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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. nexgencpu

    LG G3

    Hmmm impressive... http://www.theverge.com/2014/6/4/5778556/lg-g3-review
  2. I've been seeing more and more B26 around my neighborhood in the Bronx, took a 2 mile walk and kept B26 then switched to B41. Happy with the new 4.4.3 update for my N5. This is finally becoming the network sprint has been touting all these years!
  3. Nope, I believe certain markets might have a harder time dealing with the latest radio handing off to 3G a bit sooner than it probably should. In a Market like NYC, where site spacing is very tight but yet very congested, holding onto a -105dBm is mostly a loss cause and 3G will outperform LTE in those cases. Where as B26 should fill in those coverage holes left by B25. All my testing was done after 10pm, lets see what happens during peak times...
  4. So finally had a chance to walk around my neighborhood here in NYC, walked about 2 miles, and I have to say, its pretty spectacular. Handoffs were ultra smooth, and speeds were consistent! Hopped onto B26 as soon as I walked out, about 12mb sec down avg, then it dropped to B25 for about 20 seconds, then switched to B41! Also, I can see why this radio was designed to not hang onto any given weak signal, and people would say its worse than .15 I think in markets that have limited access to B26 or no B41, how this could be a weaker performer. Side note, I have never held onto a B26 like today, could be a combination of more sites coming online and this new radio. One word! AWESOME!
  5. As most are reporting on B25 performance, seems similar to .23 in signal strength. But finally connecting to B41 in my apt, speeds hovering 25-45mb sec. FINALLY!!! Still have to report back on performance around town, I suspect it will be decent, but with it being an official update, sites will need to be eCSFB ready in order to latch on, so might lose B41 connectivity to a few sites that lacked the update. But I do believe this will be a good trade off between holding a fringe LTE signal to handing off sooner to a possibly more usable band, especially here in NYC where B41 is pretty prevalent and B25 could be more saturated than most markets during peak hours.
  6. Hit some more B26 on the west side of midtown off of 28th street between 8th and 9th ave. Speeds were between 10-15mb @ -95dBm..
  7. It would not allow me to make/receive calls or send text messages.
  8. Just had the magical trifecta happen while driving down the FDR around 120th street, went from B25 to B26 to B41 with super smooth handoff.
  9. The majority of sprint sites in NYC already have proper eCSFB software in place, this issue only comes up with clear sites. So that would make sense if Clear sites need it as well. I'm assuming this site(s) went live recently and lacked the proper update.
  10. That has been my assumption, this has not been the first time I've run into this issue, but i have been told that clear sites don't host eCSFB...
  11. Info is scarce on this, I guess once T-mobile look over, plans shifted dramatically... Found this to add a bit more confusion... https://gigaom.com/2012/10/11/t-mobile-will-maintain-metropcss-volte-service-but-its-future-is-up-in-the-air/
  12. I believe MetroPCS does have VoLTE in limited markets, and has had it for quite a while.. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/metropcs-launches-volte-service-lg-connect-smartphone/2012-08-08
  13. Connected to B41 from 58st west side hway till about 42th street, I drive in that area on a regular basis and its the first time I have ever connected. But was unable to make or receive calls while connected to this site This was on my N5 using .15, the G2 completely ignored this site, and stayed connected to B25..
  14. Hit some B26 around 181st and jerome ave in the Bronx, signal hovered around -90dBm, speeds were between 12-20mb sec. Good to see it spreading to more areas Also, connected to B41 in the same location...
  15. This looks like B25..does not look like B41, check engineering screen to verify the band your on..
  16. Got some more B26 love on 34th st and west side highway. Signal was somewhat weak so probably coming from a distance.
  17. No, more often than not congestion is due to a lack of spectrum, since band 25 is limited to 5x5Mhz, it limits airlink to 37.5mb/sec no matter what kind of backhaul is in place. But once you have access to Band 25, 26 and 41 you have a boatload of spectrum and are not limited by airlink. Since most LTE sites use Fiber, they can be scaled to serve up Gigabit(s) of data per second. It would take a shitload of spectrum to saturate a Fiber line at full speed. Bottom line, when we mention "congestion" we most likely mean airlink saturation.
  18. Just picked up B26 as well near my home off the grand concourse and tremont. Signal was btwn -95 and -105 speeds were excellent! btwn 7mb-15mb. Cant say much for coverage since I lost it after about 5minutes..
  19. One thing I did notice is that your connected to wifi, your cellular data idles when your on wifi so that signal is not necessarily indicative of actual signal strength at that moment. Also, alot of the times B26 seems to make its initial appearance with the same signal strength as B25 but once adjusted signal strength improves, so sit tight.
  20. No, they have been switching on AWS for almost a year now...nothing new, just marketing jargon, also, most of the locations they mention are not fully deployed by a long shot.... So basically, nothing special..
  21. So wait, let me get this straight, your picking up a stronger B41signal from inside than B25 from the same site??
  22. GS3 is single band and only has access to Band 25. So yes you are correct..
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