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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Just got off the phone with telesales, my order went through just fine. I should be getting it on tuesday. Again, thank you Ben for the heads up. Also: This is not true, if you already have a galaxy nexus on your sprint account you qualify as well so I suggest you call back.
  2. Well I knew it was too good to be true, its just a fan made creation. http://www.androidcentral.com/not-samsung-galaxy-note-2
  3. http://phandroid.com...-the-real-deal/ Hope its legit, if it is then I like it.
  4. When me and my inner circle of friends started investing years ago we did it for simply the fun factor of maybe hitting it big one day. Eventually we started making some pretty good investment decisions which caused us to look into what we were doing a little bit more seriously. I also have a friend of mines who has been a professional investor for the last 15 years that live in DC with similar philosophies as yours and currently he can’t feed his family and his home is up for foreclosure. Now I am not gonna disagree with what you are saying, I am simply saying when it comes to the stock market there is no exact science or formula for success. What your philosophies are when dealing with the stock market is good for you and what may work for you and your peers, and what my philosophies are is working for me and my friends currently. I understand you have experience in the industry and I respect that but I am also accountant with mba’s in finance and accounting so I do have some knowledge as well. Again I can only speak for myself and my personal success when it comes to trading, this hobby of mines has single handedly padded all me and my friends retirement accounts. Anyway back to the topic of this thread, as of right now sprint stock is at $5.37 and in my humble opinion I think purchasing sprint stock is a good idea with the way its been trending for the last couple of months or so.
  5. I don't disagree with what you said and I am not talking about looking at dollar amounts vs % change. What I am looking at is what determines your actual strategy. Wouldn't you agree that your strategy would be different if you had $50 invested versus $4.5m or 10 shares versus 10,000 shares? Also, its good that you managed a hedge fund for a few years, unfortunately I don't have that experience with dealing with that kind of money but I know one thing, when it comes to investing I have done extremely well over that last 6 years. I took an initial sears holdings investment(former employer) of about $3500 back in 2006 and have multiplied that initial investment many many times over. The more fortunate I became the more my strategy had to change because my volume of shares that I was able to afford and trade increased quite a bit. Not to mention strategy is totally different when you are investing someone else's money versus your own.
  6. Say what? Of course the amount of shares you have makes a difference. If I have 20 shares at $5 per share, a drop/increase of $1 per share would cause me to lose either $20 or gain $20, no big deal. On the other hand if I have 2000 shares that same change in price could cause me to lose either $2000 or gain $2000, so the amount of shares you have will obviously determine the amount of loss or gain and the amount of shares you have will also determine if its even worth selling or not. If the price is fluctuating quite a bit over a short period of time the amount of shares I own will determine my sense of urgency to buy or sell.
  7. I would say it depends on how many shares you bought. If you had just a few then I would say just sell them but if you have a lot then I say hold on to them and monitor their stock prices as often as possible before you sell.
  8. Its hard to tell if you only have an evo lte to determine how bad it is. With me having an evo lte and a gnex, the problem is more than evident. For example, if have an lte tower very close to my house. If I drive to my south then the lte connection will drop at about the 1.5 mile mark for my evo but my gnex lte connection wouldn't drop until I get about 3 miles away. Now with no lte connection on either phone driving towards the tower my gnex will automatically connect to lte about 2.5 miles out on average but then my evo wouldn't automatically connect until I am within less than a mile and other times it wouldn't even connect if I am 100 feet from the tower, then I have to toggle. Now it doesn't happen every time but whats key here is that it never happens on my gnex, ever.
  9. Yes, I know this is a old thread but I just wanted give it a bump to say that there is a new update to swiftkey that came out today. It now has the one feature I been craving for the longest which is the ics/jellybean voice to text "dictation" which was only available on the stock keyboard.
  10. Do you know anyone in your area with an gs3 thats not having lte connection issues?
  11. I wish I had two more hands so I can give your post 4 thumbs up!!!! Thanks
  12. Just send Robert a pm with the information from your paypal transaction and I am sure he can work something out for you.
  13. I flew out of atlanta two weeks ago and I didn't get an lte signal at all on either of my phones so to hear this now is great. I can't wait go get back home.
  14. themuffinman


    Well in your case there really isn't much you can do, the fact that you are barely getting a 3g signal means the phone is working that much harder trying to maintain that signal. If you have wifi available at work then that will be your best bet as far as better battery life. You should try flex's rom over on xda, I haven't had any issues with it at all and battery life is amazing. Generally speaking, IMO, the heavier a kernel is modified the more issues there are on average. Now I am not saying any thing bad about the kernel meanrom is using, I am just recommending that you try a rom that has a stock kernel and see if it gives you better battery life. http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=1701117
  15. Personally I think the note will be available on all the major networks. Initially, I think the galaxy note 1 was released on one carrier to see how well it was going to sell. I think most assume that no one would really go for a phone that was so large but overall sales spoke for themselves.
  16. Great write up as usual, I didn't even realize the quadcore variant was just a naked chip with no incorporated modems. Also, maybe I read this wrong but I thought the viper supported svdo, doesnt it?
  17. Well it looks like your standard strategic benchmark. When in business, one of the first things you do is size up the competition. You try to improve on what they do right and avoid the things they do wrong. I mean seriously, in an industry with many players, what business doesn't do this?
  18. Well it is pretty obvious and well documented that sprints lte maps are a bit exaggerated but progress is improving as each day goes by and the end results will be better than anything wimax.
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