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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Well I have been on 25006 for a while now. EDIT: All three phones are on 25006
  2. So for the last 24 hours I haven't been able to connect to lte at all. Now I have my girls evo that is connected just fine to lte as well as my gnex that is also connected just fine but on my main evo absolutely will not connect. I have tried every single troubleshooting technique there is to try, is it safe to assume that the lte radio is defective? 3g is fine but no 4g at all.
  3. How about this, I will trade you an evo 3d I have laying around for your evo lte and all your issues will be resolved.
  4. themuffinman

    EVO LTE Heat

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I went to make a phone call on the gnex while running sensorly and when I put the phone to my face I was like "holy sh..!!!!!" I could not believe how hot the phone was, I ended up just pulling the battery and leaving it sit for a few.
  5. themuffinman

    EVO LTE Heat

    I play the hell out of dead trigger(using the tegra 3 graphics hack) on my evo as well and most of the time the phone is on the charger when I play and it doesn't get hot at all. Honestly as much as I used this phone for various things, I don't ever recall it getting to hot for comfort. Unfortunately I can't say the same for my gnex which seems to want to go nuclear every time I pick it up. That thing runs hot for just about any reason. Using navigation, my evo lte gets warm but never hot but I can't say the same for my gnex. Just today I was out with a few friends and I had the sensorly app running on both my gnex and evo and after about 30 minutes of use it seemed like I could fry an egg on my gnex but my evo was just slightly warm. For those that don't know, sensorly is an app that collects location data from its users to create a relatively accurate coverage map based on whatever connection you are on which in my case was lte. I have used it a few times and it updates the map with in a few hours, I think its pretty cool.
  6. To tell you the truth, there is nothing you can do so like AJ said, just wait it out. Calling won't get you lte service any faster, but sites are going live in a relatively fast pace and we have the information that shows that. The only thing thats guaranteed if you call sprint is added frustration on your part because you won't ever get the exact answers you are looking for, so yeah if you have a specific issue just post it here so one of the many s4gru guru's can answer your question for you.
  7. Oh I know AJ, its just that even though s4gru is doing one hell of a great job keeping people informed, it also reminds me of how frustrating it can be for those that don't know about us. Honestly, if I never knew anything about s4gru, I would have probably called sprint myself asking why service is so spotty, even though I am not the "average customer". But yeah, there are certain things members should not even be complaining about being that they have way more accurate information to go by compared to those that are not in the know.
  8. To us enthusiasts, which is a very small percentage of total subscribers, the only time we would make a call to sprint if its a specific issue that can only be fixed on their end but for general information we won't waste our time. Now I fully agree with what you just said but when it comes to the average customer, who else are they suppose to call if they have an issue?
  9. There use to be an app that once you set it up you can specify which app the user would have access to. If they try to access the app then it would ask for a pin. I can't for the life of me remember the name of it though but still if someone really wanted full access they will find a way to do so.
  10. There is more to a phone that just lte connectivity. If your number 1 priority is getting a reliable lte signal then I would say just get a gnex but other than that the evo lte is an awesome device. I highly doubt you would have any regrets if you bought one. From the beautiful display to how responsive the phone is(especially since the resent ota) you won't be disappointed, not to mention the excellent battery life, you really can't go wrong.
  11. That's the thing, task managers in general aren't necessary, Android OS takes care of it for you. Even though programs are showing in your memory doesn't mean that they are in use or even affecting battery life. Also keep in mind that there are alot of things that will affect battery life, it just depends on how you have your phone set up and how you actually use your phone.
  12. I use turn in radio a lot and haven't had any major issues that I can recall, as far as anyone else having similar issues with 4glte in atlanta, then this thread is the thread you need to read. I know its 24 pages long but its filled with different experiences from posters that are located in various ares in the atlanta market that should give you a better idea of whats going on.
  13. You just got the phone yesterday? Come on, give the phone a few days to get settled in, also advanced task killer is a joke.
  14. At this point I think its definitely a device issue. I carry two phones(evo & gnex) and I simply don't have any connectivity issues with my gnex period. Sprint would have a lot less complaints if the evo performed as well as my gnex when it comes to lte but like I said in other posts coverage seems to be expanding pretty quickly so that in itself should help with the complaints.
  15. I honestly don't even know what to think about this latest ota when it comes to lte connectivity. On the southside of atlanta I have been staying connecting in a lot more places but I think that has to do with expanded coverage more so than the ota. Now today me and my girl was near the varsity in atlanta and both evo's were on 3g while my gnex stayed connected to 4g no matter what. If I toggled both evo's they would then connect to lte and stay connected just fine until we went further north(on our way to IKEA) where there is no lte at all. Now generally I do notice since the ota that the phone does a better job reconnecting to lte but it still does a crappy job when the lte signal gets low compared to my gnex which basically stays connected until there is no lte at all. Also, when at home both evo's would randomly switch to 3g for no apparent reason then switch back to lte. Also, I ran some tests streaming the same youtube content on my gnex and evo as well as my girls evo and both evo's would still disconnect randomly and switch to 3g then back to 4g while my gnex would stream for hours uninterrupted on 4g, so there is definitely a lot more to be fixed than what the ota did so far.
  16. Yeah I heard that too, maybe it was something that was changed in the custom rom that I just flashed this morning. Well my girls evo is stock so I will check hers and see if it does the same thing or not.
  17. Well why cant you? When I hit the menu button on the homescreen the settings menu pops right up for me.
  18. I have heard so many people comment on the settings button on the notification drop down menu like its never been there before. That settings button been there since day one.
  19. Oh ok, yeah I am still running an older rom(i did flash the new radio though) so I haven't been able to test the new ota yet. My girl is running the new ota but we haven't gone anywhere to really compare both phones.
  20. Maybe its because this issue isn't as widespread as you may think. Now granted, I do experience sense reloads but not enough for me to complain about and it only really happens when whatever tasks I am doing requires quite a bit of ram. Now yes, me evo is rooted but my girls evo is fully stock and she doesn't experience it that often either and she is a very heavy user as well. So maybe you have very bad luck.
  21. A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing.
  22. This is already being discussed in the htc section: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1921-ota-for-evo-available/
  23. I am curious to hear what your response will be about the new ota that just came out.
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