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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. I get great LTE speeds, too but only when I force it. Otherwise the thing is constantly on 3G. But I don't do it often because I still need to take calls as it's still, ya know, a phone.
  2. Hmm. That's troubling. My other n5 did the same thing but I thought it was just jacked up. Do you know of a link that might describe the "flashing" process?
  3. In the instances I do get LTE I have noticed that my n5 switches to 3G around -101 RSRP. Is that a normal threshold for such a switch? I would think it a bit early as there is always usable LTE so long as I force LTE.
  4. I think I meant to quote the other guy. Oops. P.s...I think I'm cursed. Or my phone is.
  5. Clever joke but also entirely untrue in this case. I've done nothing to this phone besides activating it ( which took two Sprint chat sessions after work as it didn't even seem to want to activate). So user error is certainly not a factor.
  6. Refuses to recognize LTE. Allegedly no ecsfb issues exist here. Also, despite what anyone says, this phone cannot match the S4's RF performance. This is my second n5 and it doesn't even compare. At least not where I live, work and play.
  7. This phone drives me absolutely nuts. Received my replacement n5 yesterday at work. Activated it after I got off last night....same f-ing problems. I want to hurt someone at LG!!!!!
  8. Scary but very true. The numbers don't lie (though they do sometimes get a bit twisted).
  9. No, I haven't. Out for dinner and clearly overpriced margaritas with friends. When I get home I'll try it out.
  10. So I went back to my local Sprint store. Spent at least an hour talking to these guys about Sprint, network vision and nv 2.0. They were amazed to hear how much I knew about Sprint's network improvement plans and even more shocked when I explained to them that all of my knowledge came from s4gru.com. so...don't be surprised if you've got some new members very soon! P.s... Yes.. My phone is jacked. They proved it...finally. At least now I know I'm not crazy!
  11. Also i've received countless empty texts from "9479" since the day I bought the phone. It happens, on average, every 3 to 4 hours. Incredibly annoying.
  12. Well Sprint has a 14 day return policy, not Google. There is a 1 year warranty on the Google Nexus 5, from what I've been led to believe. So I'm well outside of Sprint's but well inside of Google's. It's just so shocking to me to hear people say that this phone "is an RF beast" over and over when it is, by far, the worst RF performer of any phone I've ever owned. Something inside of it must be super jacked up. I'm sure there are bad batches of any product produced, cell phones or otherwise. And mine definitely came from one of those batches, if what everyone else is saying is true.
  13. Mine definitely has a lot of backlight bleed as well. I've also been experiencing severe data connectivity issues. Maybe our phones both came from the same bad batch. How did you go about seeking a replacement?
  14. Wow. You get band 41? Very nice indeed. but thank you for all of your input. I will definitely take all this into consideration when I talk to sprint tomorrow.
  15. Been meaning to ask you.. you have a N5 and are in the Atlanta area and have had other LTE phones before the N5, same story as me. However my question to you is this: Everyone says how great an RF performer this phone is but, in my experience, I do not get band 25 in all the places that my S4 did. It seems my S4 always had a strong LTE signal (it was the single band version) everywhere I went and my N5 rarely wants to connect to band 25 at all. Right now I am bouncing between 3G and band 26 LTE. How has your N5 experience been?
  16. I'm tossing this out into the universe and hoping Robert or someone else can shed a little light on this for me. I know that Atlanta is essentially complete and only the problem towers remain. One of those is right across ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Is there any way to find out why, exactly, this site has yet to be upgraded to LTE? It is a problem for us in this area due to the sunken nature of the topography here which prevents those of us in this little depression from connecting to more elevated towers to our north, south and east. OF COURSE it's the tower closest to me! lol
  17. Yeah. I live and work in Midtown and Buckhead and the towers here typically give between 2 and 4 down. Just a lot of people on them. Though my friends on other carriers in the exact same areas get about ten times faster DL speeds. I dunno. But the speeds I get are at least usable and far better than pre NV conditions.
  18. Sorry..no I just left that part out when I was typing. LTE only did nothing at that point so put it back on LTE/CDMA Auto PRL. That is when I thought I saw a flash of LTE. Then I toggled twice and go those two results mentioned above. Sorry..got ahead of myself while I was typing. But right now it's back and forth between 3G and LTE on B26. If it falls to 3G and i toggle airplane mode, it jumps right back on b26.
  19. It suddenly cut off from B26 and LTE altogether and now, for the first time, is on 1x800. This is the first I've seen of this, too. Maybe it's some kind of testing on Sprint's part?
  20. Ya know what? I was at first like, "yes, I've done that a thousand times!" And I have done it many times. However....I did it again just now and for the very firs time I connected to Band 26 at home. Freaky but awesome! Maybe after I adjusted the band priorities according to a previous post today and then did the PRL update it might have made B26 look more appealing to the device than band 25. Huh....whatever the reason I'm definitely stoked!
  21. Alright. It's walking distance and I need to stop by the CVS next door to it anyway. So I'm gonna buck up and walk over there and try my best not to be sarcastic in my dealings with them (personal fault, I know). ...evolving story.
  22. Alright. I did that and then I forced it to LTE only. It didn't find a signal (there is LTE here in this location). So I toggled airplane mode and for a brief flash of a fraction of a second, it indicated a strong LTE signal (full bars) before immediately falling back to a moderate 3G signal. So I toggled it again. Same thing. Brief flash of LTE and then back to 3G (with really decent speeds on 3G, mind you). I'm on wifi at home of course and so it's not the biggest issue right here. But I wanted to share my findings. Also while at work yesterday I did force it into LTE only mode and DID connect to LTE but not nearly as strong of a signal as my GS4 picked up in the exact same location. I will try talking to Sprint again in the store nearest me but the last 2 times I went in they seemed to not even know what ecsfb is nor anything about network vision 2.0. The tech wouldn't even look at my phone. He just said, "oh yeah, just give it some time. Once the towers are upgraded it will be fine." That's why I let it ride out so long. Unless they can demonstrate that the phone is, in fact, faulty then I can get a replacement from Google. But I need them to definitively tell me/prove it first.
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