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Everything posted by 4ginnc

  1. Looks like the tower is right behind a fire station. Could that be some communications tower for the fire department possibly?
  2. One thing I've seen is that Sprint doesn't provide much support itself for the iPhone. Went to the local Sprint store when I had an issue with my broadband card and while I was waiting a couple folks came in with iPhone issues. Sprint reps told them they couldn't help and they'd have to call Apple. That's one way to save time supporting the iPhone.
  3. I've been happy with my Buffalo Linkstation Pro. They have 1, 2 and 3TB versions and you can hook up an external USB drive to it if needed. The 2TB about $182 on Amazon. Only complaint I had was the included Windows backup software, forget what it was called. When I had a hard drive crash I found it wasn't backing up everything it was supposed to. I've since bought something different that I'm happy with so far. Of course, it was a couple years ago when I bought mine so they may include something different now.
  4. Do you have an airrave or someone close by with an airrave? Edit: Never mind that doesn't make much sense. If it was connected via an airrave to Wi-Fi it would be faster. I'm tired.
  5. Of course, that speedtest just blew through half your monthly data allowance.
  6. That's what I thought Robert, but just wanted to clarify after I saw this post from AJ: I know we won't find any 800 now, just wondering if the future if I would have problems falling back to 1X more often if the 800 1X signal was stronger than my 1900 EV-DO. Thanks guys.
  7. Well, I have Wi-Fi but it's using a Sprint 3G card for the back end. I have no cable internet, no DSL, etc. Really no other options at this time but Sprint 3G. Fortunately I've had it long enough that I'm on an unlimited plan for my data card.
  8. So when Sprint adds support for 800MHz will that include EV-DO as well as CDMA1X and LTE? Most of the discussion I've seen usually mentions 1x and LTE. Reason I ask is, currently my 3G signal varies at home from like -96dBm to maybe around -102 and sometimes slightly worse during storms. However, it rarely ends up dropping down to 1X. If I end up with a stronger 1x 800 signal than EV-DO the concern would be that I would switch more often to 1X mode, especially after hearing the issues people have had holding a weak LTE signal.
  9. I "knew" this but didn't think about it in the panic of accidentally reporting someone. Maybe my mouse was still moving and it didn't quite click where I thought I did. For future reference, if I actually did click Report would the link for Report show up differently for that post? (Not that I ever plan to do that again)
  10. Off Topic...but I think I might have just accidentally clicked on Report for you post Deval, when I was trying to click on "Back to Network, Network Vision/LTE Deployment". Not sure if it actually did report or how to tell though. If I did, the moderators can just ignore. And it was nothing personal...just clicking too fast.
  11. I've noticed something similar even on my legacy 3G connection at home using Sprint's speed test app and the speedtest.net app. The speed will spike at the very beginning, usually to something like 256kb/s, then sit there for a few seconds until it starts a more realistic rate of traffic (usually < 100kb/s for me). It doesn't sound like traffic shaping on the network side to me, but more like the IP stack trying to figure out the optimal flow on the network. I've seen similar situations with ftp traffic in the past when we were debugging some network issues at work, but the slowdown was caused by packet loss by some faulty intrusion prevention devices. So when the network layer realized things weren't as fast as it should have been, it slowed down the send rate. Just a guess, but that's what I've been seeing.
  12. That brings up something I was wondering after a post from AJ in another thread. If you can potentially connect to 3 different towers at the same time (one for 1x, one for EV-DO, one for LTE), which one are these apps reporting the connection for? I doubt LTE, most likely my guess would be EV-DO?
  13. From what I've seen in other threads, you have to have an LTE phone to show that you're connected to eHRPD. I'm not 100% certain, but that was my understanding.
  14. No, probably what you're confusing is that Sprint has 5x5MHz Carriers for it's LTE vs 10x10 for Verizon. That is a statement of carrier bandwidth not operating frequency. Sprint's frequency is 1900 MHz for it's LTE while Verizon is using 700MHz. Verizon's range should be better, depending on a variety of factors that have been mentioned here many times.
  15. What were your signal levels for Sprint vs Verizon?
  16. Then you've been very lucky. Here in my part of NC, 3G speeds have been horrible. Had another call into Sprint last night because my downloads were around 109Kb/s and uploads around 45kb/s. Barely usable. There is one tower I've connected ot in Oxford, NC where I do get speeds above 1Mb/s but nowhere else that I've found yet in the Raleigh area either. Also, last week I was down on the Mississippi Gulf Coast visiting family and the few tests I ran was never able to get above 300-400kb/s down. Don't know how Hattiesburg is, haven't been there in years. I would have thought the Coast would be in better shape with all the work that had to be done after Katrina, but I guess not.
  17. Well, to know whether or not you like a post you do kind of have to look at it first but that's beside the point. AJ was only joking, there is plenty of humor on this site. I wouldn't take it so personally.
  18. Hmmm.... no mention of any LTE connectivity fixes. Only thing was a WiFi disconnect issue. Maybe that was what was causing issues with LTE connectivity? Maybe there's an unmentioned fix or another update is still to come.
  19. That clears things up better now. Thanks Robert. Do we know if the cores are on schedule or not? The 14 or so listed in the technobuffalo article should be online by now if everything is going as planned. I was just wondering if there were any issues or delays getting this new infrastructure in place.
  20. I was wondering, since it's in Florida, if this tower design was for strength to handle hurricanes better. Looks pretty sturdy.
  21. So, in the market maps, if I see this on a site for the RF switch " RAL-MORRISVILLE-MSC_1" that doesn't tell me which 4G core, just the legacy switch. It's not saying there is a 4g core switching center in Morrisville. Right?
  22. It's been mentioned many times in various forums that the 4G cores (switching centers) need to be online before 4G goes live in a market (obviously). Has anyone seen information about where all the cores are and any schedule information for them? Is it typically one core per market, one core supporting mutliple markets or multiple cores per market? Probably a mixed bag, as with everything else, depending on the size of the market, etc. Just curious since I haven't seen as much detail or info floating around about the cores as the sites themselves.
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