thing off my phone I attached it to the back of a hard shell sleeve instead. NOTHING should be this difficult to remove.

Also, and this is just based on my use....I don't hold the phone any better with it than without.

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I bought two of them for my Note 1 months ago after seeing qbkings videos and it works rather well, but the problem is that like you said, it is very hard to take off, so hard that it actually took off the back cover with it. lol


Plus You just can't use it with a folio cover. I rather use both hands and have the folio cover covering my screen than not having a screen protected.


btw scandelex, did you do that facebook sign up for the event?



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Well I called Sprint today and was told I could do an early upgrade if I pay $125. Hopefully when I walk in the store on Thursday they see it in the system. Had issues after being told 3 times my wife could do an early upgrade. If it is there, looks like I will be trading in the GS3 and getting this bad boy.

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Well I called Sprint today and was told I could do an early upgrade if I pay $125. Hopefully when I walk in the store on Thursday they see it in the system. Had issues after being told 3 times my wife could do an early upgrade. If it is there, looks like I will be trading in the GS3 and getting this bad boy.

If you didn't accept the upgrade buy-up while on the phone, you'll likely have to call back. Unless, of course, you're going to a Corporate-Owned Retail store, they can often push that through. Preferred retailers, though, typically cannot.


If you're just wondering if the upgrade went through, you can check that on sprint.com or through the Sprint Zone app or...

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I'm torn. I want the phone but I will loose 4g till who knows when. The size is really going to be a love hate deal. I will love the 5.5 inch display but man its big. I guess I have 2 weeks to take it back if I can't live with the size or .3g.

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I'm torn. I want the phone but I will loose 4g till who knows when. The size is really going to be a love hate deal. I will love the 5.5 inch display but man its big. I guess I have 2 weeks to take it back if I can't live with the size or .3g.


LTE is coming to my area in the next 6 months and I barely use wimax as the protection sites around me suck. 3g and Wi-Fi offloading are my main sources so no difference for me.


Sent from my CM9 Galaxy S2 using Forum Runner

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My Wi-Fi sucks more than the 3G most of the time. I really should move but this is cheap.




On another topic what's left for Samsung to unveil tomorrow? Price and availability is out and common knowledge now.

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No wimax or LTE here but 3g has improved a bit lately. Looking forward to this phone. Once LTE roll out starts here, things will be right in the world.


Sent from Galaxy S3 with Jelly Bean



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I'm torn. I want the phone but I will loose 4g till who knows when. The size is really going to be a love hate deal. I will love the 5.5 inch display but man its big. I guess I have 2 weeks to take it back if I can't live with the size or .3g.


DO IT!! :D


I'm going to play with it for a few days too. See if its worth losing my GS3 for it, as the wife said I can't have both. :(

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Yeah, for $369 AFTER mail in rebate! :o


I was checking that price out this morning, a little over $200 for full retail price. I think it'd be worth it to go that route, if you have T-Mobile..


If I could get a good price out of the GS3, I'd get one of these for sure!

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This is about what I have been averaging on 3G at work. Can live with that on the Note 2 until LTE hits here.aga6ebe7.jpg


Sent from Galaxy S3 with Jelly Bean



Hell, I'd be able to live with just that!

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