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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. lol wow I really need glasses, I swore i read that article saying 4.2. I stand corrected. my apologizes members. TS
  2. Well. Its impressive that Sharp is getting back in the game and its cool to see that Sprint is getting an exclusive phone, thus having such an event. Still, the part i am not impressed with is it being a 4.2.2 Android phone. If they were to get the 5.5" 4.4 version, then I'll be even more impressed. If Sharp is going to try to make a comeback, then they should really make it stand out. Otherwise it will be drown out by the likes of HTC, Samsung and Apple which are soon to be bringing in newer products. Its curious reading that article that states Sony is trying to woo Softbank. Although I've given up on Sony as a brand, I'm still curious to see if they too will bring something to the Now network. (But thats for another topic) (I see coz beat me to it with my thoughts about the event) lol TS
  3. LMAO You should have tweeted that response. lol
  4. 54 on the English and 11 on the Spanish tweet. TS
  5. Breaking News Now... Earlier today, an international incident was started when Network Vision Enthusiats over at s4gru.com tweeted a welcoming tweet to incoming Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure. The tweet was shorten to comply with twitters length requirements and thus gave a totally different meaning to the message. This sparked protests from North and South America from Bolivia to the USA. White House press secretary has informed the President and steps are now being taken to rectify the problem and bring international tension back to normal levels. Story ongoing... TS out (looking for another job) Ok, I shorten it to this... "En nombre de los 20 mil miembros de s4gru, le damos la bienvenida a su nueva posición en Sprint. Mirando hacia el futuro." and don't forget the accent on posición after you tweet it, I'll retweet it in spanish as well. .
  6. Robert you may want to send it in Spanish as well.. En nombre de los 20.000 miembros de S4GRU.com, le damos la bienvenida a su nueva posición en Sprint. Estamos mirando adelante hacia el futuro. I would tweet it myself but its best if it came from your twitter account. TS
  7. Good points, but I could have swore I read something similar from Robert previously. I read that Claure is giving out his email to employees so they can contact him. I eventually see this leaking into the general population. Maybe Robert can send is ideas to Claure directly. I thought that as well at first with the training on Monday, but most likely it won't be. I do wonder if Claure will show up though to that event. I have a feeling of that as well. $25 across the board. But is that sustainable in the long run? Either way, it will probably be geared to bringing in new customers and as usual the old timers that have stuck with the network through thick and thin are out of most new deals. Regardless it will be a very interesting week coming. Go Sprint.
  8. and... Que the Chicago vs NYC posts in 3...2...1... I visited Chicago last year on a Flyertalk seminar and while there I really didn't have any issue with Sprint. I also became friends with a few Chicagoans at the seminar who also have Sprint. Since then one of them left Sprint and went with AT&T, another to Verizon, and like I always say the Grass may look greener on the other side, but that's because it is fertilized with bullshit. They eventually returned back to Sprint since they had issues with the AT&T and Verizon services be it data or voice. TS
  9. I already had suggested that and it is in the planning stages. Robert has agreed and will eventually create a totally new section for Overseas topics of deployments, sites pics, and other topics dealing with Japan, South America, Africa etc. Basically a Softbanks' World Domination plan section. Once the section is created, we'll start moving the threads etc. TS
  10. Speaking of discounts, I no longer have that contact that used to verify my list of Sprint discounts. So my lists may not be as Accurate. TS
  11. wait, Wait a minute,... a Sprint compliment.... from you...
  12. He went and got sidetrack looking at a few crop circles. Then a flash of light and poof, he disappeared. His trip companion caught it all on film which is currently being looked at by some guys in black suits and dark glasses. TS
  13. The Leftover Magentians have started their attack. Run for your lives. Actually I think its Colossus and Guardian becoming one, which supersede Skynet by quite a few years.
  14. Welcome. As mentioned above, look at the FAQ and in my sig is the directory of maps. Some are accessible, while others are accessible only if you are a sponsor, Read, post and learn, but have fun doing it. TS
  15. On a similar topic, I wished Android allowed usb modem adapters then I would just get a Wi-Fi tablet (like the Note 12.2 pro), attached the Sprint usb modem like the Netgear 341 and not worry about having to connect to my phones hotspot (thereby draining my battery). But alas Android does not have that capability. So I am forced to carry more items in my travels. Sometimes it is nice to have a device that has access to the network built in. One of my old laptops laying around has the Sprint wLAN that connects to Wimax, so I can't put it in my current laptop and instead have to resort to using either the phones hotspot or the Netgear 771. Anyway, back on topic. I agree that Sprint has no incentive to sell Wi-Fi only tablets, but I wouldn't mind if they did sell more.
  16. That is what I thought too. Maybe the Mega doesn't. Oh well, it won't be long before I switch phones anyway.
  17. Ding Ding Ding, give that man a cookie. that's it. thanks my eyes, they burn, they burn..... call 911.
  18. I never noticed it before but the camera lens cover on my Samsung Mega is plastic and I believe all my other phones were too. This weekend I tried taking images of my new laptop and they all came out blurry and I checked the lens. All scratched up. I never noticed that the cover was plastic and not glass much less Gorilla glass like the front display. aarrgghh I usually have a phone case but the camera bump is protruding a bit more than I thought even with the case, thus it would get scratched on a surface (at least that is my thinking of what happened). Oh well, live an learn. I'll be careful the next time with a new phone and get a case that keeps the lens off the surface. TS
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