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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. This really doesn't prove or disprove anything, I can sit here and tell you the total opposite based on my own personal experience but whats the point. Exactly
  2. themuffinman

    Bent my EVO LTE

    No skinny jeans for me, just a personal preference as far as where I put my phone and I don't use holsters or belt cases anymore.
  3. themuffinman

    Bent my EVO LTE

    It is so much more comfortable to walk around with the phone in my back pocket but I always remove the phone right before I sit down.
  4. Well I don't what to tell you, both of us are in the same general area but the difference between now and a few weeks ago as far as coverage goes is night and day for me.
  5. They do have a lot of work to do but they have also done a lot in the last month as well. I been out of town for the last several weeks and just got back two days ago and I must say that I have seen a huge improvement in 4g connectivity especially on my evo. In my general area which is south of atlanta airport, lte was hit or miss a few weeks ago, especially on my evo compared to my gnex but I just got home from running a few errands and I never lost lte connectivity when I was out and this was on my evo. Places where I know for a fact I shouldn't even be getting a lte signal, I was still getting full bars of lte service. I don't know what sprint is doing but I hope they keep it up.
  6. Well I finally made back to atlanta yesterday after being gone for several weeks and for the most part even though the connectivity issues are still there, coverage has increased quite a bit. I am getting lte in a lot more places than I was just a few weeks ago.
  7. There was an ics rom I was running that gave me outstanding battery life but I gave it up to go jelly bean, but nothing I try has given my the battery life like what I got on that one particular rom.
  8. I am not gonna lie, after using my nexus with the new battery since tuesday, my evo still owns my nexus when it comes to battery life. I mean its not even close, I am also running custom rom and kernel on the gnex.
  9. I can't speak for clearwire service but sprint's wimax phones where capped at 1meg upload, it was sometime last year when they raised it to 1.5meg, not sure about mifi's though.
  10. LOL, he was being sarcastic towards the other guy and supporting what you were saying. It totally threw me off when it read it at first hence my total off base response to irev210.
  11. Oh, looks like your response to the other person was sarcastic.......my bad. I am at my office right now and I can't multi-task too much so I didn't read the link. Getting ready for the endless amount of rain that is suppose to fall here in the next two days from tropical storm isaac
  12. That means absolutely nothing, I have been with sprint for over 10 years and I have experience duplicate text messages long before anyone knew anything about network vision. Now I don't know what specific factors need to occur that would create duplicate texts but I have definitely experience it over the years.
  13. Well on a side note htc released the source code for 1.13 right after the 1.22 ota was released. It looks like htc finally released the source code for the current 1.22 software so hopefully thats a sign that the next ota is right around the corner. http://htcdev.com/devcenter/downloads
  14. I had to go and search for myself just to make sure I didn't say anything stupid or n00bish, LOL.
  15. Definitely not new, I tried this years ago. I never really saw any difference when I did it.
  16. I just got my battery delivered as well. Free is so awesome.
  17. I really don't consider this a huge advantage for the simple reason that the type of person that is gonna complain about bloatware will more than likely root and remove said bloatware anyway. If there was no way to remove bloatware from lets say a gs3 or an evo lte then I can see the huge advantage. Also keep in mind that bloatware are apps/software that you absolutely have no use for but that in itself can differ from user to user so what is bloatware for you may not be bloatware for me.
  18. I just checked my order status and it said shipped but I don't have a tracking number yet though. I ordered through telesales without any issues at all.
  19. I do agree with the first part of your post, google got it a little wrong when it came to getting the nexus into peoples hands but I really don't think they were aiming for record sales with nexus devices anyway. Why would they push nexus devices when all these other devices are all running android in some form anyway, so its a win win for them. Also this large and loyal hardcore community you speak of pails in comparison to the overall population of your standard everyday consumers; not only that but not every hardcore user wants a pure android device, so at the end of the day the market for pure android devices is way to small. You have to cater to your main audience first, thats why these OEM's are putting so much work into custom feautures and custom UI's. When customers walk in, they see all the eye candy from touchwiz/sense...etc. then they look at the nexus and go "thats just too plain looking", not to mention less features out of the box and end up buying a gs3/onex/evo/iphone. I mean seriously, the one and only advantage of owning a nexus is timely updates but that same advantage is on the bottom of the priority list when it comes to the average person buying a phone.
  20. For the most part only an extremely small fraction of android users can come straight out and tell you what version of android they are using, so basically I agree with this statement. The average consumer really don't care, they just want it to work.
  21. themuffinman

    No 3g data?

    Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking when I said.
  22. themuffinman

    No 3g data?

    I am assuming you did a hard rest right? Well if you did, instead of going under settings to hard reset your phone go to the dial pad and type ##786#, I am not sure if it will ask for you msl or not(I don't think it will), hit menu then hit reset. This will hard reset your phone a little more thoroughly than just going through settings to do so. It may be a long shot but give it a try.
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