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Everything posted by Mobilesolutions

  1. 5G (1.2-1.5)Gbps backhaul coming to a network near you. well, thats obviously not the case with this 4G backhaul.
  2. Signal check app is pretty handy for testing. [/url This is quite a ways beyond typical fringe signal range, however the SNR value is still quite high; comparatively.
  3. Before CDMA 800 (this is taken 1' behind my glass double-door, one of the only places in the house that gets signal) This is across the street next to my neighbors mailbox. Cellsite is about 3/4 of a mile from my home, albeit my neighborhood is filled with 40 + year old trees and old brick homes. The bedroom that gets signal connects to 1X only, here is a speedtest of that connection. I'm sure looking forward to being able to make calls from inside my home, the airave is often left off now. gps won't lock unless the beacon is outside, I am debating wireless bridging it to the attic. But would just prefer to wait on 800.
  4. Glad to see you survived, hadn't heard from you in quite some time! This tornado season has been a nightmare for the OKC area. Oklahoma will pull through, again.
  5. Someone got mad over a pie post 4G is gettin busy in NYC
  6. If only more wireless companies could help carry the capacity. ____ the official wireless offloading partner for (Insert Sprint market here) Someone has to compete against the Verizon+COX team-up.
  7. They should have a very easy to monitor usage system if they are going to charge you for any overage IMO.
  8. Depends on the small talk right? Someone asks how's the weather and that irritates me. Look outside!! Small talk about something interesting hey I can tolerate that
  9. I prefer unlimited but if you throttle I'd prefer its only to the very top. This way even if you are killing some growth you are leaving everybody else alone. When you try and shape data traffic too much everyone notices.
  10. Throttle the top 2% of data users and leave the rest alone.
  11. T-mobile with 51K cell sites and 600MHZ spectrum would/will be a monster competitor for Sprint. Competing with 37K is hard enough.
  12. Hopefully you made it through last nights tornado s, Were you able to take a picture of that tower?
  13. You made a lot of excellent points here. I wish AMD would get into the mobile world I would cry.
  14. Sometimes you may get moved channels, but most likely this will not happen unless a network is under an overhaul.
  15. Sprint owns enough 800 MHz in Oklahoma for CDMA advanced and LTE.
  16. We all know that this time next month NEXTEL will shut down the existing IDEN network. With this comes deployment of 1X advanced on the 800mhz band. Some areas may see this sooner than others and some are already seeing it. I want a before & after screenshot from either your 1X engineering screen or from the Signal check app. The screenshots have to be taken in nearly exact same location, so choose somewhere that matters to you. Hopefully this will be a good way to publicly measure the signal strength improvements over the coming months. Looking forward to more bars in more places :jester:
  17. Hang on a little longer Kevin, Sac town is going to see upgrades soon.
  18. I have a few solutions for cost effective WiFi offloading. I call it the internet box. Pennies on the dollar of existing cell networks. Also this does not mean I want to broadcast on 2.4 GHz out of a tower, that is senseless. Also free is not going to pay for the network, however the price point would be very disruptive given current options for reliable personal internet.
  19. Excellent, come join Robert, Aj, & myself down at the bar. In case you didn't see above I'm the DD.
  20. It has been Clear from the start. Sprint and soulmate Clearwire need to be left alone in the bedroom to conjure the TDD baby that will, combined with SMR and PCS lte position them a step ahead of the competition. If only Dish would quit the sad attempts to kindle a love that never existed and stop home wrecking.
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