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Everything posted by Mobilesolutions

  1. Try leaving it in a bag of rice for a few weeks. Took me 40 days to dry out my iPhone 4S after i went swimming with it. I was able to get it fully functioning except for a small water mark on the top right corner of the screen. My water indicators to this day are redddddddddd, but it works. Moms been using it for almost a year.
  2. The folks on the Howard forum are ludicrous, Sprint will be the king of national cellular providers one day. They have me on their side.
  3. It seems to me the current solution would be for Sprint to deploy Lte on 800 as quickly as possible. Then you would have coverage & a slight bolster to capacity depending on how much spectrum you deploy. Clearwire's spectrum will help with the outdoor capacity immensely if its put on every Sprint NV site. You take this network and go compete with Verizon as they transition to AWS which will add significant capacity for outdoor coverage. In many markets i could see Verizon struggling to provide AWS only devices with ubiquitous coverage; as their cell spacing is suited for a much lower frequency. AT&T has their upper band to pull from, T-mobile is still early on in deployment & lacks low band frequency.
  4. WWAN makes much more sense, given your Jedi master status. I'll be the alter-ending and refuse to become Darth Vader.
  5. No hack can speed up Sprint's 3G. 3200kbps is the full on theoretical max data rate over the channel. Hope that answers your question.
  6. Best yet this phone is definitely coming from a less prominent phone manufacturer (based on pictures/specs) than any of Sprint's current lineup. I say let it be the first tri-band; Sell it for 29$ subsidized, wholesale buy them for under $250, call it a $400 phone & make it the cheapest way to switch to Sprint and get a Tri-band device/network.
  7. I'll bring the tater salad! Now I see it was an invitation for Travis only
  8. The 71st st corridor from Yale to Lynn Lane is useless by mid day. Yes BA is pretty bad in general. One of the girlfriends friends just switched to Sprint from ATT, she thinks I'm the devil since I didn't tell her sprint is "awful" *Per Robert's request I'm definitely not the devil
  9. Yes, but you are making full judgement on a network that isn't even 1/2 completed. So now we question your intelligence. Obviously you don't try to race the corvette with missing tires.
  10. And still no wireless in Trinity California last time I hiked up there!
  11. just because there is a lot of purple does not mean you necessarily have a consistently usable airlink. You are standing at point "X", Point "X" is supposed to be served by serving cell "A" on tower "1" however tower "1" may likely not be broadcasting Lte yet. Your phone however detects serving cell "B" on tower "2" just a few more blocks down the road & establishes a connection. Thus you have an Lte connection, you may still even see reasonable performance depending on your real signal strength values; but this is not a completed project. Sprint's network vision isn't even half way completed yet ( in total ) and day to day network experience is going to change every day until the day the last update report comes in. Please stay advised, Roger Hopefully now you are seeing that Sprint is going to kick @$$.
  12. No that's not possible, all the antennas are housed in a single panel. It is entirely possible that your Lte signal is lagging behind your EVDO signal though as the airlink discrepancies between two are notable.
  13. I see no point in it, If i was T-mobile i would refarm HSPA spectrum for Lte here in about 2-3 years when HSPA phones are no longer sold and not required to be supported.
  14. That's speculation. And i would absolutely secure Clearwire before even thinking on to absorb T-mobile.
  15. That sounds like a word the general public would find acceptable for the actual real base station changes required for 800 Lte to broadcast out of the Sprint NV antenna panels. "A card" A for Advanced
  16. I have been seeing a whole lot of fiber flags along the roadways through Tulsa/BA this week
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