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Everything posted by Mobilesolutions

  1. Another thing to mention, often the only speed a customer is able to detect is latency from input, to site, to server, and back to user. My Evdo ping times range from 90-150 ms on Sprint and 70-120ms on my VZW lte iPad. Throughput is more of a secondary function. A function in which Sprint is better equipped to maintain a high speed lte environment than the duopolies.
  2. You fine fellas will be getting no DUI charges on my watch. Though you do know you're too intoxicated to drive when your sensorly tracks prove guilt. You do still have the right to remain silent however. And like I said earlier, I'll drive
  3. Okay fine let's go to a bar, Ill take a tall water and remain sober. Someone has to drive & I'd hate to see you're drunken sensorly tracks back home.
  4. Sprint legacy 3G is slow, 4G is not near complete. We all know the reasons for why this is the case. At the moment Verizon & At&t are faster yadda yadda. There is no denial here. Go to bed
  5. Id love to sit down and talk about some long term broadband solutions.
  6. I read this probably 4 months ago, need to add it to my signature. Very informative; as always. Thank you Travis.
  7. What happened at the Introvert party last weekend over on Cherry street? Nothing. In all seriousness I think i speak for most introverts when i say we enjoy human interaction, but please dear god do not try to make small talk with me.
  8. As far as radio performance is concerned the GNEX gets the doo doo poo poo award. Brother has one and it never holds a consistent connection.
  9. I'm soooo exiiiited....i just can't hiiide it. I'll stop singing on the phone forum
  10. If you have any idea where your nearest Sprint tower is i would suggest taking a look at the equipment on it and seeing if anything has been upgraded, though there is no guarentee when a site goes live after it has been upgraded as it may sit for months before fiber backhaul is connected. Typically 1 month after completion sites go live, some sooner some longer. This is what you are looking for - How to identify Ericsson RRUs/Antennas Becoming a sponsor will give you insight into every Sprint site location as well.
  11. Its detectable but not usable signal. They may have used a powered device such as a portable hotspot to create that strip, as they often have stronger radios than a typical smartphone. Edit, lilotimz may have hit the nail on the head as phones such as the GNEX cause sensorly poison.
  12. It's coming. I know Sprint is very slow right now. I think there is at least one site in Edmond that has received some network vision upgrades, though not broadcasting any LTE. We should be covered in the next 3-5 months.
  13. Yes, free trade, producing to comparative advantage, all good. All parts will be made overseas, but it is designed and built in the hands of USA workers. I think this is a huge step In the right direction considering it must have been a cost to benefit analysis checked move by Motorola in the first place. Id like to see others follow suit if the move bodes well for them.
  14. I'd rather see you chair the board of the FCC.
  15. perhaps it is the new combo carrier (softbank-sprint) "SPANK"
  16. Ehh, even if you're a little bit crazy we will still take ya Travis
  17. Aw lets not conform to our snail shell standards, i like to get out in the real world and be social-ish. Yes it does make total sense that a 4G forum draws in the nerds countrywide.
  18. I was at ttcu at 2:30, my pandora would not stream on that 81st street tower. I feel your pain.
  19. DISH should cut the crap,they cannot control sprint/clear. They may be able to lease a few mhz of spectrum.
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