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Everything posted by 4ginnc

  1. Yep, their main web site has this message this morning:
  2. We haven't had any dropped call issues in the northern part of Wake County. I know in the Oxford/Henderson area there were some problems with the data network a couple months back but I believe that's been fixed. Data speeds are terrible most of the time, but we haven't had any call quality or connection issues.
  3. And don't forget the May 18th launch date of the Sierra Wireless Tri-Network Hotspot from the screenshot in this article: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-170-new-flagship-4g-lte-device-in-sprint-lenexa-labs-for-testing/ May 18th will be a busy day for Sprint. All just coincidence? Inquiring minds want to know! The suspense is killing me.
  4. There has been some discussion on this topic in a different thread on this forum. Here's a link to it, which should give you more info http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/611-chicago-nv-issues/page__hl__chicago__fromsearch__1
  5. That's obvious.... I need to stream several HD movies at once. It's the only way I have time to watch them all since I spend so much time reading the forums on S4GRU.
  6. You beat me to it. I was just about to type the same thing until I refreshed first and saw your post. What's the point of these insanely high speeds with such low caps on all the data plans these companies have?
  7. Also, don't trust the map locations of OpenSignal maps. It was telling me the tower I connected to was near the center of our small town. But there isn't one there. One is north of town about 2 miles and the other is about 1.5 miles south. The market maps in the sponsor section are very accurate from what I can tell and I located the closes two towers to me. The Charlotte map is in there as well as the Raleigh/Durham market maps.
  8. 4ginnc

    WiMax & rain

    I had a similar issue with the phone line when we moved into the house we are now. When it would rain, phone would be scratchy and sometimes not work at all. CenturyLink sent someone out and we found that the old owner had started to run a line somewhere else but never finished. He coiled up the cord in a plastic grocery bag and there it sat, covered up by leaves for who knows how long. And it would short out every time the rain would come. Disconnected that old line, threw it in the trash, and that was that.
  9. Yeah, I will. It just came off contract last month although I could have upgraded sooner. I'm waiting a while to see what's coming with the Samsung announcement this week. And I figured I'd wait until it got closer to the end of the summer until 4G started to show up around here to make a decision on a new phone. I do like that new EVO 4G LTE though, that's one sweet looking phone.
  10. I wouldn't necessarily want to switch my phones or my existing 3G data card. I like Sprint, and data speeds from a phone point of view aren't a concern for me. I'm the only one on my family plan that has a smartphone (for now). It's an HTC Hero and that thing is slower than Sprint's 3G network. I'm more concerned about my USB modem which is my only option for high speed at home. If the schedules Robert's posted hold, the tower I normally connect to would get LTE by end of November. So, it's not that far off and is probably still worth the wait. I've typically used 18-20GB/moth but haven't checked very much lately. And that's with the speeds I have now. If I have any large files to download (software updates, etc) I'll go to the library or somewhere else with Wi-Fi.
  11. Yeah, I'll definitely have to keep it. It's the only way I'll have enough data to work at home. Just with the horrible 3G speeds I get now, if I do decide to get a capped 4G and keep my unlimited 3G plan as backup, I might have to think about getting 4G from AT&T now rather than waiting for LTE. I don't know...at least the 12GB with Sprint is much better than the 5GB than AT&T so it might still be worth the wait. My neighbor works for CenturyLink and he's been after them for years to get DSL with no luck. He works on installing T-1 lines in the area, so next time I see him I'll have to ask him about additional lines he might know about coming to some of the local towers.
  12. And if that's the case, AT&T has 4G now (HSPA+, but still) where I am, so do I even need to really wait for Sprint LTE? I don't know... ruined my day.
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