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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. The current Clearwire deployed sites are decent, slightly worse than the current 1900 NV, but the new 8r8r Antennas being installed over the current sprint NV sites will be close to the current 1900 penetration, and before the end of this year, the rest of the clear sites will be replaced with these new panels.
  2. I do know that outside of the Garden I get awesome B41.
  3. Last time I was down there I couldn't even make a call, is that still the case?
  4. Maybe I didn't elaborate well, What I meant was, depending on how much data needs syncing, like photos, contacts, music, apps etc (also cell reception)this could vary wildly depending on user. Also, usage tends to taper off when the user gets over the wow factor of the device. Since the Snapdragon has excellent idle battery life(Franco makes it even better)combine that with a clean android experience, that can greatly affect the users overall battery. So when i say "tuned" I mean everything has been synced and the user has settled on his or her particular setup. It is a well known fact, that the nexus 5 battery improves over the course of the first few weeks. I hope that makes more sense.. Also, about android not "tuned" depending on usage, not the os itself, but, Qualcomm's own Battery Guru does precisely that, tune according to usage.
  5. Its akin to overclocking or underclocking the CPU, all these manufactures have specs for each part. And a lot of times features are disabled for a number of reasons in the name of stability. A lot of these programmers push the limits of these components. Its like BMW electronically limits a lot of there cars to 155Mph even though most do well over that.
  6. There is a settling time for software to tune according to your usage, accounts and syncing etc..
  7. Franco is awesome! I get an average of 4hr screen on time 20hrs total.
  8. Looks like HD voice went live around my home...voice quality just got noticeably higher quality!
  9. There are pros and cons... Pros being better battery life and lower cost of device. Cons being the lack of simultaneous voice and data, and also requires eCSFB to be in place to work properly, not every site has been updated to support it yet and can cause connectivity issues (but this is a short term issue.)
  10. Dont want to give away any premiere sponsor info, but seems that the cluster could be quite a distance away, unless one came online after the last update.
  11. Its very possible the B26 signal is much further away than the B25. Or, they are testing..As more sites come online, the better it will balance the load between both bands.
  12. AWESOME! What kind of speeds are you getting?
  13. That makes sense, since most of the folks in chicago have been complaining of slower speeds on B25, its probably heavily congested. Look out for B26 (800LTE) and take a screenshot of that screen (fieldtest) and do a speedtest to measure its performance.
  14. No worries, From the iPhone keypad, dial *3001#12345#* and hit “Call”
  15. Check your engineering screen when your signal level rises and look at what band your connecting too, since Chicago already has Band 26 and you have a Iphone 5S, you might be picking that up. Unfortunately for Joeynach, hes still on a B25 (as far as I know) only device, so he might not see the improved performance.
  16. I'm pretty sure he means purchasing outright. That's one of the best parts of buying the N5, the price is within striking range of purchasing it without any contract.
  17. Hit up craigslist, they go between 300-350 on there..
  18. Im not currently on a Framily plan, but my sister is...and she has no issues on youtube.
  19. If HD is on there is no other way they can degrade the quality. Try to toggle it with different videos to make sure your watching a HD video. Also try them over WiFi to see if the quality changes.
  20. When you are on LTE, do you get an option for HD or HQ?
  21. Read some of the reviews on the play store for the MLB at at app, a TON of people complaining about quality. Im pretty sure the low quality is baked in that way to avoid buffering from congested or slower networks. Especially if your in a crowded area watching highlights while your at a game. Would be nice if these apps had options to adjust quality accordingly.
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