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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. I thought it was pretty obvious that the event would be about the evolution and transformation of the Sprint network. The giant celll phone tower on the announcement and the use of the word "connecting" seem to all but give that away (at least in my mind). I didn't find anything at all mysterious about the announcement and am confused as to why anyone would, especially as mid 2014 has long been Sprint's publicly announced goal of largely completing network vision's first phase. Sprint has now mostly completed a massive project on a national scale and, just as a reminder, we live in a big ass country. They should RECEIVE NOTHING SHORT OF A STANDING OVATION FOR THEIR EFFORTS. I know that might be hard for some people to swallow but, just because you're one of the unfortunate few who has yet to see Network Vision bear fruit in your particular burg, town or ville doesn't mean that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the U.S. isn't already enjoying a greatly improved network. Even with the latest (and possibly unforseen) issues with ecsfb on b26, the network is exponentially faster and more reliable in nearly every major and mid size city across the country (and even many of the areas in between). This, I would contend, is worthy of celebration. And I would theorize that's exactly what we'll see at the event. There could be more (related to Framily or otherwise) but the achievements in modernizing the network will likely take center stage.
  2. I actually got the update maybe 30 minutes after posting that lol. It's been very successful at holding LTE for me except in 2 random cases where I was quite unnecessarily kicked down to 3g when a very strong LTE connection was readily available. But..toggling airplane mode fixes it in most cases.
  3. Still waiting for the OTA here as well. I thought the rollout was to be completed by today. In that case I guess I just might be last on the list. Story of my life!
  4. We see what you did there. Totes McGoats!
  5. Right but I guess my real question is why the f do I have to do this in order to connect to a perfectly strong and sound b26 signal to begin with? And I think that question may be answered by outstanding ecsfb issues on b26 per several other posts.
  6. Question: when in a location with known b26 connectivity (but stuck on a nearly unusable 3g connection)...why does doing a PRL update instantly connect me to b26 LTE? Of note.. I have yet to receive the spark update though I know it will come to me in very short order.
  7. This sums up life in general. : o )
  8. Yeah I really hate when people spell otherwise normal names in a "unique" fashion in attempt to be original. Makes zero sense and is, at best, a bit tacky. But here is the link
  9. did you get the Anjelah Johnson reference? The "glitter gel"/Asian nail parlor skit?
  10. Yeah I saw this earlier today but the most amusing part to me is the fact that, predictably, the CNET comments are laden with anti Sprint propaganda/rampant ranting. Honestly... there aren't many areas untouched by at least nv 1.0 so..why are they hating so very hard? Is there any validity to their diarrhea-at-the-mouth word vomit?
  11. Lol I know. I had maxillofacial surgery before as well. But I was still in high school... Very early wisdom teeth appearance. I was only 15! Being doped up in high school for 3 days is still an experience that I (quasi) remember.
  12. Got impatient....or just got, like, really high? (dude)
  13. You have just described in flawless fashion the issue I have been having with both of my nexus 5 phones. I haven't yet upgraded as I'm waiting for the OTA but what you describe is what I have always inexplicably experienced with this phone since the day I purchased it. A lot of people are reporting similar issues so I don't think we all have defective phones. I hope it's a fixable radio issue. That's the only reason I haven't set this phone on fire.
  14. I was just thinking that I hadn't seen 1x800 during this current trip to lex but just now I checked and I'm definitely on 1x800 right now on Lexington's south side.
  15. Geez, Louise! What was/were your issue(s)?
  16. Why do we keep having to force LTE to get it where it should pick it up just fine? Just definitely curious as I'd prefer this not be the case forever with this phone.
  17. That's very weird because with b26 enabled my nexus 5 never connected to it, not even once! I turned off band 26 and it does keep band 25 better than before but it still randomly and without apparent cause falls back to 3g. I airplane mode toggle and it's back on band 25. But why should I have to constantly toggle to keep LTE which is otherwise all around me?
  18. Cool. And I spoke to soon. Keeps kicking me to 3g even with b26 disabled and full LTE available.
  19. I did and so far it's living on b25 fairly happily. What does this suggest?
  20. So I'm at home visiting family in Lexington, KY and it's a city fully bathed in b25 LTE. I was here in December (2013), rocking a single band gs4. I pulled fantastic LTE speeds all over town. I don't recall ever falling to 3g, in fact. This trip, I'm rocking my n5 with b26 enabled and can only maintain LTE for ten to twenty minutes at a time...just like I experience in Atlanta. Doing a simple airplane mode toggle instantly restores LTE...but, again, only for ten or twenty minutes. What gives?
  21. Understandable. But just out of curiosity, why wouldn't you do easy pay? I guess, in reality, Sprint's pricing plans should go down once you've paid for your device via easy pay. That would actually be more fair and make more sense.
  22. But you are paying full price with a 2 year agreement. Just over a longer term.
  23. What phone are you using? I know most places in and around Lexington are upgraded but looking at the network vision sites complete map, I can see that some sites near Corbin and London are indeed still 3G only. But they, too will be upgraded.
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