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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I have no idea what sprint's policies are but it would seem that generally after the 14 day return period has passed then they won't allow you to simply just swap it out for a different device. It will probably take several exchanges of the same device in addition to the discretion of whatever manager on duty. So who knows, you might get lucky.
  2. Welcome to s4gru, this is a very good place to be.
  3. More people just need to use the app. Basically that solid line going down 75 south from midtown atlanta(a few mile past atlanta medical center) into morrow and jonesboro(hwy 19/41) is all me from last week. Before it was just spots here and there along the expressway.
  4. I was coming out of my statistics class when one of my best friends ran up to me and told me a plane crashed in to the tower. We ran down to the cafeteria area where there is a lounge. As we got there we saw what we thought was a reply but it was live video of the second plane being flown into the second tower. I get chills to this day thinking about it, so very sad. It was amazing how we all put our individual differences aside and came together as a nation in showing our support.
  5. Are you talking about lte performance? I will say this, my evo gets an higher average speed on lte the my gnex does but on the other hand my gnex basically stays connected to lte no matter what versus my evo dropping the connection once the lte signal gets relatively low.
  6. Interesting, but damn, all this back and forth lawsuit stuff is getting tiring.
  7. Oh I know. When it connected I went in to settings and checked to make sure.
  8. Yes the evo did have an lte connection issue but the latest OTA helped quite a bit. Its still not 100% but its a lot better than what it was.
  9. I can't speak for the gs3 but there is definitely a problem with the gnex connecting with data. When I am in st. thomas(and PR) if I reset both my evo and my gnex, my evo will connect to 3g right away but it would take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, if not longer, for my gnex to finally connect to 3g. There is definitely an issue specific to the gnex for sure(in the PR/VI market).
  10. Ok, I just came from xda and someone there was having the same exact issue as me. It turns out that the latest version of SwiftKey maybe causing it. I switched to another keyboard and the flickering stopped completely. Your issue is totally different but yeah it could be either software or hardware, kinda hard to tell.
  11. There have been reports of the screen flickering on evo lte's as well as one x's but I can't remember what causes it. On my first evo it really didn't do it but on the replacement I just got on friday its pretty bad. For the most part though, it only flickers when I am typing out a text message. I text quite a bit and it does it every single time I type a text message, so its very annoying to me. I may have to get this one swapped out for another one when I get a chance.
  12. Wait, did I see St. Thomas USVI on the list? LOL, yeah right.
  13. Coverage is definitely getting a lot better. Using the sensorly app so I can map 4g in my area, I drove from the morrow georgia area all the way to trader joe's in atlanta then back to jonesboro which was about 30 to 40 miles total and my gnex didn't lose 4g not one single time.
  14. Well I was in San Juan for a few hours on saturday for a connecting flight and my gnex and evo was on ev-do Rev A. My gnex did take about 10 minutes before it would connect to any data at all but the same thing happens when I am in St. thomas as well.
  15. Yeah, got my replacement hone today and it hardware version 003. It had the new ota already installed so no more s-off for me .
  16. As a corporation that needs subscribers to survive, what else are they suppose to say? I have been with sprint for over 10 years and I too know what it feels like to have my reliable services reduced to absolutely nothing over the last year and a half and when network vision went into full swing things had gotten even worse but now I can honestly say that within the last few months I have in fact seen a total 180 turn around with 3g and 4g data. I am in a first round market(atlanta) so I am seeing changes happen faster than you but the changes are coming, this is not wimax all over again. The purpose of this site is to simply better educate you as far as what is happening with sprint and network vision. If based on the information you find here you feel that sprint can no longer provide you what you need then simply go to another carrier that can. I was ready to jump ship myself until I came across this site, which gave me the answers that sprint couldn't and because of what I found on s4gru I decided to stay with sprint a little while longer.
  17. Yeah we just got a new OTA but I wanted to know what was on there when you took it out the box. I am going to pic up my replacement today and I am keeping my fingers crossed that by some miracle its on the older firmware so I can s-off it once I get it.
  18. Sounds like you would be better off with another phone, see if they will let you swap it out for a gs3. What you say you are experiencing is extremely uncommon for most other evo owners.
  19. Yeah, that's what I was thinking so I decided to go to a few different areas and it was still doing the same thing while the other two phones where just fine. Various locations didn't make much of a difference plus it was doing the same thing at the Sprint store as well.
  20. Ok, so I have a replacement evo coming in tomorrow but I got a question for you. My main evo has finally decided to connect to 4g once again but what I have been noticing more now is the fact that 3g and 4g has been bouncing all over the place and have been ridiculously inconsistent but in the mean time my girls evo and my gnex continues to work just perfectly. So my question is with all three phones currently being connected to the same tower, can a tower issue severely impact one phone while the other work just fine?
  21. As far as the VI market specifically I really don't know. As far as scheduling though the VI is on the same time table as PR but honestly I expect PR to get set up relatively quickly while the VI will lag behind as with everything else there.
  22. No luck with them handing me a new one but they did order one for me, hopefully its new and not refurbished. The guy said it will be there friday which it better be since I have a flight to catch first thing saturday morning.
  23. I also have a replacement coming on friday, so we will see.
  24. I am heading there in a few, but I am afraid that I will end up losing the ability to s-off in the foreseeable future if they hand me a new one.
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